Product category | Geographical indication | Country of origin (the precise geographical origin is described in the technical file) |
| ||
Rhum de la Martinique | France | |
Rhum de la Guadeloupe | France | |
Rhum de la Réunion | France | |
Rhum de la Guyane | France | |
Rhum de sucrerie de la Baie du Galion | France | |
Rhum des Antilles françaises | France | |
Rhum des départements français d'outre-mer | France | |
Ron de Málaga | Spain | |
Ron de Granada | Spain | |
Rum da Madeira | Portugal | |
Ron de Guatemala | Guatemala | |
| ||
Scotch Whisky | United Kingdom (Scotland) | |
Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whisky23 | Ireland | |
Whisky español | Spain | |
Whisky breton/Whisky de Bretagne | France | |
Whisky alsacien/Whisky d'Alsace | France | |
| ||
Eau-de-vie de seigle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Korn/Kornbrand | Germany, Austria, Belgium (German-speaking Community) | |
Münsterländer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Sendenhorster Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Bergischer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Emsländer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Haselünner Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Hasetaler Korn/Kornbrand | Germany | |
Samanė | Lithuania | |
| ||
Eau-de-vie de Cognac | France | |
Eau-de-vie des Charentes | France | |
Eau-de-vie de Jura | France | |
Cognac | France | |
(The denomination ‘Cognac’ may be supplemented by the following terms: | ||
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
| France | |
Fine Bordeaux | France | |
Fine de Bourgogne | France | |
Armagnac | France | |
Bas-Armagnac | France | |
Haut-Armagnac | France | |
Armagnac-Ténarèze | France | |
Blanche Armagnac | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin de la Marne | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire d'Aquitaine | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin de Bourgogne | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Centre-Est | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Franche-Comté | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Bugey | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin de Savoie | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire des Coteaux de la Loire | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-Rhône | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Provence | France | |
Eau-de-vie de Faugères/Faugères | France | |
Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Languedoc | France | |
Aguardente de Vinho Douro | Portugal | |
Aguardente de Vinho Ribatejo | Portugal | |
Aguardente de Vinho Alentejo | Portugal | |
Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes | Portugal | |
Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho | Portugal | |
Aguardente de Vinho Lourinhã | Portugal | |
Сунгурларска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сунгурларе/Sungurlarska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Sungurlare | Bulgaria | |
Сливенска перла (Сливенска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сливен)/Slivenska perla (Slivenska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Sliven) | Bulgaria | |
Стралджанска Мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Стралджа/Straldjanska Muscatova rakya/Muscatova rakya from Straldja | Bulgaria | |
Поморийска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Поморие/Pomoriyska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Pomorie | Bulgaria | |
Русенска бисерна гроздова ракия/Бисерна гроздова ракия от Русе/Russenska biserna grozdova rakya/Biserna grozdova rakya from Russe | Bulgaria | |
Бургаска Мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Бургас/Bourgaska Muscatova rakya/Muscatova rakya from Bourgas | Bulgaria | |
Добруджанска мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Добруджа/Dobrudjanska muscatova rakya/muscatova rakya from Dobrudja | Bulgaria | |
Сухиндолска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сухиндол/Suhindolska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Suhindol | Bulgaria | |
Карловска гроздова ракия/Гроздова Ракия от Карлово/Karlovska grozdova rakya/Grozdova Rakya from Karlovo | Bulgaria | |
Vinars Târnave | Romania | |
Vinars Vaslui | Romania | |
Vinars Murfatlar | Romania | |
Vinars Vrancea | Romania | |
Vinars Segarcea | Romania | |
| ||
Brandy de Jerez | Spain | |
Brandy del Penedés | Spain | |
Brandy italiano | Italy | |
