Annexes I, II, III, VI to XIII and XVI to Regulation (EC) No 2216/2004 are amended as follows:

  1. 1.

    Annex I is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

      2.When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is not established:

      1. (a)

        the record of the time in the Community independent transaction log and each registry shall be synchronised to Greenwich Mean Time;

      2. (b)

        all processes concerning allowances, verified emissions, automatic national allocation plan table changes and accounts shall be completed by the exchange of data written in extensible markup language (XML) using the simple object access protocol (SOAP) version 1.1 over the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) version 1.1 (remote procedure call (RPC) encoded style).

    2. (b)

      paragraph 3 is replaced by the following:

      3.When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is established:

      1. (a)

        the record of the time in the UNFCCC independent transaction log, Community independent transaction log and each registry shall be synchronised; and

      2. (b)

        all processes concerning allowances and Kyoto units shall be completed by the exchange of data;

      using the hardware and software requirements set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.

      If processes concerning verified emissions, accounts and automatic national allocation plan table changes are completed through an exchange of data via the UNFCCC independent transaction log and thereon to the Community independent transaction log, the data exchange shall be carried out using the hardware and software requirements set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.

      If processes concerning verified emissions, accounts and automatic national allocation plan table changes are completed through an exchange of data via the Community independent transaction log, the data exchange shall be carried out in accordance with point (b) of paragraph 2.

  2. 2.

    In Annex III, the following sentences are added to paragraph 1:

    ‘The name of the operator should be identical to name of the natural or legal person that is the holder of the relevant greenhouse gas permit. The name of the installation shall be identical to the name indicated in the relevant greenhouse gas permit.’.

  3. 3.

    Annex VI is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in Table VI-1 the text ‘4 = Allowance issued for the 2008 to 2012 and subsequent five-year periods by a Member State that does not have AAUs’ is added in column ‘Range or codes’, row ‘Supplementary unit type’;

    2. (b)

      in Table VI-2 the following row is added:



      Allowance issued for the 2008 to 2012 and subsequent five-year periods by a Member State that does not have AAUs, and which is not converted from an AAU or other Kyoto unit

    3. (c)

      in Table VI-3 the text ‘The Central Administrator shall define a separate sub-range of these values for the Community registry and each registry operated in a consolidated manner with the Community registry’ is added to the text in column ‘Range or codes’, row ‘Account Identifier’;

    4. (d)

      in Table VI-5, the words ‘Permit Identifier’ are replaced by ‘Account Holder Identifier’;

    5. (e)

      paragraph 14 is replaced by the following:


      Table VI-7 details the elements of the correlation identification codes. Each process referred to in Annex VIII and Annex XIa shall be assigned a correlation identification code. Correlation identification codes shall be generated by registries and shall be unique throughout the registries system. Correlation identification codes shall not be re-used. The re-submission of a process concerning an account or verified emissions that was previously terminated or cancelled shall be assigned a new, unique correlation identification code.

  4. 4.

    Annex VII is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in the table under paragraph 4 the following row is deleted:


      Retirement (2008 to 2012 onwards)

    2. (b)

      in the table under paragraph 4 the following rows are added:


      conversion of surrendered allowances for retirement(2008 to 2012 onwards)


      conversion of unallocated allowances for retirement (2008 to 2012 onwards)


      retirement of Kyoto units (2008 to 2012 onwards)


      retirement of surrendered allowances (2008 to 2012 onwards)


      retirement of unallocated allowances (2008 to 2012 onwards)


      Allowance issue (registries referred to in Article 63a)


      External transfer (between a registry referred to in Article 63a and other registry)


      Transfer between two registries referred to in Article 63a


      retirement (registries referred to in Article 63a)

    3. (c)

      in the table under paragraph 5 the following row is added:


      Allowance issued for the 2008 to 2012 and subsequent five-year periods by a Member State that does not have AAUs, and which is not converted from an AAU or other Kyoto unit

  5. 5.

