4.Annex 4 is amended as follows:

  1. (a)

    Section ‘C. DENMARK’ is amended as follows:

    1. (i)

      Point 1 is replaced by the following:



      Sickness, maternity and birth benefits in kind:

      Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Health), København;


      Sickness benefits in cash:

      Arbejdsdirektoratet (National Directorate of Labour), København;


      Maternity and birth benefits in cash:

      Ministeriet for Familie- og Forbrugeranliggender (Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs), København.

    2. (ii)

      Point 3 is replaced by the following:


      Rehabilitation benefits:

      Arbejdsdirektoratet (National Directorate of Labour), København.

    3. (iii)

      Point 7 is replaced by the following:


      Pensions under “loven om Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægspension (ATP)” (law on supplementary pensions for employed persons):

      Arbejdsmarkedets Tillægs Pension, ATP, (Supplementary Pensions Office for Employed Persons), Hillerød.

  2. (b)

    Section ‘I. IRELAND’ is amended as follows:

    Point 1 is replaced by the following:


    Benefits in kind:

    Health Service Executive, Naas, Co. Kildare.

  3. (c)

    Section ‘S. POLAND’ is amended as follows:

    Point 2 is replaced by the following:

    2. Cash benefits:


    for sickness, maternity, disability, old-age, death, accidents at work and occupational diseases:

    • Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych — Centrala (Social Insurance Institution — ZUS-Main Headquarters), Warszawa,

    • Kasa Rolniczego Ubezpieczenia Społecznego — Centrala (Agricultural Social Insurance Fund — KRUS-Main Headquarters), Warszawa,

    • Zakład Emerytalno-Rentowy Ministerstwa Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji (Pension Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration), Warszawa;


    for unemployment:

    Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy), Warszawa;


    for family benefits and other non-contributory benefits:

    Ministerstwo Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Ministry of Labour and Social Policy), Warszawa.

  4. (d)

    Section ‘Y. UNITED KINGDOM’ is replaced by the following:


    Great Britain:


    contributions and benefits in kind for posted workers:

    HM Revenue and Customs, Centre for Non-Residents, Benton Park View, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1ZZ;


    all other questions:

    Department of Work and Pensions, The Pension Service, International Pension Centre, Tyneview Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1BA.

    Northern Ireland:


    contributions and benefits in kind for posted workers:

    HM Revenue and Customs, Centre for Non-Residents, Benton Park View, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1ZZ;


    all other questions:

    Department for Social Development, Social Security Agency, Network Support Branch, Overseas Benefits Unit, Level 2, James House, 2 — 4 Cromac Street, Belfast, BT7 2JA.


    Department of Work and Pensions, The Pension Service, International Pension Centre, Tyneview Park, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE98 1BA.