Product category | Geographical indication | Country of origin (the precise geographical origin is described in the technical file) |
1.Rum | | |
| Rhum de la Martinique | France |
| Rhum de la Guadeloupe | France |
| Rhum de la Réunion | France |
| Rhum de la Guyane | France |
| Rhum de sucrerie de la Baie du Galion | France |
| Rhum des Antilles françaises | France |
| Rhum des départements français d'outre-mer | France |
| Ron de Málaga | Spain |
| Ron de Granada | Spain |
| Rum da Madeira | Portugal |
2.Whisky/Whiskey | | |
| Scotch Whisky | United Kingdom (Scotland) |
| Irish Whiskey/Uisce Beatha Eireannach/Irish Whisky | Ireland |
| Whisky español | Spain |
| Whisky breton/Whisky de Bretagne | France |
| Whisky alsacien/Whisky d'Alsace | France |
3.Grain spirit | | |
| Eau-de-vie de seigle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Korn/Kornbrand | Germany, Austria, Belgium (German-speaking Community) |
| Münsterländer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Sendenhorster Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Bergischer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Emsländer Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Haselünner Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Hasetaler Korn/Kornbrand | Germany |
| Samanė | Lithuania |
4.Wine spirit | | |
| Eau-de-vie de Cognac | France |
| Eau-de-vie des Charentes | France |
| Eau-de-vie de Jura | France |
| Cognac | France |
| (The denomination ‘Cognac’ may be supplemented by the following terms: | |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| | France |
| Fine Bordeaux | France |
| Fine de Bourgogne | France |
| Armagnac | France |
| Bas-Armagnac | France |
| Haut-Armagnac | France |
| Armagnac-Ténarèze | France |
| Blanche Armagnac | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin de la Marne | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire d'Aquitaine | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin de Bourgogne | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Centre-Est | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Franche-Comté | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Bugey | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin de Savoie | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire des Coteaux de la Loire | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin des Côtes-du-Rhône | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire de Provence | France |
| Eau-de-vie de Faugères/Faugères | France |
| Eau-de-vie de vin originaire du Languedoc | France |
| Aguardente de Vinho Douro | Portugal |
| Aguardente de Vinho Ribatejo | Portugal |
| Aguardente de Vinho Alentejo | Portugal |
| Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes | Portugal |
| Aguardente de Vinho da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho | Portugal |
| Aguardente de Vinho Lourinhã | Portugal |
| Сунгурларска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сунгурларе/Sungurlarska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Sungurlare | Bulgaria |
| Сливенска перла (Сливенска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сливен)/Slivenska perla (Slivenska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Sliven) | Bulgaria |
| Стралджанска Мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Стралджа/Straldjanska Muscatova rakya/Muscatova rakya from Straldja | Bulgaria |
| Поморийска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Поморие/Pomoriyska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Pomorie | Bulgaria |
| Русенска бисерна гроздова ракия/Бисерна гроздова ракия от Русе/Russenska biserna grozdova rakya/Biserna grozdova rakya from Russe | Bulgaria |
| Бургаска Мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Бургас/Bourgaska Muscatova rakya/Muscatova rakya from Bourgas | Bulgaria |
| Добруджанска мускатова ракия/Мускатова ракия от Добруджа/Dobrudjanska muscatova rakya/muscatova rakya from Dobrudja | Bulgaria |
| Сухиндолска гроздова ракия/Гроздова ракия от Сухиндол/Suhindolska grozdova rakya/Grozdova rakya from Suhindol | Bulgaria |
| Карловска гроздова ракия/Гроздова Ракия от Карлово/Karlovska grozdova rakya/Grozdova Rakya from Karlovo | Bulgaria |