    Annex VIII is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in paragraph 1, point (c) is replaced by the following:

      1. (c)

        provided that these processes are completed through the exchange of data via the UNFCCC independent transaction log and thereon to the Community independent transaction log, the registry administrator shall call the appropriate operation on the UNFCCC independent transaction log account management Web service. In all other cases the registry administrator shall call the appropriate operation on the Community independent transaction log account management Web service.

    2. (b)

      paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:


      Provided that these are completed through the exchange of data via the Community independent transaction log and thereon to the UNFCCC independent transaction log, a registry administrator sending a request should receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the UNFCCC independent transaction log within 60 seconds, and should receive a notification of validation from the Community independent transaction log within 24 hours. In any other case, a registry administrator sending a request should receive an acknowledgement of receipt from the Community independent transaction log within 60 seconds, and should receive a notification of validation from the Community independent transaction log within 24 hours.

    3. (c)

      in Tables VIII-5, VIII-11 and VIII-12 the line:



      is replaced by:



    4. (d)

      in Table VIII-9, the text: ‘The initiating registry (Originating Registry) authenticates the UNFCCC independent transaction log (or Community independent transaction log prior to the link between the Community independent transaction log and UNFCCC independent transaction log being established) by calling the Authenticate Message() function and checks the version of the transaction log by calling Check Version() function.’ is replaced by the following text:

      The initiating registry (Originating Registry) authenticates the UNFCCC independent transaction log (or Community independent transaction log if all processes referred to in Annex VIII are completed through the exchange of data via the Community independent transaction log) by calling the Authenticate Message() function and checks the version of the transaction log by calling Check Version() function.

    5. (e)

      in Table VIII-11 the number ‘7162’ is added to the last row;

    6. (f)

      in Tables VIII-12 and VIII-14 after the row containing ‘PermitIdentifier’, the following row is inserted:



    7. (g)

      in Table VIII-13 after the row containing ‘PermitIdentifier’, the following row is inserted:



    8. (h)

      in Table VIII-15 the number ‘7161’ is added to the last row;

    9. (i)

      paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:


      The Community independent transaction log shall perform registry version and registry authentication checks, and message viability checks, on each process concerning an account or verified emissions and return the appropriate response codes if a discrepancy is detected, as set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999. The abovementioned checks are equivalent to the checks related to the response codes that are set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and are reproduced in the last column of Table XII-1 alongside the equivalent response codes under the range 7900 to 7999. If a check under the above mentioned data exchange standards that is equivalent to the checks whose response codes are set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999 or the implementation by the UNFCCC independent transaction log of such a check is changed by the ITL Administrator, the Central Administrator shall disable the equivalent check.

    10. (j)

      in Table VIII-17 the number ‘7525’ is added to the last row.

  6. 6.

    Annex IX is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:

      4.The Community independent transaction log shall perform the following categories of preliminary checks on each process concerning a transaction:

      1. (a)

        registry version and registry authentication checks;

      2. (b)

        message viability checks;

      3. (c)

        data integrity checks;

      4. (d)

        general transaction checks; and

      5. (e)

        message sequence checks.

      The Community independent transaction log shall return the appropriate response codes if a discrepancy is detected, as set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999. The above-mentioned checks are equivalent to the checks related to the response codes that are set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and are reproduced in the last column of Table XII-1 alongside the equivalent response codes under the range 7900 to 7999. If a check under the above mentioned data exchange standards is equivalent to the checks whose response codes are set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999 and the implementation by the UNFCCC independent transaction log of such a check is changed by the ITL Administrator, the Central Administrator shall disable the equivalent check.

    2. (b)

      Table IX-1 is amended as follows:

      1. (i)

        the text ‘Range 7221 to 7222’ is inserted to column ‘Community independent transaction log response codes’, row ‘External transfer (2008 to 2012 onwards)’;

      2. (ii)

        the text ‘Range 7221 to 7222’ is inserted to column ‘Community independent transaction log response codes’, row ‘External transfer (2005 to 2007)’;

      3. (iii)

        the text ‘(registries referred to in Article 63a); 7219; Range 7223 to 7224; 7360; 7402; 7404; 7406; Range 7407 to 7408; 7202’ is added to column ‘Community independent transaction log response codes’, row ‘Cancellation and replacement’;

      4. (iv)

        the following row is deleted:

