Article 10Inspection procedure
1.Officials in charge of inspections (officials) shall be able to examine all relevant areas, decks and rooms of the fishing vessel, catches processed or not, nets or other gear, equipment and any relevant documents which officials deem it necessary to verify in compliance with applicable laws, regulations or international management and conservation measures. Officials may also question persons deemed to have information on the matter subject to inspection.
2.Inspections shall involve the monitoring of the entire landing or transhipment operations and include a cross-check between the quantities by species recorded in the prior notice of landing and the quantities by species landed or transhipped.
3.Officials shall sign their inspection report in the presence of the master of the fishing vessel, who shall have the right to add or cause to be added any information that he considers relevant. Officials shall indicate in the logbook that an inspection has been made.
4.A copy of the inspection report shall be handed over to the master of the fishing vessel, who may forward it to the owner.
5.The master shall cooperate with and assist in the inspections of the fishing vessel and shall not obstruct, intimidate or interfere with the officials in the performance of their duties.