Article 12U.K.Examination, sampling and testing to be carried out in relation to a consignment during quarantine

1.The examination, sampling and testing procedures for avian influenza and Newcastle disease, set out in Annex VI, shall be carried out following the arrival of the birds in quarantine.

2.When sentinel birds are used a minimum of 10 sentinel birds shall be used in the approved quarantine facility or in each unit of the approved quarantine centre.

3.Sentinel birds used for examination, sampling and testing procedures shall be:

(a)at least three weeks old and used only once for those purposes;

(b)leg-banded for identification purposes or identified with another non-removable identification;

(c)unvaccinated and have been found sero-negative for avian influenza and Newcastle Disease within a period of 14 days before the date of commencement of quarantine;

(d)placed in the approved quarantine facility or in a unit of the approved quarantine centre before the arrival of the birds in the common airspace and as close as possible to the birds in such a way that close contact between the sentinel birds and the excrements of the birds in quarantine is ensured.