Brandy Αττικής/Brandy of Attica | Greece | |
Brandy Πελοποννήσου/Brandy of the Peloponnese | Greece | |
Brandy Κεντρικής Ελλάδας/Brandy of central Greece | Greece | |
Deutscher Weinbrand | Germany | |
Wachauer Weinbrand | Austria | |
Weinbrand Dürnstein | Austria | |
Pfälzer Weinbrand | Germany | |
Karpatské brandy špeciál | Slovakia | |
Brandy français/Brandy de France | France | |
| ||
Marc de Champagne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Champagne | France | |
Marc d'Aquitaine/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire d'Aquitaine | France | |
Marc de Bourgogne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Bourgogne | France | |
Marc du Centre-Est/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Centre-Est | France | |
Marc de Franche-Comté/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Franche-Comté | France | |
Marc du Bugey/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Bugey | France | |
Marc de Savoie/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Savoie | France | |
Marc des Côteaux de la Loire/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire des Coteaux de la Loire | France | |
Marc des Côtes-du-Rhône/Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du Rhône | France | |
Marc de Provence/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Provence | France | |
Marc du Languedoc/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Languedoc | France | |
Marc d'Alsace Gewürztraminer | France | |
Marc de Lorraine | France | |
Marc d'Auvergne | France | |
Marc du Jura | France | |
Aguardente Bagaceira Bairrada | Portugal | |
Aguardente Bagaceira Alentejo | Portugal | |
Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes | Portugal | |
Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho | Portugal | |
Orujo de Galicia | Spain | |
Grappa | Italy | |
Grappa di Barolo | Italy | |
Grappa piemontese/Grappa del Piemonte | Italy | |
Grappa lombarda/Grappa di Lombardia | Italy | |
Grappa trentina/Grappa del Trentino | Italy | |
Grappa friulana/Grappa del Friuli | Italy | |
Grappa veneta/Grappa del Veneto | Italy | |
Südtiroler Grappa/Grappa dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Grappa siciliana/Grappa di Sicilia | Italy | |
Grappa di Marsala | Italy | |
Τσικουδιά/Tsikoudia | Greece | |
Τσικουδιά Κρήτης/Tsikoudia of Crete | Greece | |
Τσίπουρο/Tsipouro | Greece | |
Τσίπουρο Μακεδονίας/Tsipouro of Macedonia | Greece | |
Τσίπουρο Θεσσαλίας/Tsipouro of Thessaly | Greece | |
Τσίπουρο Τυρνάβου/Tsipouro of Tyrnavos | Greece | |
Eau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Ζιβανία/Τζιβανία/Ζιβάνα/Zivania | Cyprus | |
Törkölypálinka | Hungary | |
| ||
Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser | Germany | |
Schwarzwälder Mirabellenwasser | Germany | |
Schwarzwälder Williamsbirne | Germany | |
Schwarzwälder Zwetschgenwasser | Germany | |
Fränkisches Zwetschgenwasser | Germany | |
Fränkisches Kirschwasser | Germany | |
Fränkischer Obstler | Germany | |
Mirabelle de Lorraine | France | |
Kirsch d'Alsace | France | |
Quetsch d'Alsace | France | |
Framboise d'Alsace | France | |
Mirabelle d'Alsace | France | |
Kirsch de Fougerolles | France | |
Williams d'Orléans | France | |
Südtiroler Williams/Williams dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Aprikot/Aprikot dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Marille/Marille dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Kirsch/Kirsch dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Zwetschgeler/Zwetschgeler dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Obstler/Obstler dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Gravensteiner/Gravensteiner dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Südtiroler Golden Delicious/Golden Delicious dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Williams friulano/Williams del Friuli | Italy | |
Sliwovitz del Veneto | Italy | |
Sliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Italy | |
Sliwovitz del Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy | |
Distillato di mele trentino/Distillato di mele del Trentino | Italy | |
Williams trentino/Williams del Trentino | Italy | |
Sliwovitz trentino/Sliwovitz del Trentino | Italy | |
Aprikot trentino/Aprikot del Trentino | Italy | |
Medronho do Algarve | Portugal | |
Medronho do Buçaco | Portugal | |
Kirsch Friulano/Kirschwasser Friulano | Italy | |
Kirsch Trentino/Kirschwasser Trentino | Italy | |
Kirsch Veneto/Kirschwasser Veneto | Italy | |
