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  1. Introductory Text



      1. CHAPTER I Subject matter and principles

        1. Article 1.Subject matter

        2. Article 2.Definitions

        3. Article 3.Principles of assistance

        4. Article 4.Priorities for assistance

      2. CHAPTER II General framework for implementation

        1. Article 5.Multi-annual indicative planning documents

        2. Article 6.Multi-annual or annual programmes

        3. Article 7.Framework agreements and sectoral agreements

        4. Article 8.Financing decisions and agreements


      1. CHAPTER I Principles

        1. Article 9.Coherence of implementation of assistance

        2. Article 10.General principles for implementation of assistance

      2. CHAPTER II Management and control systems

        1. Section 1 Decentralised management

          1. Sub-section 1 Accreditation and conferral of management powers

            1. Article 11.Common requirements

            2. Article 12.Accreditation of the national authorising officer and the national fund

            3. Article 13.Accreditation of the operating structure

            4. Article 14.Conferral of management powers by the Commission

            5. Article 15.Withdrawal or suspension of the accreditation of the national authorising officer and the national fund

            6. Article 16.Withdrawal or suspension of the accreditation of the operating structures

            7. Article 17.Withdrawal or suspension of conferral of management powers

            8. Article 18.Decentralisation without ex ante controls by the Commission

            9. Article 19.Anti-fraud measures

            10. Article 20.Audit trail

          2. Sub-section 2 Structures and authorities

            1. Article 21.Designation

            2. Article 22.Functions and responsibilities of the national IPA coordinator

            3. Article 23.Functions and responsibilities of the strategic coordinator

            4. Article 24.Responsibilities of the competent accrediting officer

            5. Article 25.Functions and responsibilities of the national authorising officer

            6. Article 26.The national fund

            7. Article 27.Statement of assurance by the national authorising officer

            8. Article 28.Functions and responsibilities of the operating structure

            9. Article 29.Functions and responsibilities of the audit authority

            10. Article 30.Follow-up of the audit authority reports

            11. Article 31. Specific bodies

        2. Section 2 Other forms of management

          1. Article 32.Structures and authorities for centralised or joint management

          2. Article 33.Structures and authorities for shared management

      3. CHAPTER III Financial contribution by the European Community

        1. Article 34.Eligibility of expenditure

        2. Article 35.Treatment of receipts

        3. Article 36. Property of interests

        4. Article 37.Community financing

        5. Article 38.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

      4. CHAPTER IV Financial management

        1. Section 1 Budgetary commitments

          1. Article 39.Principles

        2. Section 2 Rules for decentralised management

          1. Article 40.Payments

          2. Article 41.Acceptability of applications for payment

          3. Article 42.Pre-financing

          4. Article 43.Interim payments

          5. Article 44.Calculation of payments

          6. Article 45.Payment of the final balance

          7. Article 46.Suspension of payments

          8. Article 47.Closure of a programme

          9. Article 48.Retention of documents

          10. Article 49.Financial corrections

          11. Article 50.Financial adjustments

          12. Article 51.Criteria for financial corrections

          13. Article 52.Procedure for financial correction

          14. Article 53.Repayment

          15. Article 54.Re-use of Community contribution

        3. Section 3 Rules for centralised and joint management

          1. Article 55.Payments

          2. Article 56.Closure of a programme

      5. CHAPTER V Evaluation and monitoring

        1. Article 57.Evaluation

        2. Article 58.Monitoring in the case of decentralised management

        3. Article 59.Sectoral monitoring committees in the case of decentralised management

        4. Article 60. Monitoring in the case of centralised and joint management

        5. Article 61.Annual and final reports on implementation

      6. CHAPTER VI Publicity, visibility

        1. Article 62.Information and publicity

        2. Article 63.Visibility



      1. CHAPTER I Object of assistance and eligibility

        1. Article 64.Areas of assistance

        2. Article 65.Forms of assistance

        3. Article 66.Eligibility of expenditure

        4. Article 67.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

      2. CHAPTER II Programming

        1. Article 68.Programming framework

        2. Article 69.National programmes

        3. Article 70.Participation in Community programmes within national programmes

