Tariff quotas opened pursuant to Decisions 2001/404/EC and 2006/398/EC for imports of garlic falling within CN code 0703 20 00

OriginOrder numberQuota (tonnes)
First subperiod(June to August)Second subperiod(September to November)Third subperiod(December to February)Fourth subperiod(March to May) Total
Argentina 19 147
Traditional importers09.41049 5903 813
New importers09.40994 1101 634
Total 13 700 5 447
China 33 700
Traditional importers09.41056 1086 1085 6885 688
New importers09.41002 6172 6172 4372 437
Total 8 725 8 725 8 125 8 125
Other third countries 6 023
Traditional importers09.41069411 960929386
New importers09.4102403840398166
Total 1 344 2 800 1 327 552
Total 10 069 11 525 23 152 14 124 58 870