Aguardente de pêra da Lousã | Portugal | |
Eau-de-vie de pommes de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Eau-de-vie de poires de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Eau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Eau-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Eau-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Eau-de-vie de prunelles de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg | |
Wachauer Marillenbrand | Austria | |
Szatmári Szilvapálinka | Hungary | |
Kecskeméti Barackpálinka | Hungary | |
Békési Szilvapálinka | Hungary | |
Szabolcsi Almapálinka | Hungary | |
Gönci Barackpálinka | Hungary | |
Pálinka | Hungary, Austria (for apricot spirits solely produced in the Länder of: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark, Wien) | |
Újfehértói meggypálinka | Hungary | |
Bošácka slivovica | Slovakia | |
Brinjevec | Slovenia | |
Dolenjski sadjevec | Slovenia | |
Троянска сливова ракия/Сливова ракия от Троян/Troyanska slivova rakya/Slivova rakya from Troyan | Bulgaria | |
Силистренска кайсиева ракия/Кайсиева ракия от Силистра/Silistrenska kaysieva rakya/Kaysieva rakya from Silistra | Bulgaria | |
Тервелска кайсиева ракия/Кайсиева ракия от Тервел/Tervelska kaysieva rakya/Kaysieva rakya from Tervel | Bulgaria | |
Ловешка сливова ракия/Сливова ракия от Ловеч/Loveshka slivova rakya/Slivova rakya from Lovech | Bulgaria | |
Pălincă | Romania | |
Țuică Zetea de Medieșu Aurit | Romania | |
Țuică de Valea Milcovului | Romania | |
Țuică de Buzău | Romania | |
Țuică de Argeș | Romania | |
Țuică de Zalău | Romania | |
Țuică Ardelenească de Bistrița | Romania | |
Horincă de Maramureș | Romania | |
Horincă de Cămârzana | Romania | |
Horincă de Seini | Romania | |
Horincă de Chioar | Romania | |
Horincă de Lăpuș | Romania | |
Turț de Oaș | Romania | |
Turț de Maramureș | Romania | |
Hrvatska loza | Croatia | |
Hrvatska stara šljivovica | Croatia | |
Slavonska šljivovica | Croatia | |
Pisco26 | Peru | |
| ||
Calvados | France | |
Calvados Pays d'Auge | France | |
Calvados Domfrontais | France | |
Eau-de-vie de cidre de Bretagne | France | |
Eau-de-vie de poiré de Bretagne | France | |
Eau-de-vie de cidre de Normandie | France | |
Eau-de-vie de poiré de Normandie | France | |
Eau-de-vie de cidre du Maine | France | |
Aguardiente de sidra de Asturias | Spain | |
Eau-de-vie de poiré du Maine | France | |
Somerset Cider Brandy24 | United Kingdom | |
| ||
Svensk Vodka/Swedish Vodka | Sweden | |
Suomalainen Vodka/Finsk Vodka/Vodka of Finland | Finland | |
Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka | Poland | |
Laugarício vodka | Slovakia | |
Originali lietuviška degtinė/Original Lithuanian vodka | Lithuania | |
Latvijas Dzidrais | Latvia | |
Rīgas Degvīns | Latvia | |
Estonian vodka | Estonia | |
| ||
Schwarzwälder Himbeergeist | Germany | |
| ||
Bayerischer Gebirgsenzian | Germany | |
Südtiroler Enzian/Genziana dell'Alto Adige | Italy | |
Genziana trentina/Genziana del Trentino | Italy | |
| ||
Genièvre/Jenever/Genever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen) | |
Genièvre de grains, Graanjenever, Graangenever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) | |
Jonge jenever, jonge genever | Belgium, The Netherlands | |
Oude jenever, oude genever | Belgium, The Netherlands | |
Hasseltse jenever/Hasselt | Belgium (Hasselt, Zonhoven, Diepenbeek) | |
Balegemse jenever | Belgium (Balegem) | |
O' de Flander-Oost-Vlaamse Graanjenever | Belgium (Oost-Vlaanderen) | |
Peket-Pekêt/Pèket-Pèkèt de Wallonie | Belgium (Région wallonne) | |
Genièvre Flandres Artois | France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) | |
Ostfriesischer Korngenever | Germany | |
Steinhäger | Germany | |
Plymouth Gin | United Kingdom | |
Gin de Mahón | Spain | |
Vilniaus Džinas/Vilnius Gin | Lithuania | |
Spišská borovička | Slovakia | |
Slovenská borovička Juniperus | Slovakia | |
Slovenská borovička | Slovakia | |
Inovecká borovička | Slovakia | |
Liptovská borovička | Slovakia | |
| ||
Dansk Akvavit/Dansk Aquavit | Denmark | |
Svensk Aquavit/Svensk Akvavit/Swedish Aquavit | Sweden | |
| ||
Anís español | Spain | |
Anís Paloma Monforte del Cid | Spain | |
Hierbas de Mallorca | Spain | |
Hierbas Ibicencas | Spain | |
Évora anisada | Portugal | |
Cazalla | Spain | |
Chinchón | Spain | |
Ojén | Spain | |
Rute | Spain | |
Janeževec | Slovenia | |
| ||
Ouzo/Oύζο | Cyprus, Greece | |
Ούζο Μυτιλήνης/Ouzo of Mitilene | Greece | |
Ούζο Πλωμαρίου/Ouzo of Plomari | Greece | |