        4. Article 71.Participation in Community agencies within national programmes

        5. Article 72.Regional and horizontal programmes

      3. CHAPTER III Implementation

        1. Section 1 Framework for implementation and principles

          1. Article 73.General principles

          2. Article 74.Structure and authorities in the event of centralised and joint management

          3. Article 75.Structure and authorities in the event of decentralised management

          4. Article 76.Accreditation of the operating structure and conferral of management powers

          5. Article 77.Implementation principles in the event of twinning projects

          6. Article 78. Implementation principles in the event of participation in Community programmes and agencies

        2. Section 2 Financial management

          1. Article 79.Payments under decentralised management

          2. Article 80.Retention of documents

          3. Article 81.Property of interest

        3. Section 3 Evaluation and monitoring

          1. Article 82. Evaluation

          2. Article 83.Monitoring

          3. Article 84.Sectoral annual and final reports on implementation


      1. CHAPTER I Object of assistance and eligibility

        1. Article 85.Additional definitions for the cross-border cooperation component

        2. Article 86.Areas and forms of assistance

        3. Article 87.Partnership

        4. Article 88.Territorial eligibility

        5. Article 89.Eligibility of expenditure

        6. Article 90.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

      2. CHAPTER II Programming

        1. Section 1 Programmes

          1. Article 91.Preparation and approval of cross-border programmes

          2. Article 92.Financing agreements

          3. Article 93.Revision of cross-border programmes

          4. Article 94.Content of cross-border programmes

        2. Section 2 Operations

          1. Article 95.Selection of operations

          2. Article 96. Responsibilities of the lead beneficiary and the other final beneficiaries

          3. Article 97.Special conditions governing the location of operations

      3. CHAPTER III Implementation

        1. Section 1 General provisions

          1. Article 98.Implementing modalities

          2. Article 99.Transitional arrangements

          3. Article 100.Termination of transitional arrangements

        2. Section 2 Cross-border programmes between beneficiary countries and Member States

          1. Sub-section 1 Management and control systems

            1. Article 101.General principles

            2. Article 102.Designation of authorities

            3. Article 103.Functions of the managing authority

            4. Article 104.Functions of the certifying authority

            5. Article 105.Functions of the audit authority

            6. Article 106.Audit trail

            7. Article 107.Audits of operations

            8. Article 108.Control system

          2. Sub-section 2 Evaluation and monitoring

            1. Article 109.Evaluation

            2. Article 110.Joint monitoring committee

            3. Article 111.Arrangements for monitoring

            4. Article 112.Annual report and final report on implementation

            5. Article 113.Annual examination of programmes

          3. Sub-section 3 Responsibility of participating countries and of the Commission

            1. Article 114.Management and control

            2. Article 115.Description of management and control systems

            3. Article 116.Assessment of management and control systems

            4. Article 117.Requirements at change over from transitional arrangements

            5. Article 118.Conclusion and communication of arrangements between participating countries

            6. Article 119.Responsibilities of the Commission

            7. Article 120.Cooperation with the audit authorities

            8. Article 121.Procurement

          4. Sub-section 4 Financial management

            1. Article 122.Common rules for payments

            2. Article 123.Common rules for calculating interim payments and payments of the final balance

            3. Article 124.Statement of expenditure

            4. Article 125.Accumulation of pre-financing and of interim payments

            5. Article 126. Wholeness of payment to final beneficiaries

            6. Article 127.Use of the euro

            7. Article 128.Pre-financing

            8. Article 129.Interest

            9. Article 130.Clearance

            10. Article 131.Acceptability of applications for interim payments

            11. Article 132.Date of presentation of applications for interim payment and payment delays

            12. Article 133.Conditions for the payment of the final balance

            13. Article 134.Availability of documents

            14. Article 135.Interruption of the payment deadline

            15. Article 136.Suspension of payments

            16. Article 137.Automatic de-commitment

            17. Article 138.Financial corrections and irregularities

        3. Section 3 Cross-border programmes among beneficiary countries

