Article 15Evaluation


The Commission and the EIB shall regularly evaluate the results of the implementation of geographical and thematic policies and programmes and of sectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming on the eradication of poverty, where appropriate by means of independent external evaluations, in order to ascertain whether the objectives have been met and to enable it to formulate recommendations with a view to improving future operations. Particular attention shall be given to ensuring coherence of Community development policy and progress made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.


These evaluations shall be conducted in association with the partner country or region and in coordination with the Member States locally represented. Other interested Member States and, where relevant, also other donors will be involved. The Commission shall strive to implement the aid effectiveness recommendations on joint evaluations.


The Commission shall send its country and regional evaluation reports to the Council, the EDF Committee and the EIB for information. In accordance with Article 11(4), Member States may at any moment request a discussion of specific evaluations in the EDF Committee. The results shall feed back into programme design and resource allocation, donor coordination and aid effectiveness.


The Commission shall associate relevant stakeholders, including non-State actors, in the evaluation phase of the Community assistance provided.