| Vinars Târnave | Romania |
| Vinars Vaslui | Romania |
| Vinars Murfatlar | Romania |
| Vinars Vrancea | Romania |
| Vinars Segarcea | Romania |
5. Brandy/Weinbrand | | |
| Brandy de Jerez | Spain |
| Brandy del Penedés | Spain |
| Brandy italiano | Italy |
| Brandy Αττικής/Brandy of Attica | Greece |
| Brandy Πελοποννήσου/Brandy of the Peloponnese | Greece |
| Brandy Κεντρικής Ελλάδας/Brandy of central Greece | Greece |
| Deutscher Weinbrand | Germany |
| Wachauer Weinbrand | Austria |
| Weinbrand Dürnstein | Austria |
| Pfälzer Weinbrand | Germany |
| Karpatské brandy špeciál | Slovakia |
| Brandy français/Brandy de France | France |
6.Grape marc spirit | | |
| Marc de Champagne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Champagne | France |
| Marc d'Aquitaine/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire d'Aquitaine | France |
| Marc de Bourgogne/Eau-de-vie de marc de Bourgogne | France |
| Marc du Centre-Est/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Centre-Est | France |
| Marc de Franche-Comté/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Franche-Comté | France |
| Marc du Bugey/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Bugey | France |
| Marc de Savoie/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Savoie | France |
| Marc des Côteaux de la Loire/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire des Coteaux de la Loire | France |
| Marc des Côtes-du-Rhône/Eau-de-vie de marc des Côtes du Rhône | France |
| Marc de Provence/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire de Provence | France |
| Marc du Languedoc/Eau-de-vie de marc originaire du Languedoc | France |
| Marc d'Alsace Gewürztraminer | France |
| Marc de Lorraine | France |
| Marc d'Auvergne | France |
| Marc du Jura | France |
| Aguardente Bagaceira Bairrada | Portugal |
| Aguardente Bagaceira Alentejo | Portugal |
| Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes | Portugal |
| Aguardente Bagaceira da Região dos Vinhos Verdes de Alvarinho | Portugal |
| Orujo de Galicia | Spain |
| Grappa | Italy |
| Grappa di Barolo | Italy |
| Grappa piemontese/Grappa del Piemonte | Italy |
| Grappa lombarda/Grappa di Lombardia | Italy |
| Grappa trentina/Grappa del Trentino | Italy |
| Grappa friulana/Grappa del Friuli | Italy |
| Grappa veneta/Grappa del Veneto | Italy |
| Südtiroler Grappa/Grappa dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Grappa siciliana/Grappa di Sicilia | Italy |
| Grappa di Marsala | Italy |
| Τσικουδιά/Tsikoudia | Greece |
| Τσικουδιά Κρήτης/Tsikoudia of Crete | Greece |
| Τσίπουρο/Tsipouro | Greece |
| Τσίπουρο Μακεδονίας/Tsipouro of Macedonia | Greece |
| Τσίπουρο Θεσσαλίας/Tsipouro of Thessaly | Greece |
| Τσίπουρο Τυρνάβου/Tsipouro of Tyrnavos | Greece |
| Eau-de-vie de marc de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Ζιβανία/Τζιβανία/Ζιβάνα/Zivania | Cyprus |
| Törkölypálinka | Hungary |
9.Fruit spirit | | |
| Schwarzwälder Kirschwasser | Germany |
| Schwarzwälder Mirabellenwasser | Germany |
| Schwarzwälder Williamsbirne | Germany |
| Schwarzwälder Zwetschgenwasser | Germany |
| Fränkisches Zwetschgenwasser | Germany |
| Fränkisches Kirschwasser | Germany |
| Fränkischer Obstler | Germany |
| Mirabelle de Lorraine | France |
| Kirsch d'Alsace | France |
| Quetsch d'Alsace | France |
| Framboise d'Alsace | France |
| Mirabelle d'Alsace | France |
| Kirsch de Fougerolles | France |
| Williams d'Orléans | France |
| Südtiroler Williams/Williams dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Aprikot/Aprikot dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Marille/Marille dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Kirsch/Kirsch dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Zwetschgeler/Zwetschgeler dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Obstler/Obstler dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Gravensteiner/Gravensteiner dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Südtiroler Golden Delicious/Golden Delicious dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Williams friulano/Williams del Friuli | Italy |
| Sliwovitz del Veneto | Italy |
