


Details of the analytical methods are available at the following address of the Community Reference Laboratory: www.irmm.jrc.be/html/crlfaa/

Identification number of the additiveName of the holder of authorisationAdditive(trade name)Composition, chemical formula, description, analytical methodSpecies or category of animalMaximum ageMinimum contentMaximum contentOther provisionsEnd of period of authorisation
CFU/kg of complete feedingstuff with a moisture content of 12 %
Category of zootechnical additives. Functional group: gut flora stabilisers

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

CNCM I-1077

(Levucell SC20, Levucell SC10 ME)

  • Additive composition:

    • Solid form:

      Preparation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 of viable dried cells with a guaranteed minimal concentration of 2 × 1010 CFU/g

    • Coated form:

      Preparation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077 of viable dried cells with a guaranteed minimal concentration of 1 × 1010 CFU/g

  • Characterisation of the active substance:

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-1077: 80 % of viable dried cells and 14 % of not viable cells

  • Analytical method a

    Pour plate method and molecular identification (PCR)

Dairy goats5 × 1083 × 109

1. In the directions for use of the additive and premixtures, indicate the storage temperature, storage life, and stability to pelleting.

2. In complementary feedingstuffs, do not exceed 50 °C with Levucell SC20 and 80 °C with Levucell SC10ME.

3. Coated form, only for inclusion through a pelleted feed.

4. Recommended dose for dairy goats and dairy sheep: 4 × 109 CFU/head/day.

5. If the product is handled or mixed in a confined atmosphere, it is recommended to use safety glasses and masks for mixing if the mixers are not equipped with exhaust systems.

22 March 2017
Dairy sheep1,2 × 1091,2 × 109