        Retirement (2008 to 2012 onwards)


        Range 7358 to 7361

      5. (v)

        the following rows are added:

        conversion of surrendered allowances for retirement (2008 to 2012 onwards)



        conversion of unallocated allowances for retirement (2008 to 2012 onwards)


        7364, 7366

        retirement of Kyoto units (2008 to 2012 onwards)




        retirement of surrendered allowances (2008 to 2012 onwards)


        Range 7359 to 7361


        retirement of unallocated allowances (2008 to 2012 onwards)


        7360, 7361

        Range 7363 to 7365

        External transfer (between a registry referred to in Article 63a and other registry)


        Range 7225 to 7226

        Allowance issue (registries referred to in Article 63a)


        Range 7201 to 7203



        retirement (registries referred to in Article 63a)


        Range 7227 to 7228


        Range 7360 to 7362

        Transfer between two registries referred to in Article 63a


        7302, 7304

        Range 7406 to 7407



    3. (c)

      The following paragraph 7 is added:

      7.An external transfer between a registry referred to in Article 63a and other registry shall be carried out in the following steps:

      1. (a)

        upon the account holder's request to transfer allowances with a supplementary unit type 4 from an account in a registry referred to in Article 63a, the transferring registry:

        1. (i)

          checks if the balance of the Party holding account in the registry referred to in Article 63a which is only capable of holding allowances with a supplementary unit type 1, 2 or 3 is at least equal to the quantity to be transferred;

        2. (ii)

          redirects the allowances to the Party holding account in the registry referred to in Article 63a which is only capable of holding allowances with a supplementary unit type 4;

        3. (iii)

          transfers an equivalent amount of supplementary unit type 1, 2 or 3 allowances from the Party holding account that is only capable of holding allowances with a supplementary unit type of 1, 2 or 3 to the account of the account holder initiating the transaction;

        4. (iv)

          transfers these supplementary unit type 1, 2 or 3 allowances from account of the account holder initiating the transaction to the destination account;

      2. (b)

        upon the account holder's request to transfer allowances with a supplementary unit type of 1, 2 or 3 to an account in a registry referred to in Article 63a, the acquiring registry:

        1. (i)

          transfers the allowances with a supplementary unit type of 1, 2 or 3 to the destination account;

        2. (ii)

          transfers these allowances from the destination account to the Party holding account in the registry operated in accordance with Article 63a which is only capable of holding allowances with a supplementary unit type 1, 2 or 3;

        3. (iii)

          transfers an equivalent amount of supplementary unit type 4 allowances from the Party holding account that is only capable of holding allowances with an initial unit type of 0 and a supplementary unit type of 4 to the destination account. If the balance on the Party holding account capable of holding supplementary unit type 4 allowances is less than the quantity that needs to be transferred, the missing number of supplementary unit type 4 allowances are created on the Party holding account before the transfer.

  7. 7.

    Annex X is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in paragraph 1, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

      When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is not established, each registry shall respond to any request made by the Community independent transaction log to submit the following information for a specified time and date:

    2. (b)

      in paragraph 2, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

      When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is established, each registry shall respond to any request made by the UNFCCC independent transaction log to submit the following information for a specified time and date:

    3. (c)

      in paragraph 3, the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

      When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is established, each registry shall respond to any request by the UNFCCC independent transaction log made on behalf of the Community independent transaction log, or by the Community independent transaction log to submit the following information for a specified time and date:

    4. (d)

      paragraph 6 is replaced by the following:


      The Community independent transaction log shall perform registry version and registry authentication checks, message viability checks, and data integrity checks during the reconciliation process and return the appropriate response codes if a discrepancy is detected, as set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999. The above-mentioned checks are equivalent to the checks related to the response codes that are set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and are reproduced in the last column of Table XII-1 alongside the equivalent response codes under the range 7900 to 7999. If a check under the above mentioned data exchange standards that is equivalent to the checks whose response codes are set out in Table XII-1 under the range 7900 to 7999 or the implementation by the UNFCCC independent transaction log of such a check is changed by the ITL Administrator, the Central Administrator shall disable the equivalent check.