Ούζο Καλαμάτας/Ouzo of Kalamata | Greece | |
Ούζο Θράκης/Ouzo of Thrace | Greece | |
Ούζο Μακεδονίας/Ouzo of Macedonia | Greece | |
| ||
Demänovka bylinná horká | Slovakia | |
Rheinberger Kräuter | Germany | |
Trejos devynerios | Lithuania | |
Slovenska travarica | Slovenia | |
| ||
Herbal vodka from the North Podlasie Lowland aromatised with an extract of bison grass/Wódka ziołowa z Niziny Północnopodlaskiej aromatyzowana ekstraktem z trawy żubrowej | Poland | |
Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka27 Originali lietuviška degtinė/Original Lithuanian vodka27 | Poland Lithuania | |
| ||
Berliner Kümmel | Germany | |
Hamburger Kümmel | Germany | |
Münchener Kümmel | Germany | |
Chiemseer Klosterlikör | Germany | |
Bayerischer Kräuterlikör | Germany | |
Irish Cream25 | Ireland | |
Palo de Mallorca | Spain | |
Ginjinha portuguesa | Portugal | |
Licor de Singeverga | Portugal | |
Mirto di Sardegna | Italy | |
Liquore di limone di Sorrento | Italy | |
Liquore di limone della Costa d'Amalfi | Italy | |
Genepì del Piemonte | Italy | |
Genepì della Valle d'Aosta | Italy | |
Benediktbeurer Klosterlikör | Germany | |
Ettaler Klosterlikör | Germany | |
Ratafia de Champagne | France | |
Ratafia catalana | Spain | |
Anis português | Portugal | |
Suomalainen Marjalikööri/Suomalainen Hedelmälikööri Finsk Bärlikör/Finsk Fruktlikör/ Finnish berry liqueur/Finnish fruit liqueur | Finland | |
Grossglockner Alpenbitter | Austria | |
Mariazeller Magenlikör | Austria | |
Mariazeller Jagasaftl | Austria | |
Puchheimer Bitter | Austria | |
Steinfelder Magenbitter | Austria | |
Wachauer Marillenlikör | Austria | |
Jägertee/Jagertee/Jagatee | Austria | |
Hüttentee | Germany | |
Allažu Ķimelis | Latvia | |
Čepkelių | Lithuania | |
Demänovka Bylinný Likér | Slovakia | |
Polish Cherry | Poland | |
Karlovarská Hořká | Czech Republic | |
Pelinkovec | Slovenia | |
Blutwurz | Germany | |
Cantueso Alicantino | Spain | |
Licor café de Galicia | Spain | |
Licor de hierbas de Galicia | Spain | |
Génépi des Alpes/Genepì degli Alpi | France, Italy | |
Μαστίχα Χίου/Masticha of Chios | Greece | |
Κίτρο Νάξου/Kitro of Naxos | Greece | |
Κουμκουάτ Κέρκυρας/Koum Kouat of Corfu | Greece | |
Τεντούρα/Tentoura | Greece | |
Poncha da Madeira | Portugal | |
Hrvatski pelinkovac | Croatia | |
| ||
Cassis de Bourgogne | France | |
Cassis de Dijon | France | |
Cassis de Saintonge | France | |
Cassis du Dauphiné | France | |
Cassis de Beaufort | Luxembourg | |
| Zadarski maraschino | Croatia |
| ||
Nocino di Modena | Italy | |
Orehovec | Slovenia | |
Other spirit drinks | ||
Pommeau de Bretagne | France | |
Pommeau du Maine | France | |
Pommeau de Normandie | France | |
Svensk Punsch/Swedish Punch | Sweden | |
Pacharán navarro | Spain | |
Pacharán | Spain | |
Inländerrum | Austria | |
Bärwurz | Germany | |
Aguardiente de hierbas de Galicia | Spain | |
Aperitivo Café de Alcoy | Spain | |
Herbero de la Sierra de Mariola | Spain | |
Königsberger Bärenfang | Germany | |
Ostpreußischer Bärenfang | Germany | |
Ronmiel | Spain | |
Ronmiel de Canarias | Spain | |
Genièvre aux fruits/Vruchtenjenever/Jenever met vruchten/Fruchtgenever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen) | |
Domači rum | Slovenia | |
Irish Poteen/Irish Poitín | Ireland | |
Trauktinė | Lithuania | |
Trauktinė Palanga | Lithuania | |
Trauktinė Dainava | Lithuania | |
Hrvatska travarica | Croatia | |
The geographical indication Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whisky covers whisky/whiskey produced in Ireland and Northern Ireland. | ||
The geographical indication ‘Somerset Cider Brandy’ must be accompanied by the sales denomination ‘cider spirit’. | ||
The geographical indication Irish Cream covers the corresponding liqueur produced in Ireland and Northern Ireland. | ||
The protection of the geographical indication ‘Pisco’ under this Regulation shall be without prejudice to the use of the name ‘Pisco’ for products originating in Chile protected under the Association Agreement between the Union and Chile of 2002. | ||
This product must bear on the label the sales denomination ‘flavoured vodka’. The term ‘flavoured’ may be replaced by the name of the predominant flavour. |
Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 97/2014 of 3 February 2014 amending Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 110/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the definition, description, presentation, labelling and the protection of geographical indications of spirit drinks.