Commission Regulation (EC) No 1276/2008Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1276/2008 of 17 December 2008 on the monitoring by physical checks of exports of agricultural products receiving refunds or other amounts


1.Bulk productsU.K.

1.1.Where an exporter uses sealed facilities for automatic loading and calibrated automatic weighing of bulk products, the customs office of export shall check that the products tally with the export declaration by measuring the quantity by using the calibrated automatic weighing information, and it shall check the nature and characteristics of the products by representative sampling.U.K.

The customs office of export shall also check by sampling that:


the weighing and loading systems do not permit products to be rerouted inside these sealed circuits or any other manipulations;


the time limits specified for calibrated weighing equipment have not expired and that seals are intact where sealed weighing systems are used;


the consignments weighed are actually loaded on the means of transport specified;


the data entered in the weighing records or certificates correspond to the data contained in the loading documents.

1.2.In the rare cases where the quantity of bulk products is not recorded by a calibrated automatic weighing system, the customs office shall use any other means of checking which is satisfactory from the commercial point of view.U.K.

1.3.Where an export declaration only covers part of the cargo of a ship, the customs office of export shall ensure supervision of the physical departure of the whole cargo. To this end, when the loading process is completed, the customs office shall verify the total weight of the cargo loaded by use of the information under point 1.1 or 1.2, with, where appropriate the information in commercial documents.U.K.

2.Piece productsU.K.

2.1.Where an exporter has declared products packaged using automatic systems for bagging, canning, bottling, etc., and calibrated automatic weighing/measuring equipment, or put up in packaging or bottles within the meaning of Council Directives 75/106/EEC(1), 75/107/EEC(2) and 76/211/EEC(3), the total number of bags, cans, bottles, etc., shall in principle be counted and the nature and characteristics of the products shall be checked on the basis of a representative selection made by the customs office of export. The weight or volume shall be determined by calibrated automatic weighing/measuring or by the packaging or bottles, within the meaning of the above Directives. The customs office of export may weigh or measure one bag, can or bottle.U.K.

2.2.If the equipment has a calibrated automatic counter, the records of the automatic counter may be taken into account for the physical check on quantity. Point 1.1 shall apply mutatis mutandis.U.K.

2.3.Where an exporter uses pallets loaded with cartons, cans, etc., the customs office of export shall select representative pallets and check whether the number of cartons, cans, etc. declared is present. It shall select from these pallets a number of representative cartons, cans etc., and check whether the number of bottles, units, etc., is present.U.K.

2.4.Where the exporter does not use facilities as referred to in points 2.1 and 2.2, the customs office of export shall count the number of bags, cans, etc. The nature, characteristics and weight/volume shall be checked on the basis of a representative selection. Point 2.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.U.K.

2.5.Where in the case of points 2.1 and 2.2 the contents and exact weight are indicated on the immediate packaging of the products, that information shall be verified only in 50 % of physical checks if the products are packed in containers or packs intended for wholesale, and the products are exported regularly by the same exporter and no non-conformities having financial consequences greater than EUR 1 000 have been found during the previous six months.U.K.

3.Goods not covered by Annex I to the TreatyU.K.

3.1.In the case of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty which are packaged for retail sale or subject to appropriate marking with details of content and weight on the immediate packaging and which either meet the requirements of the third subparagraph of Article 10 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1043/2005(4) or for which the quantities of product used are those set out in Annex III to that Regulation, the customs office of export shall begin by checking the weight and content of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty put up in immediate packaging against the details on the immediate packaging. It may weigh a unit without packaging. It shall then count and/or weigh – in principle – the total quantity of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty in immediate packaging.U.K.

Points 2.1 to 2.5 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

3.2.The customs office may take a sample to verify that no substitution has taken place.U.K.

3.3.The quantity of products used in the production of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty may be assumed by the customs office of export to be correct if the description and the content indicated on the immediate packaging are consistent with the details given in the export declaration or the registered manufacturing formula.U.K.

If the manufacturing formula has not yet been checked by the competent authorities, the customs office of export shall have the auditor of the competent authorities verify the formula and the identity of the goods afterwards.

For the purposes of this method for verifying the composition of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty, Member States shall introduce in advance a procedure whereby:


the composition of goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty can be checked through the accounts and specific documents relating to production;


it is verified, through the undertaking’s production documents, that the goods not covered by Annex I to the Treaty produced are the same as those covered by the export declaration and the manufacturing formula and the goods to be exported; and


the auditor of the competent authority can verify ex-post that the goods exported tally with the export declaration concerned, the manufacturing formula and the goods produced.

3.4.In cases where the procedure provided for in points 3.1 to 3.3 is not applied, the customs office of export shall take representative samples, without prejudice to Article 49 of Regulation (EC) No 1043/2005.U.K.