  8. 8.

    In Annex XI, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:


    When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is established and all processes concerning allowances, verified emissions, accounts, automatic national allocation plan table changes and Kyoto units shall be completed through the exchange of data via the UNFCCC independent transaction log and thereon to the Community independent transaction log, the Community independent transaction log shall only continue to provide the administrative process under point (b) of paragraph 1.

  9. 9.

    Annex XII is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:


      The Community independent transaction log shall return response codes as part of each process, where specified in Annexes VIII to XIa. Each response code shall consist of an integer within the range 7000 to 7999. The meaning of each response code is given in table XII-1.

    2. (b)

      Table XII-1 is amended as follows:

      1. (i)

        the column headings and the following line are deleted:

        Response Code



        The people fax number is not in valid format or is out of range

      2. (ii)

        the following column headings and the following lines are inserted in the appropriate numerical order:

        Response Code


        Equivalent response code under the data exchange standards


        The installation related to the operator holding account is not indicated as “closed” in the national allocation plan table and therefore it is not possible to close the account


        The installation related to the operator holding account does not have an entry in the national allocation plan table and therefore it is not possible to open the account


        The acquiring or transferring account may not be in a registry referred to in Article 63a


        The allowances to be transferred may not have a supplementary unit type 4


        The acquiring account must be the cancellation account for the relevant period


        Allowances to be issued must have a supplementary unit type 4


        The combined holdings after the transaction of the two Party holding accounts involved in the transaction in the registry referred to in Article 63a must be equal to their combined holdings before the transaction


        The balance of the Party holding account capable of holding supplementary unit type 1, 2 or 3 allowances must be greater than or equal to the quantity to be transferred from the registry referred to in Article 63a


        The acquiring account must be the retirement account for the current period


        Allowances must be those issued for the current period


        the quantity of AAUs to be retired is not equal with the quantity of allowances converted with the “conversion of unallocated allowances for retirement” process


        The transaction is not initiated after 30 June of the year following the last year of the relevant five-year period


        The units to be retired are allowances and thus cannot be retired


        The quantity to be converted cannot exceed the number of allowances issued but not allocated


        The number of allowances cancelled must be equal to the number of allowances to be cancelled pursuant to Article 63o


        The total quantity of allowances in the updated NAP and in the current NAP must be equal


        The quantity allocated to new entrants may not be greater than the quantity by which the reserve is decreased


        The verified emissions figure for year X cannot be corrected after 30 April of year X+1 unless the competent authority notifies the Central Administrator the new compliance status applicable to the installation whose verified emissions figure is corrected


        The commitment period code is out of range


        Allocation must be provided for all the years within the commitment period except the years before the current one


        The new reserve must remain positive or zero


        The amount of allowances to allocate for an installation and a year must be greater than or equal to 0


        The permit identifier must exist and be connected to the installation identifier


        The amount of allowances allocated for an installation and a year in the updated NAP must be greater than or equal to this amount in the current NAP


        The amount of allowances deleted from the NAP table for installations must be equal to the amount by which the reserve is increased


        Initiating registry must be listed in Registry table



        Initiating registry status must allow transactions to be proposed. (The CITL will maintain the current status of each registry. In this case, the CITL must recognize that the registry is fully operational.)



        Acquiring registry status must allow transactions to be accepted. (The CITL will maintain the current status of each registry. In this case, the CITL must recognize that the registry is fully operational.)



        Registry status must allow reconciliation actions to be conducted. (The CITL will maintain the current status of each registry. In this case, the CITL must recognize that the registry is available for reconciliation.)