| Sliwovitz del Friuli-Venezia Giulia | Italy |
| Sliwovitz del Trentino-Alto Adige | Italy |
| Distillato di mele trentino/Distillato di mele del Trentino | Italy |
| Williams trentino/Williams del Trentino | Italy |
| Sliwovitz trentino/Sliwovitz del Trentino | Italy |
| Aprikot trentino/Aprikot del Trentino | Italy |
| Medronho do Algarve | Portugal |
| Medronho do Buçaco | Portugal |
| Kirsch Friulano/Kirschwasser Friulano | Italy |
| Kirsch Trentino/Kirschwasser Trentino | Italy |
| Kirsch Veneto/Kirschwasser Veneto | Italy |
| Aguardente de pêra da Lousã | Portugal |
| Eau-de-vie de pommes de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Eau-de-vie de poires de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Eau-de-vie de kirsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Eau-de-vie de quetsch de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Eau-de-vie de mirabelle de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Eau-de-vie de prunelles de marque nationale luxembourgeoise | Luxembourg |
| Wachauer Marillenbrand | Austria |
| Szatmári Szilvapálinka | Hungary |
| Kecskeméti Barackpálinka | Hungary |
| Békési Szilvapálinka | Hungary |
| Szabolcsi Almapálinka | Hungary |
| Gönci Barackpálinka | Hungary |
| Pálinka | Hungary,
Austria (for apricot spirits solely produced in the Länder of: Niederösterreich, Burgenland, Steiermark, Wien)
| Bošácka slivovica | Slovakia |
| Brinjevec | Slovenia |
| Dolenjski sadjevec | Slovenia |
| Троянска сливова ракия/Сливова ракия от Троян/Troyanska slivova rakya/Slivova rakya from Troyan | Bulgaria |
| Силистренска кайсиева ракия/Кайсиева ракия от Силистра/Silistrenska kaysieva rakya/Kaysieva rakya from Silistra | Bulgaria |
| Тервелска кайсиева ракия/Кайсиева ракия от Тервел/Tervelska kaysieva rakya/Kaysieva rakya from Tervel | Bulgaria |
| Ловешка сливова ракия/Сливова ракия от Ловеч/Loveshka slivova rakya/Slivova rakya from Lovech | Bulgaria |
| Pălincă | Romania |
| Ţuică Zetea de Medieşu Aurit | Romania |
| Ţuică de Valea Milcovului | Romania |
| Ţuică de Buzău | Romania |
| Ţuică de Argeş | Romania |
| Ţuică de Zalău | Romania |
| Ţuică Ardelenească de Bistriţa | Romania |
| Horincă de Maramureş | Romania |
| Horincă de Cămârzana | Romania |
| Horincă de Seini | Romania |
| Horincă de Chioar | Romania |
| Horincă de Lăpuş | Romania |
| Turţ de Oaş | Romania |
| Turţ de Maramureş | Romania |
10.Cider spirit and perry spirit | | |
| Calvados | France |
| Calvados Pays d'Auge | France |
| Calvados Domfrontais | France |
| Eau-de-vie de cidre de Bretagne | France |
| Eau-de-vie de poiré de Bretagne | France |
| Eau-de-vie de cidre de Normandie | France |
| Eau-de-vie de poiré de Normandie | France |
| Eau-de-vie de cidre du Maine | France |
| Aguardiente de sidra de Asturias | Spain |
| Eau-de-vie de poiré du Maine | France |
15.Vodka | | |
| Svensk Vodka/Swedish Vodka | Sweden |
| Suomalainen Vodka/Finsk Vodka/Vodka of Finland | Finland |
| Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka | Poland |
| Laugarício vodka | Slovakia |
| Originali lietuviška degtinė/Original Lithuanian vodka | Lithuania |
| Herbal vodka from the North Podlasie Lowland aromatised with an extract of bison grass/Wódka ziołowa z Niziny Północnopodlaskiej aromatyzowana ekstraktem z trawy żubrowej | Poland |
| Latvijas Dzidrais | Latvia |
| Rīgas Degvīns | Latvia |
| Estonian vodka | Estonia |
17. Geist | | |
| Schwarzwälder Himbeergeist | Germany |
18.Gentian | | |
| Bayerischer Gebirgsenzian | Germany |
| Südtiroler Enzian/Genziana dell'Alto Adige | Italy |
| Genziana trentina/Genziana del Trentino | Italy |
19.Juniper-flavoured spirit drinks | | |
| Genièvre/Jenever/Genever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen) |
| Genièvre de grains, Graanjenever, Graangenever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) |
| Jonge jenever, jonge genever | Belgium, The Netherlands |
| Oude jenever, oude genever | Belgium, The Netherlands |
| Hasseltse jenever/Hasselt | Belgium (Hasselt, Zonhoven, Diepenbeek) |
| Balegemse jenever | Belgium (Balegem) |
| O' de Flander-Oost-Vlaamse Graanjenever | Belgium (Oost-Vlaanderen) |
| Peket-Pekêt/Pèket-Pèkèt de Wallonie | Belgium (Région wallonne) |