          1. Sub-section 1 Management and control systems

            1. Article 139.Structures and authorities

            2. Article 140.Role of the Commission in the selection of operations

          2. Sub-section 2 Evaluation and monitoring

            1. Article 141.Evaluation

            2. Article 142.Joint monitoring committee

            3. Article 143.Shared tasks of the operating structures and the joint monitoring committee

            4. Article 144.Annual report and final report on implementation

          3. Sub-section 3 Financial management

            1. Article 145.Grants

            2. Article 146.Applicable rules


      1. CHAPTER I Object of assistance and eligibility

        1. Section 1 Regional development component

          1. Article 147.Areas and forms of assistance

          2. Article 148.Eligibility of expenditure

          3. Article 149.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

          4. Article 150.Revenue-generating projects

        2. Section 2 Human resources development component

          1. Article 151.Areas and forms of assistance

          2. Article 152.Eligibility of expenditure

          3. Article 153.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

      2. CHAPTER II Programming

        1. Article 154.Strategic coherence framework

        2. Article 155.Operational programmes

        3. Article 156.Revision of operational programmes

        4. Article 157.Major projects under the regional development component

      3. CHAPTER III Implementation

        1. Section 1 General rules

          1. Article 158.Selection of operations

          2. Article 159.Financial engineering instruments

          3. Article 159a. Contribution to a Union trust fund for external action

        2. Section 2 Financial management

          1. Article 160.Payments

          2. Article 161.Acceptability of applications for payment

          3. Article 162.Deadlines for payments

          4. Article 163.Suspension of payments

          5. Article 164.Closure of a programme

          6. Article 165.Re-use of Community contribution

        3. Section 3 Evaluation and monitoring

          1. Article 166.Evaluation

          2. Article 167.Sectoral monitoring committee

          3. Article 168.Arrangements for monitoring

          4. Article 169.Sectoral annual and final reports on implementation


      1. CHAPTER I Object of assistance and eligibility

        1. Section 1 Object of assistance

          1. Article 170.Additional definitions for the rural development component

          2. Article 171.Areas and forms of assistance

        2. Section 2 General requirements on eligibility and aid intensities

          1. Article 172.Eligibility of expenditure

          2. Article 173.Aid intensities and rate of Community contribution

        3. Section 3 Eligibility and specific requirements for assistance under Priority Axis 1

          1. Article 174.Investments in agricultural holdings

          2. Article 175.Support for the setting-up of producer groups

          3. Article 176.Investments in processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products

        4. Section 4 Eligibility and specific requirements under Priority Axis 2

          1. Article 177.Preparation for implementation of actions relating to environment and the countryside

          2. Article 178.Preparation and implementation of local rural development strategies

        5. Section 5 Eligibility and specific requirements under Priority Axis 3

          1. Article 179.Improvement and development of rural infrastructure

          2. Article 180.Diversification and development of rural economic activities

          3. Article 181.Improvement of training

        6. Section 6 Technical assistance

          1. Article 182.Scope and implementation

          2. Article 183.European Network for Rural Development

      2. CHAPTER II Programming

        1. Article 184.Programmes

        2. Article 185.Adoption and amendments of programmes

      3. CHAPTER III Implementation

        1. Section 1 Principles and financial management

          1. Article 186.Implementing principles

          2. Article 187.Calculation of payments

          3. Article 188.Pre-financing

          4. Article 189.Clearance of accounts

          5. Article 190.Criteria for financial corrections

        2. Section 2 Evaluation and monitoring

          1. Article 191. Ex ante, interim and ex post evaluations

          2. Article 192.Sectoral monitoring committee

          3. Article 193.Sectoral annual reports

          4. Article 194.Further provisions for monitoring and reporting


    1. Article 195.Entry into force

  5. Signature

    1. ANNEX


      1. 1. Control environment (establishment and management of the organisation and the...

      2. 2. Planning/risk management (planning of interventions)

      3. 3. Control activities (implementation of interventions)

      4. 4. Monitoring activities (supervision of interventions)

      5. 5. Communication (ensuring all actors receive information necessary to fulfil their...