        Transaction ID must be comprised of a valid registry code followed by numeric values



        Transaction type code must be valid



        Supplementary Transaction Type code must be valid



        Transaction status code must be valid



        Account Type code must be valid



        Initiating Account Identifier must be greater than zero



        Acquiring Account Identifier must be greater than zero



        The Originating Registry of all unit blocks must be valid



        Unit Type code must be valid



        Supplementary Unit Type code must be valid



        Unit Serial Block Start and Unit Serial Block End must be present



        Unit Serial Block End must be greater than or equal to the Unit Serial Block Start



        RMUs, ERUs converted from RMUs, tCERs and lCERs must have a valid LULUCF activity code



        AAUs, ERUs converted from AAUs and CERs must not have a LULUCF activity code



        ERUs, CERs, tCERs, and lCERs must have a valid Project ID



        AAUs or RMUs must not have a Project ID



        ERUs must have a valid “Track Code”



        AAUs, RMUs, CERs, tCERs and lCERs must not have a track code



        AAUs, RMUs, ERUs and CERs must not have an Expiry Date



        Transaction ID for proposed transactions must not already exist in the CITL



        Transaction ID for ongoing transactions must already exist in the CITL



        Previous completed transactions cannot be completed again



        Previously rejected transactions cannot be completed



        Transactions for which a CITL discrepancy has been previously identified cannot be completed



        Previously terminated transactions cannot be completed



        Previously cancelled transactions cannot be completed



        Previously accepted external transactions cannot be terminated



        Transaction status of Accepted or Rejected is not valid for non-external transactions



        Transaction status from Initiating registry must indicate status of Proposed, Completed, or Terminated



        Transaction status from Acquiring registry for an External Transfer must indicate status of Rejected or Accepted



        Applicable Commitment Period must correspond to the current or next Commitment Period (including their “true-up” periods)



        Units identified in the transaction must already exist in the CITL



        Units identified in the transaction must be held by Initiating registry



        All attributes of all unit blocks must be consistent with CITL unit block attributes except where attributes are changed by the current transaction



        All unit blocks in transaction must be for a single Applicable Commitment Period



        For all transactions except for external transfers, the Initiating and Acquiring Registries must be the same



        For external transfers, the Initiating and Acquiring Registries must be different



        Units identified in the transaction must not have inconsistencies identified through reconciliation with the CITL



        Units identified in the transaction must not be involved in another transaction



        Cancelled units must not be subject to further transactions



        A transaction proposal must contain at least one unit block



        A transaction must not issue more than one Unit Type.



        The Original Commitment Period must be the same for all units issued by the transaction



        The Applicable Commitment Period must be the same as the Original Commitment Period for all units issued by the transaction



        Cancellation to Excess Issuance Cancellation Account must not take place in a national registry



        The Acquiring Account for a cancellation transaction must be a cancellation account



        Account identifiers must be provided for acquiring accounts in cancellation transactions



        The unit blocks to be cancelled must have the same Applicable Commitment Period as the cancellation Account



        The Initiating registry retiring units must be a national registry or the Community Registry



        The Acquiring Account for a retirement transaction must be a retirement account



        Account identifiers must be provided for acquiring accounts in retirement transactions



        The Unit Blocks retired must have the same Applicable Commitment as the Retirement Account



        The Initiating registry carrying over units must be a national registry



        The Initiating Account for a carry-over transaction must be a holding account



        Units may be carried-over only to the next subsequent commitment period



        Reconciliation Identifier must be greater than zero



        Reconciliation ID must be comprised of a valid registry code followed by numeric values



        Reconciliation status must be a value between 1 and 11



        Reconciliation snapshot must be a date between 1 October 2004 and the current date plus 30 days



        Account Type must be valid



        Reconciliation ID must exist in the Reconciliation Log table



        Reconciliation status sent by registry must be valid



        Incoming reconciliation status must be the same as the reconciliation status recorded by the CITL



        The registry reconciliation snapshot DateTime must be consistent with the CITL Reconciliation Snapshot DateTime


      3. (iii)

        the line:


        Approaching breach of commitment period reserve

        is replaced by:


        Warning: holdings calculated pursuant to Decision 18/CP.7 of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC are only 1 % above commitment period reserve

  10. 10.

    Annex XIII is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in paragraph 3, point (e) is replaced by the following:

      1. (e)

        Integrated process testing: the ability of the registry to execute all processes, including all relevant statuses and stages set out in Annexes VIII to XI and XIa, and to allow manual interventions to the database pursuant to Annex X, shall be tested.

    2. (b)

      paragraph 4 is replaced by the following:


      The Central Administrator shall require a registry to demonstrate that the input codes referred to in Annex VII and the response codes referred to in Annexes VIII to XI and XIa are contained within that registry's database and interpreted and used appropriately in respect of processes.