1.Criteria relating to the products:U.K.


their origin;


their nature;


their characteristics in terms of the refund nomenclature;


their value;


their customs status;


the risk of an incorrect tariff code;


the amount of refund in terms of technical characteristics and the presentation of the products (fat, water, meat, ash content, packaging, etc.);


their becoming newly eligible for refunds;


the quantity;


analyses of previous samples;


binding tariff information (BTI).

2.Criteria relating to trade:U.K.


its frequency;


the appearance of unusual trade and/or the development of new trade;


diversions of trade.

3.Criteria relating to the refund nomenclature:U.K.


the rate of refund;


the nomenclatures in respect of which most export refunds are paid;


the risks of incorrect refund rates in terms of technical characteristics and the presentation of the products (fat, water, meat, ash content, packaging, etc.).

4.Criteria relating to the exporters:U.K.


their status under customs legislation (e.g. authorised economic operator);


their reputation and trustworthiness;


their financial position;


the appearance of new exporters;


exports without any immediately apparent economic justification;


previous disputes, in particular cases of fraud.

5.Criteria relating to irregularities: detected or suspected in certain product sectors.U.K.

6.Criteria relating to the customs arrangements used:U.K.


the normal declaration procedure;


the simplified declaration procedure;


acceptance of the export declaration in application of Articles 790 and 791 of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.

7.Criteria relating to the arrangements for granting export refunds:U.K.


direct exports;



8.Criteria in particular relating to substitution checks:U.K.


the export destination;


the logistical evidence of the customs office of exit: new or unusual itinerary or traffic, products moved from another office of exit;


excessive journey time from the office of export;


arrival outside normal port/border pattern;


the seal number is different from that declared;


the commodity code and description do not agree;


the declared weight appears incorrect;


inappropriate means of transport for the products;


the amount of refund.

ANNEX IIIU.K.Entries referred to in Article 15(1)(a)

— In Bulgarian


Физическа проверка Регламент (ЕО) № 1276/2008

— In Spanish


Control físico — Reglamento (CE) no 1276/2008

— In Czech


fyzická kontrola nařízení (ES) č. 1276/2008

— In Danish


fysisk kontrol forordning (EF) nr. 1276/2008

— In German


Warenkontrolle Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1276/2008

— In Estonian


füüsiline kontroll Määrus (EÜ) nr 1276/2008

— In Greek


φυσικός έλεγχος — κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1276/2008

— In English


physical check Regulation (EC) No 1276/2008

— In French


contrôle physique règlement (CE) no 1276/2008

— In Italian


controllo fisico regolamento (CE) n. 1276/2008

— In Latvian


fiziska pārbaude, Regula (EK) Nr. 1276/2008

— In Lithuanian


fizinė patikra, Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 1276/2008

— In Hungarian


fizikai ellenőrzés 1276/2008/EK rendelet

— In Maltese


spezzjoni fiżika Regolament (KE) Nru 1276/2008

— In Dutch


fysieke controle Verordening (EG) nr. 1276/2008

— In Polish


kontrola bezpośrednia – rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1276/2008

— In Portuguese


controlo físico Regulamento (CE) n.o 1276/2008

— In Romanian


control fizic Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1276/2008

— In Slovakian


fyzická kontrola – nariadenie (ES) č. 1276/2008

— In Slovenian


fizični pregled Uredba (ES) št. 1276/2008

— In Finnish


fyysinen tarkastus – Asetus (EY) N:o 1276/2008

— In Swedish


Fysisk kontroll förordning (EG) nr 1276/2008

ANNEX IVU.K.Entries referred to in Article 15(1)(b)

— In Bulgarian


Регламент (ЕО) № 2298/2001

— In Spanish


Reglamento (CE) no 2298/2001

— In Czech


Nařízení (ES) č. 2298/2001

[X1 In Danish


Forordning (EF) nr. 2298/2001]

— In German


Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2298/2001

— In Estonian


Määrus (EÜ) nr 2298/2001

— In Greek


Κανονισμός (ΕΚ) αριθ. 2298/2001

— In English


Regulation (EC) No 2298/2001

— In French


Règlement (CE) no 2298/2001

— In Italian


Regolamento (CE) n. 2298/2001

— In Latvian


Regula (EK) Nr. 2298/2001

— In Lithuanian


Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 2298/2001

— In Hungarian


2298/2001/EK rendelet

— In Maltese


Regolament (KE) Nru 2298/2001

— In Dutch


Verordening (EG) nr. 2298/2001

— In Polish


Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 2298/2001

— In Portuguese


Regulamento (CE) n.o 2298/2001

— In Romanian


Regulamentul (CE) nr. 2298/2001

— In Slovakian


Nariadenie (ES) č. 2298/2001

— In Slovenian


Uredba (ES) št. 2298/2001

— In Finnish


Asetus (EY) N:o 2298/2001

— In Swedish


Förordning (EG) nr 2298/2001

ANNEX VU.K.Entries referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 15(2)

