‘IFRIC 10 | IFRIC Interpretation 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment’ |
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IFRIC INTERPRETATION 10Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment
IAS 34 Interim financial reporting
IAS 36 Impairment of assets
IAS 39 Financial instruments: recognition and measurement
1.An entity is required to assess goodwill for impairment at every reporting date, to assess investments in equity instruments and in financial assets carried at cost for impairment at every balance sheet date and, if required, to recognise an impairment loss at that date in accordance with IAS 36 and IAS 39. However, at a subsequent reporting or balance sheet date, conditions may have so changed that the impairment loss would have been reduced or avoided had the impairment assessment been made only at that date. This Interpretation provides guidance on whether such impairment losses should ever be reversed.
2.The Interpretation addresses the interaction between the requirements of IAS 34 and the recognition of impairment losses on goodwill in IAS 36 and certain financial assets in IAS 39, and the effect of that interaction on subsequent interim and annual financial statements.
3.IAS 34 paragraph 28 requires an entity to apply the same accounting policies in its interim financial statements as are applied in its annual financial statements. It also states that ‘the frequency of an entity’s reporting (annual, half yearly, or quarterly) shall not affect the measurement of its annual results. To achieve that objective, measurements for interim reporting purposes shall be made on a year-to-date basis’.
4.IAS 36 paragraph 124 states that ‘An impairment loss recognised for goodwill shall not be reversed in a subsequent period’.
5.IAS 39 paragraph 69 states that ‘Impairment losses recognised in profit or loss for an investment in an equity instrument classified as available for sale shall not be reversed through profit or loss’.
6.IAS 39 paragraph 66 requires that impairment losses for financial assets carried at cost (such as an impairment loss on an unquoted equity instrument that is not carried at fair value because its fair value cannot be reliably measured) should not be reversed.
7.The Interpretation addresses the following issue:
Should an entity reverse impairment losses recognised in an interim period on goodwill and investments in equity instruments and in financial assets carried at cost if a loss would not have been recognised, or a smaller loss would have been recognised, had an impairment assessment been made only at a subsequent balance sheet date?