Commission Regulation (EC) No 311/2007Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 311/2007 of 19 March 2007 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 laying down the procedure for implementing Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community

3.Annex 3 is amended as follows:


Section ‘C. DENMARK’ is amended as follows:

Point II is replaced by the following:


(a) Sickness and maternity:
(i)for the purposes of applying Articles 19a, 20, 21 and 31 of the implementing Regulation:
The competent region;
(ii)for the purposes of applying Article 24 of the implementing Regulation:
Local authority of the commune in which the beneficiary is staying;
(b) Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
(i)for the purposes of applying Chapter 4 of Title IV, except for Article 64, of the implementing Regulation:
Arbejdsskadestyrelsen (National Office for Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases), København;
(ii)for the purposes of applying Article 64 of the implementing Regulation:
Local Authority of the commune in which the beneficiary is staying;
(c) unemployment:
(i)for the purposes of applying Chapter 6 of Title VI, except for Article 83, of the implementing Regulation:
the competent unemployment fund;
(ii)for the purposes of applying Article 83 of the implementing Regulation:
the State Job Centre situated in the municipality in which the beneficiary is staying.

Section ‘I. IRELAND’ is amended as follows:

Point 1 is replaced by the following:

1. Benefits in kind:
  • Health Service Executive Dublin-Mid Leinster, Tullamore, County Offaly,

  • Health Service Executive Dublin-North East, Kells, County Meath,

  • Health Service Executive South, Cork,

  • Health Service Executive West, Galway.


Section ‘J. ITALY’ is amended as follows:

Point 3B is replaced by the following:

B. Self-employed persons:
(a)for medical practitioners:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza medici (National Welfare and Assistance Office for Medical Practitioners);
(b)for pharmacists:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza farmacisti (National Welfare and Assistance Office for Pharmacists);
(c)for veterinarians:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza veterinari (National Welfare and Assistance Office for Veterinarians);
(d)for nurses, medical auxiliaries and children’s nurses:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza della professione infermieristica (ENPAPI) (National Welfare and Assistance Office for members of the caring profession);
(e)for engineers and architects:
Cassa nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza per gli ingegneri ed architetti liberi professionisti (National Welfare Fund for Engineers and Architects);
(f)for surveyors:
Cassa italiana di previdenza dei geometri liberi professionisti (National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Surveyors);
(g)for solicitors and barristers:
Cassa nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza forense (National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Solicitors and Barristers);
(h)for economists:
Cassa nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza a favore dei dottori commercialisti (National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Economists);
(i)for accountants:
Cassa nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza a favore dei ragionieri e periti commerciali (National Welfare and Assistance Fund for Accountants);
(j)for employment experts:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza dei consulenti del lavoro (National Welfare and Assistance Office for Employment Experts);
(k)for notaries:
Cassa nazionale notariato (National Fund for Notaries);
(l)for customs agents:
Fondo nazionale di previdenza per gli impiegati delle imprese di spedizione e delle agenzia (FASC) (Welfare Fund for Customs Agents);
(m)for biologists:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza a favore dei biologi;
(n)for agricultural technicians and scientists:
Ente nazionale di previdenza per gli addetti e per gli impiegati in agricoltura;
(o)for sales representatives:
Ente nazionale di assistenza per gli agenti e rappresentanti di commercio;
(p)for industrial technicians:
Ente nazionale di previdenza dei periti industriali;
(q)for actuaries, chemists, agronomists, foresters and geologists:
Ente nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza pluricategoriale degli agronomi e forestali, degli attuari, dei chimici e dei geologi;
(r)for psychologists:
Ente Nazionale di previdenza ed assistenza per gli psicologi (National Welfare and Assistance Office for Psychologists);
(s)for journalists:
Istituto Nazionale di previdenza dei giornalisti italiani (National Welfare Institute for Italian Journalists);
(t)for self-employed workers in agriculture, handicraft and trade:
Istituto Nazionale della previdenza sociale — sedi provinciali (National social security institute, INPS — provincial offices).

Section ‘S. POLAND’ is amended as follows:


point 2 (a) is replaced by the following:

(a)for persons who have been recently employed or self-employed excluding self-employed farmers and for professional soldiers and officers who have completed periods of service other than mentioned in subpoints (c), (d) and (e):
1.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) — Branch Office in Łódź — for persons who have completed Polish and foreign periods of insurance, including periods completed lately in Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Cyprus or Malta;
2.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) — Branch Office in Nowy Sącz — for persons who have completed Polish and foreign periods of insurance, including periods completed lately in: Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia or Slovenia;
3.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) — Branch Office in Opole — for persons who have completed Polish and foreign periods of insurance, including periods completed lately in Germany;
4.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) — Branch Office in Szczecin — for persons who have completed Polish and foreign periods of insurance, including periods completed lately in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia;
5.Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) — I Oddział w Warszawie — Centralne Biuro Obsługi Umów Międzynarodowych (I Branch in Warsaw — Central Bureau for International Agreements) — for persons who have completed Polish and foreign periods of insurance, including periods completed lately in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Ireland or the United Kingdom.

point 3 is replaced by the following:

3. Accidents at work and occupational diseases:
(a)benefits in kind:
Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia — Oddział Wojewódzki (National Health Fund — Regional Branch) of the region where the person concerned resides or stays;
(b) cash benefits:
(i)in case of sickness:
  • filed offices of Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS) with territorial jurisdiction over the place of residence or stay,

  • regional branches of Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund — KRUS) with territorial jurisdiction over the place of residence or stay;

(ii) disability or death of main wage earner:
for persons who have been recently employed or self-employed (excluding self-employed farmers):
units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in point 2(a),
for persons who have been recently self-employed farmers:
units of Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego) listed in point 2(b),
for professional soldiers in the case of Polish periods of military service, if the last period has been the period of mentioned service and foreign periods of insurance:
Wojskowe Biuro Emerytalne w Warszawie (Military Pension Office in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(3)(b)(ii) third indent,
for officers, mentioned in point 2(d), in the case of Polish periods of service, if the last period has been the period of service in one of the formations listed in point 2(d) and foreign periods of insurance:
Zakład Emerytalno-Rentowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji w Warszawie (Pension Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(3)(b)(ii) fourth indent,
for Prison Guard officers, in the case of Polish periods of service, if the last period has been the period of mentioned service and foreign periods of insurance:
Biuro Emerytalne Służby Więziennej w Warszawie (Pension Office of Prison Service in Warsaw), if it is the competent institution mentioned in Annex 2(3)(b)(ii) fifth indent,
for judges and prosecutors:
specialised entities of the Ministry of Justice,
for persons who have completed exclusively foreign periods of insurance:
units of Social Insurance Institution (Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych) listed in point 2(g).

Section ‘Y. UNITED KINGDOM’ is amended as follows:

Point 3 is replaced by the following:

3. Family benefits:
For the purposes of applying Articles 73 and 74 of the Regulation:
Great Britain:

HM Revenue and Customs, Child Benefit Office, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE88 1AA,

HM Revenue and Customs, Tax Credits Office, Preston, PR1 0SB.

Northern Ireland:

HM Revenue and Customs, Child Benefit Office (NI), Windsor House, 9-15 Bedford Street, Belfast, BT2 7UW,

HM Revenue and Customs, Tax Credit Office (Belfast), Dorchester House, 52-58 Great Victoria Street, Belfast, BT2 7WF.

Department of Social Services, 23 Mackintosh Square, Gibraltar.