  11. 11.

    In Annex XIV, paragraph 7 is replaced with the following:

    7.The XML schema for submitting a national allocation plan table to the Commission is the following:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:KyotoProtocol:RegistrySystem:CITL:1.0:0.0" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="urn:KyotoProtocol:RegistrySystem:CITL:1.0:0.0" elementFormDefault="qualified">

    <xs:simpleType name="ISO3166MemberStatesType">

    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

    <xs:enumeration value="AT"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="BE"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="BG"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="CY"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="CZ"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="DE"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="DK"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="EE"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="ES"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="FI"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="FR"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="GB"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="GR"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="HU"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="IE"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="IT"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="LT"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="LU"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="LV"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="MT"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="NL"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="PL"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="PT"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="RO"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="SE"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="SI"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="SK"/>



    <xs:simpleType name="AmountOfAllowancesType">

    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">

    <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>

    <xs:maxInclusive value="999999999999999"/>



    <xs:group name="YearAllocation">


    <xs:element name="yearInCommitmentPeriod">


    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">

    <xs:minInclusive value="2005"/>

    <xs:maxInclusive value="2058"/>




    <xs:element name="allocation" type="AmountOfAllowancesType"/>



    <xs:simpleType name="ActionType">


    <xs:documentation>The action to be undertaken for the installation


    Add the installation to the NAP


    Update the allocations for the installation in the NAP


    Delete the installation from the NAP

    For each action, all year of a commitment period need to be given



    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

    <xs:enumeration value="A"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="U"/>

    <xs:enumeration value="D"/>



    <xs:complexType name="InstallationType">


    <xs:element name="action" type="ActionType"/>

    <xs:element name="installationIdentifier">


    <xs:restriction base="xs:integer">

    <xs:minInclusive value="1"/>

    <xs:maxInclusive value="999999999999999"/>




    <xs:element name="permitIdentifier">


    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

    <xs:minLength value="1"/>

    <xs:maxLength value="50"/>

    <xs:pattern value="[A-Z0-9\-]+"/>




    <xs:group ref="YearAllocation" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="5"/>



    <xs:simpleType name="CommitmentPeriodType">

    <xs:restriction base="xs:int">

    <xs:minInclusive value="0"/>

    <xs:maxInclusive value="10"/>



    <xs:element name="nap">



    <xs:element name="originatingRegistry" type="ISO3166MemberStatesType"/>

    <xs:element name="commitmentPeriod" type="CommitmentPeriodType"/>

    <xs:element name="installation" type="InstallationType" maxOccurs="unbounded">

    <xs:unique name="yearAllocationConstraint">

    <xs:selector xpath="yearInCommitmentPeriod"/>

    <xs:field xpath="."/>



    <xs:element name="reserve" type="AmountOfAllowancesType"/>



    <xs:unique name="installationIdentifierConstraint">

    <xs:selector xpath="installation"/>

    <xs:field xpath="installationIdentifier"/>




  12. 12.

    Annex XV is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      in paragraph 1 the introductory phrase is replaced by the following:

      When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is not established, all processes concerning allowances, automatic national allocation plan table changes, verified emissions and accounts shall be completed using a communication link with the following properties:

    2. (b)

      paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:


      When the communication link between the Community independent transaction log and the UNFCCC independent transaction log is established, all processes concerning allowances, automatic national allocation plan table changes, verified emissions, accounts and Kyoto units shall be completed using a communication link with the properties set out in the functional and technical specifications for data exchange standards for registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol, elaborated pursuant to Decision 24/CP.8 of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.

  13. 13.

    Annex XVI is amended as follows:

    1. (a)

      paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:


      The Central Administrator shall display and update the information in paragraphs 2 to 4a in respect of the registry system on the public area of the Community independent transaction log's web site, in accordance with the specified timing, and each registry administrator shall display and update this information in respect of its registry on the public area of that registry's web site, in accordance with the specified timing.