| Genièvre Flandres Artois | France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)) |
| Ostfriesischer Korngenever | Germany |
| Steinhäger | Germany |
| Plymouth Gin | United Kingdom |
| Gin de Mahón | Spain |
| Vilniaus Džinas/Vilnius Gin | Lithuania |
| Spišská borovička | Slovakia |
| Slovenská borovička Juniperus | Slovakia |
| Slovenská borovička | Slovakia |
| Inovecká borovička | Slovakia |
| Liptovská borovička | Slovakia |
24. Akvavit/aquavit | | |
| Dansk Akvavit/Dansk Aquavit | Denmark |
| Svensk Aquavit/Svensk Akvavit/Swedish Aquavit | Sweden |
25.Aniseed-flavoured spirit drinks | | |
| Anís español | Spain |
| Anís Paloma Monforte del Cid | Spain |
| Hierbas de Mallorca | Spain |
| Hierbas Ibicencas | Spain |
| Évora anisada | Portugal |
| Cazalla | Spain |
| Chinchón | Spain |
| Ojén | Spain |
| Rute | Spain |
| Janeževec | Slovenia |
29.Distilled Anis | | |
| Ouzo/Oύζο | Cyprus, Greece |
| Ούζο Μυτιλήνης/Ouzo of Mitilene | Greece |
| Ούζο Πλωμαρίου/Ouzo of Plomari | Greece |
| Ούζο Καλαμάτας/Ouzo of Kalamata | Greece |
| Ούζο Θράκης/Ouzo of Thrace | Greece |
| Ούζο Μακεδονίας/Ouzo of Macedonia | Greece |
30.Bitter-tasting spirit drinks/bitter | | |
| Demänovka bylinná horká | Slovakia |
| Rheinberger Kräuter | Germany |
| Trejos devynerios | Lithuania |
| Slovenska travarica | Slovenia |
32.Liqueur | | |
| Berliner Kümmel | Germany |
| Hamburger Kümmel | Germany |
| Münchener Kümmel | Germany |
| Chiemseer Klosterlikör | Germany |
| Bayerischer Kräuterlikör | Germany |
| Irish Cream | Ireland |
| Palo de Mallorca | Spain |
| Ginjinha portuguesa | Portugal |
| Licor de Singeverga | Portugal |
| Mirto di Sardegna | Italy |
| Liquore di limone di Sorrento | Italy |
| Liquore di limone della Costa d'Amalfi | Italy |
| Genepì del Piemonte | Italy |
| Genepì della Valle d'Aosta | Italy |
| Benediktbeurer Klosterlikör | Germany |
| Ettaler Klosterlikör | Germany |
| Ratafia de Champagne | France |
| Ratafia catalana | Spain |
| Anis português | Portugal |
| Suomalainen Marjalikööri/Suomalainen Hedelmälikööri Finsk Bärlikör/Finsk Fruktlikör/
Finnish berry liqueur/Finnish fruit liqueur
| Finland |
| Grossglockner Alpenbitter | Austria |
| Mariazeller Magenlikör | Austria |
| Mariazeller Jagasaftl | Austria |
| Puchheimer Bitter | Austria |
| Steinfelder Magenbitter | Austria |
| Wachauer Marillenlikör | Austria |
| Jägertee/Jagertee/Jagatee | Austria |
| Hüttentee | Germany |
| Allažu Ķimelis | Latvia |
| Čepkelių | Lithuania |
| Demänovka Bylinný Likér | Slovakia |
| Polish Cherry | Poland |
| Karlovarská Hořká | Czech Republic |
| Pelinkovec | Slovenia |
| Blutwurz | Germany |
| Cantueso Alicantino | Spain |
| Licor café de Galicia | Spain |
| Licor de hierbas de Galicia | Spain |
| Génépi des Alpes/Genepì degli Alpi | France, Italy |
| Μαστίχα Χίου/Masticha of Chios | Greece |
| Κίτρο Νάξου/Kitro of Naxos | Greece |
| Κουμκουάτ Κέρκυρας/Koum Kouat of Corfu | Greece |
| Τεντούρα/Tentoura | Greece |
| Poncha da Madeira | Portugal |
34. Crème de cassis | | |
| Cassis de Bourgogne | France |
| Cassis de Dijon | France |
| Cassis de Saintonge | France |
| Cassis du Dauphiné | France |
| Cassis de Beaufort | Luxembourg |
40. Nocino | | |
| Nocino di Modena | Italy |
| Orehovec | Slovenia |
Other spirit drinks |
| Pommeau de Bretagne | France |
| Pommeau du Maine | France |
| Pommeau de Normandie | France |
| Svensk Punsch/Swedish Punch | Sweden |
| Pacharán navarro | Spain |
| Pacharán | Spain |
| Inländerrum | Austria |
| Bärwurz | Germany |
| Aguardiente de hierbas de Galicia | Spain |
| Aperitivo Café de Alcoy | Spain |
| Herbero de la Sierra de Mariola | Spain |
| Königsberger Bärenfang | Germany |
| Ostpreußischer Bärenfang | Germany |
| Ronmiel | Spain |
| Ronmiel de Canarias | Spain |
| Genièvre aux fruits/Vruchtenjenever/Jenever met vruchten/Fruchtgenever | Belgium, The Netherlands, France (Départements Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62)), Germany (German Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen and Niedersachsen) |
| Domači rum | Slovenia |
| Irish Poteen/Irish Poitín | Ireland |
| Trauktinė | Lithuania |
| Trauktinė Palanga | Lithuania |
| Trauktinė Dainava | Lithuania |