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The list that follows is a partial list of stocks that needs to be reported in accordance with Article 42(2).
ANG/N3NO Lophius americanusAmerican angler
CAA/N3LMN Anarhichas lupusAtlantic wolffish
CAP/N3LM Mallotus villosusCapelin
CAT/N3LMN Anarhichas spp.Catfishes (Wolffishes) nei
HAD/N3LNO Melanogrammus aeglefinusHaddock
HAL/N23KL Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HAL/N3M Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HAL/N3NO Hippoglossus hippoglossusAtlantic halibut
HER/N3L Clupea harengusHerring
HKR/N2J3KL Urophycis chussRed hake
HKR/N3MNO Urophycis chussRed hake
HKS/N3NLMO Merlucius bilinearisSilver hake
RNG/N23 Coryphaenoides rupestrisRoundnose grenadier
HKW/N2J3KL Urophycis tenuisWhite hake
POK/N3O Pollachius virensPollock (=Saithe)
RHG/N23 Macrourus berglaxRoughhead grenadier
SKA/N2J3KL Raja spp.Skates
SKA/N3M Raja spp.Skates
SQI/N56 Illex illecebrosusShort fin squid
VFF/N3LMNFishes unsorted, unidentified
WIT/N3M Glyptocephalus cynoglossusWitch flounder
YEL/N3M Limanda ferrugineaYellow tail flounder