    2. (b)

      paragraph 2 is amended as follows:

      1. (i)

        in point (a) the following sentence is added:

        ‘In the case of operator holding accounts, the account holder name should be identical to name of the natural or legal person that is the holder of the relevant greenhouse gas permit;’;

      2. (ii)

        point (c) is replaced by the following:

        1. (c)

          name, address, city, postcode, country, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of the primary and secondary authorised representatives of the account specified by the account holder for that account, unless the registry administrator allows account holders to request keeping all or some of this information confidential and the account holder requested the registry administrator in writing not to display all or some of this information.

    3. (c)

      paragraph 3 is amended as follows:

      1. (i)

        point (d) is replaced by the following:

        1. (d)

          allowances and any force majeure allowances allocated and issued to the installation related to the operator holding account, which is part of the national allocation plan table or is a new entrant, under Article 11 of Directive 2003/87/EC and any corrections to such allocations;

      2. (ii)

        the following point (e) is added:

        1. (e)

          The date of the greenhouse gas permit's entry into force and the date of the opening of the account.

    4. (d)

      paragraph 4 is amended as follows:

      1. (i)

        point (a) is replaced by the following:

        1. (a)

          verified emissions figure, along with its corrections in accordance with Article 51 for the installation related to the operator holding account for year X shall be displayed from 15 May onwards of year (X+1);

      2. (ii)

        point (c) is replaced by the following:

        1. (c)

          a symbol identifying whether the installation related to the operator holding account did or did not surrender the necessary number of allowances for year X by 30 April of year (X+1) in accordance with point (e) of Article 6(2) of Directive 2003/87/EC and any subsequent changes to that status pursuant to corrections to verified emissions in accordance with Article 51 (4) of this Regulation shall be displayed from 15 May onwards of year (X+1). Depending on the installation's compliance status figure and the registry's operational status, the following symbols shall be displayed together with the following statements:

          Table XVI-1: compliance statements

          Compliance status figure for year X under Article 55 on 30 April of year (X+1)



          to be displayed on CITL and registries

          Total surrendered allowances in accordance with Articles 52, 53, 54 for period ≥ verified emissions in period until current year


          “A number of allowances and Kyoto units greater than or equal to verified emissions were surrendered by 30 April”

          Total surrendered allowances in accordance with Articles 52, 53 and 54 for period < verified emissions in period until current year


          “A number of allowances and Kyoto units lower than verified emissions were surrendered by 30 April”


          “Verified emissions were not entered until 30 April”

          Verified emissions in period until current year were corrected pursuant to Article 51


          “Verified emissions were corrected by competent authority after 30 April of year X. The competent authority of the Member State decided that the installation is not in compliance for year X.”

          Verified emissions in period until current year were corrected pursuant to Article 51


          “Verified emissions were corrected by competent authority after 30 April of year X. The competent authority of the Member State decided that the installation is in compliance for year X.”


          “Entering verified emissions and/or surrendering was impossible until 30 April due to the allowance surrender process and/or verified emissions update process being suspended for the Member State's registry in accordance with Article 6(3)” 

      3. (iii)

        the following point (d) is added:

        1. (d)

          a symbol indicating if the installation’s account is blocked in accordance with Article 27(1) shall be displayed from 31 March onwards of year (X+1).

    5. (e)

      the following paragraphs 4a and 4b are inserted:


      The national allocation plan table of each Member State, indicating the allocations to installations and the quantity of allowances reserved for later allocation or sale shall be displayed and updated whenever there is a correction to the national allocation plan table, clearly indicating where corrections were made.


      The fees charged for the opening and annual maintenance of holding accounts in each registry shall be displayed on a continuous basis. Updates to this information shall be notified to the Central Administrator by the registry administrator within 15 days of any change in fees.

    6. (f)

      in paragraph 6, the following point (e) is added:

      1. (e)

        any set-aside table drawn up in accordance with Commission Decision 2006/780/EC5.

    7. (g)

      the following paragraph 12a is inserted:


      The Central Administrator shall make available on the public area of the Community independent transaction log's web site from 30 April onwards of year (X+1) information indicating the percentage share of allowances surrendered in each Member State for year X that were not transferred prior to their surrender.