

CHAPTER 1Approval of breeding establishments

In order to be granted approval as provided for in Article 4, a breeding establishment shall comply with the conditions set out in this Chapter:


The breeding establishment must be clearly demarcated and separated from its surroundings or the animals confined and located so as not to pose a health risk to animal holdings whose health status might be jeopardised.


It must have adequate means for catching, confining and isolating animals and have available adequate approved quarantine facilities and approved procedures for animals coming from establishments that have not been approved.


The person responsible for the breeding establishment must have adequate experience in the breeding of birds.


The breeding establishment must be free of avian influenza, Newcastle disease and Chlamydophyla psittaci; in order for it to be declared free from those diseases, the competent authority shall assess the records on the animal health status kept for at least the previous three years before the date of the application for approval and the results of the clinical and laboratory tests carried out on the animals therein. However, new breeding establishments shall only be approved on the results of the clinical and laboratory tests carried out on the animals in such establishments.


It must keep up-to-date records indicating:


the number and identity (age, sex, species and individual identification number where practical) of the animals of each species present in the breeding establishment;


the number and identity (age, sex, species and individual identification number where practical) of animals arriving in the breeding establishment or leaving it, together with information on their origin or destination, the transport from or to the breeding establishment and the animals health status;


the results of blood tests or any other diagnostic procedures;


cases of disease and, where appropriate, the treatment administered;


the results of the post-mortem examinations on animals that have died in the breeding establishment, including still-born animals;


observations made during any isolation or quarantine period.


The breeding establishment must either have an arrangement with a competent laboratory to perform post-mortem examinations, or have one or more appropriate premises where such examinations may be performed by a competent person under the authority of the approved veterinarian.


The breeding establishment must either have suitable arrangements or on-site facilities for the appropriate disposal of the bodies of animals which die of a disease or are euthanised.


The breeding establishment must secure, by contract or legal instrument, the services of a veterinarian approved by and under the control of the competent authority of the exporting third country, who:


shall ensure that appropriate disease surveillance and control measures in relation to the disease situation of the country concerned are approved by the competent authority and applied in the breeding establishment. Such measures shall include:


an annual disease surveillance plan including appropriate zoonoses control of the animals;


clinical, laboratory and post-mortem testing of animals suspected to be affected by transmissible diseases;


vaccination of susceptible animals against infectious diseases as appropriate, in conformity with the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE);


shall ensure that any suspect deaths or the presence of any other symptoms suggesting that animals have contracted avian influenza, Newcastle disease or Chlamydophyla psittaci is notified without delay to the competent authority of the third country;


shall ensure that animals entering the breeding establishment have been isolated as necessary, and in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation and the instructions, if any, given by the competent authority;


shall be responsible for the day to day compliance with the animal health requirements of this Regulation and of Community legislation on welfare of animals during transport;


If the breeding establishment breeds animals intended for laboratories carrying out experiments, the general care and accommodation of such animals must be in conformity with the requirements of Article 5 of Council Directive 86/609/EEC(1).

CHAPTER 2Maintaining the approval of breeding establishments

Breeding establishment shall only remain approved as such if they comply with the conditions set out in this Chapter:


The premises are under the control of an official veterinarian from the competent authority, who shall:


ensure that the conditions set out in this Regulation are met;


visit the premises of the breeding establishment at least once per year;


audit the activity of the approved veterinarian and the implementation of the annual disease surveillance plan;


verify that the results of the clinical, post-mortem and laboratory tests on the animals have revealed no occurrence of avian influenza, Newcastle disease or Chlamydophyla psittaci.


Only animals coming from another approved breeding establishment are introduced into the breeding establishment, in accordance with the conditions set out in this Regulation.


The breeding establishment shall keep the records referred to in point 5 of Chapter 1 following the date of approval, for a period of at least 10 years.

CHAPTER 3Quarantine of birds introduced from other sources than approved breeding establishments

By way of derogation from point 2 of Chapter 2, birds introduced from sources other than approved breeding establishments, may be introduced in a breeding establishment after approval for such an introduction is given by the competent authority, provided that such animals undergo quarantine in accordance with the instructions given by the competent authority before being added to the collection. The quarantine period must be at least 30 days.

CHAPTER 4Suspending, withdrawing or re-granting approval of breeding establishments

The procedures for partly or completely suspending, withdrawing or re-granting approval of breeding establishments shall comply with the conditions set out in this Chapter:


Where the competent authority finds that a breeding establishment no longer complies with the conditions set out in Chapters 1 and 2, or there has been a change of use so that it is no longer used exclusively for the breeding of birds, it shall suspend or withdraw the approval of such establishment.


Where the competent authority has received notification of the suspicion of avian influenza, Newcastle disease or Chlamydophyla psittaci, it shall suspend the approval of the breeding establishment, until the suspicion has been officially ruled out. It shall ensure that the measures necessary to confirm or rule out the suspicion and to avoid any spread of disease are taken, in accordance with the requirements of Community legislation governing measures to be taken against the disease in question and on trade in animals.


Where the suspected disease is confirmed, the competent authority may only approve the breeding establishment again in accordance with Chapter 1 following:


the eradication of the disease and the source of infection in the breeding establishment;


the suitable cleaning and disinfection of the breeding establishment;


the fulfilling of the conditions laid down in Chapter 1 of this Annex, with the exception of point 4.


The competent authority shall immediately inform the Commission of the suspension, withdrawal or re-granting of approval of any breeding establishment.


OJ L 358, 18.12.1986, p. 1. Directive as last amended by Directive 2003/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 230, 16.9.2003, p. 32).