CHAPTER VU.K.Evaluation and monitoring

Article 57U.K.Evaluation

1.Evaluations shall aim to improve the quality, effectiveness and consistency of the assistance from Community funds and the strategy and implementation of the programmes.

[F12. Multiannual indicative planning documents, as described in Article 5, shall be subject to ex-ante evaluation, carried out by the Commission.]

3.The Commission may also carry out strategic evaluations.

[F14. Programmes shall be subject to ex-ante evaluations, as well as interim and/or ex-post evaluations, as appropriate, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down under each IPA component in Part II of this Regulation and in accordance with Article 21 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002.]

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[F17. The results of evaluations shall be taken into account in the programming and implementation cycle.]

8.The Commission shall develop evaluation methods, including quality standards and using objective and measurable indicators.

Article 58U.K.Monitoring in the case of decentralised management

[F11. In the case of decentralised management, the beneficiary country shall, within six months after the entry into force of the first financing agreement, set up an IPA monitoring committee, in agreement with the national IPA coordinator and the Commission, to ensure coherence and coordination in the implementation of the IPA components.]

2.The IPA monitoring committee shall satisfy itself as to the overall effectiveness, quality and coherence of the implementation of all programmes and operations towards meeting the objectives set out in the financing agreements as well as in the multi-annual indicative planning documents. For this purpose, it shall base itself on the elements given by the sectoral monitoring committees, as provided for in Article 59(3).

3.The IPA monitoring committee may make proposals to the Commission, the national IPA coordinator and the national authorising officer for any actions to ensure the coherence and coordination between the programmes and operations implemented under the different components, as well as for any cross-component corrective measures needed to ensure the achievement of the global objectives of the assistance provided, and to enhance its overall efficiency. It may also make proposals to the relevant sectoral monitoring committee(s) for decisions on any corrective measures to ensure the achievements of programme objectives and enhance the efficiency of assistance provided under the programmes or IPA component(s) concerned.

4.The IPA monitoring committee shall adopt its internal rules of procedure in compliance with a monitoring committee mandate established by the Commission, and within the institutional, legal and financial framework of the beneficiary country concerned.

5.Unless otherwise provided in the monitoring committee mandate set out by the Commission, the provisions of this paragraph shall apply.

The IPA monitoring committee shall include among its members representatives of the Commission, the national IPA coordinator, the national authorising officer, representatives of the operating structures, and the strategic coordinator.

A representative of the Commission and the national IPA coordinator shall co-chair the IPA monitoring committee meetings.

The IPA monitoring committee shall meet at least once a year. Intermediate meetings may also be convened, in particular on a thematic basis.

Article 59U.K.Sectoral monitoring committees in the case of decentralised management

[F11. The IPA monitoring committee shall be assisted by sectoral monitoring committees set up under the IPA components within six months after the entry into force of the first financing agreement, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down in Part II. The sectoral monitoring committees shall be attached to programmes or components. They may include representatives of civil society, where appropriate.]

2.Each sectoral monitoring committee shall satisfy itself as to the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of the programmes and operations concerned, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down for each component in Part II, and for the related sectoral and/or financing agreements. It may make proposals to the Commission and the national IPA coordinator, with a copy to the national authorising officer, for decisions on any corrective measures to ensure the achievements of programme objectives and enhance the efficiency of the assistance provided.

3.The sectoral monitoring committees shall report to the IPA monitoring committee. They shall provide the IPA monitoring committee in particular with information relating to:

(a)the progress made in implementing the programmes, by priority axis and, where relevant, by measures or operations; this shall include the results achieved, financial implementation indicators, and other factors and shall be established with a view to improving the implementation of the programmes;

(b)any aspects of the functioning of the management and control systems raised by the audit authority, the national authorising officer or the competent accrediting officer.

[F1Article 60 U.K. Monitoring in the case of centralised and joint management

In the case of centralised and joint management, the Commission may undertake any actions it deems necessary to monitor the programmes concerned. In the case of joint management, these actions may be carried out jointly with the international organisation(s) concerned. The national IPA coordinator may be associated with the monitoring actions.]

Article 61U.K.Annual and final reports on implementation

1.The operating structures shall draw up a sectoral annual report and a sectoral final report on the implementation of the programmes for which they are responsible, in compliance with the procedures defined in Part II for each IPA component.

The sectoral annual reports on implementation shall cover the financial year. The sectoral final reports on implementation shall cover the whole period of implementation and may include the last sectoral annual report.

2.The reports referred to in paragraph 1 shall be sent to the national IPA coordinator, the national authorising officer and to the Commission, after examination by the sectoral monitoring committees.

3.On the basis of the reports referred to in paragraph 1, the national IPA coordinator shall send to the Commission and the national authorising officer, after examination by the IPA monitoring committee, annual and final reports on the implementation of assistance under the IPA Regulation.

4.The annual report on implementation referred to in paragraph 3, which shall be sent by 31 August each year and for the first time in 2008, shall synthesise the different sectoral annual reports issued under the different components and shall include information about:

(a)progress made in implementing Community assistance, in relation to the priorities set up in the multi-annual indicative planning document and the different programmes;

(b)financial implementation of Community assistance.

5.The final report on the implementation as referred to in paragraph 3 shall cover the whole period of implementation and may include the latest annual report mentioned in paragraph 4.