— In Bulgarian


Взета проба

— In Spanish


Muestra recogida

— In Czech


odebraný vzorek

— In Danish


udtaget prøve

— In German


Probe gezogen

— In Estonian


võetud proov

— In Greek


ελήφθη δείγμα

— In English


Sample taken

— In French


échantillon prélevé

— In Italian


campione prelevato

— In Latvian


paraugs paņemts

— In Lithuanian


Mėginys paimtas

— In Hungarian


ellenőrzési mintavétel megtörtént

— In Maltese


kampjun meħud

— In Dutch


monster genomen

— In Polish


pobrana próbka

— In Portuguese


Amostra colhida

— In Romanian


Eșantion prelevat

— In Slovakian


odobratá vzorka

— In Slovenian


vzorec odvzet

— In Finnish


näyte otettu

— In Swedish


varuprov har tagits

ANNEX VIU.K.Entries referred to in Article 15(4)(a)

— In Bulgarian


Съответствие на резултатите от тестовете

— In Spanish


Resultado del análisis conforme

— In Czech


výsledek analýzy je v souladu

— In Danish


analyseresultat i orden

— In German


konformes Analyseergebnis

— In Estonian


vastav analüüsitulemus

— In Greek


αποτέλεσμα της ανάλυσης σύμφωνο

— In English


Results of tests conform

— In French


résultat d’analyse conforme

— In Italian


risultato di analisi conforme

— In Latvian


analīzes rezultāti atbilst

— In Lithuanian


Tyrimų rezultatai atitinka eksporto deklaraciją

— In Hungarian


ellenőrzési eredmény megfelelő

— In Maltese


riżultat tal-analiżi konformi

— In Dutch


analyseresultaat conform

— In Polish


wynik analizy zgodny

— In Portuguese


Resultado da análise conforme

— In Romanian


Rezultatul analizelor – conform

— In Slovakian


výsledok testu je v súlade

— In Slovenian


rezultat analize je v skladu z/s

— In Finnish


analyysin tulos yhtäpitävä

— In Swedish


Analysresultatet överensstämmer med exportdeklarationen

ANNEX VIIU.K.Entries referred to in Article 15(5)

— In Bulgarian


Искане за прилагане на член 15, параграф 5 от Регламент (ЕО) № 1276/2008. Идентификация на изходното митническо учреждение или митническото учреждение на получаване на контролното копие Т5:

— In Spanish


Solicitud de aplicación del artículo 15, apartado 5, del Reglamento (CE) no 1276/2008. Aduana de salida o de destino del T5: …

— In Czech


Žádost o použití čl. 15 odst. 5 nařízení (ES) č. 1276/2008. Identifikace celního úřadu výstupu nebo celního úřadu určení T 5:

— In Danish


Anmodning om anvendelse af artikel 15, stk. 5, i forordning (EF) nr. 1276/2008. Identifikation af udgangstoldstedet eller bestemmelsestoldstedet for T5: …

— In German


Antrag auf Anwendung von Artikel 15 Absatz 5 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1276/2008. Identifizierung der Ausgangszollstelle oder der Bestimmungsstelle des Kontrollexemplars T5: …

— In Estonian


Määruse (EÜ) nr 1276/2008 artikli 15 lõike 5 kohaldamise taotlus. Väljumistolliasutus või tolliasutus, kuhu saadetakse kontrolleksemplar T5: …

— In Greek


Αίτηση εφαρμογής του άρθρου 15 παράγραφος 5 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 1276/2008. Προσδιορισμός του τελωνείου εξόδου ή του τελωνείου προορισμού του αντιτύπου ελέγχου T5: …

— In English


Request for application of Article 15(5) of Regulation (EC) No 1276/2008. Identity of the customs office of exit or customs office receiving the control copy T5: …

— In French


Demande d’application de l’article 15, paragraphe 5, du règlement (CE) no 1276/2008. Identification du bureau de douane de sortie ou de destination du T5: …

— In Italian


Domanda di applicazione dell’articolo 15, paragrafo 5, del regolamento (CE) n. 1276/2008. Identificazione dell’ufficio doganale di uscita o di destinazione del T5: …

— In Latvian


Pieprasījums piemērot Regulas (EK) Nr. 1276/2008 15. panta 5. punktu. Izvešanas muitas punkta vai muitas punkta, kas saņem T5 kontroleksemplāru, identitāte: …

— In Lithuanian


Prašymas taikyti Reglamento (EB) Nr. 1276/2008 15 straipsnio 5 dalį. Išvykimo muitinės įstaiga arba įstaiga, kuriai išsiunčiamas T5 kontrolinis egzempliorius: …

— In Hungarian


Az 1276/2008/EK rendelet 15. cikke (5) bekezdésének alkalmazására irányuló kérelem. A kilépési vámhivatal vagy a T5 ellenőrző példányt átvevő hivatal azonosítója:

— In Maltese


Talba għall-applikazzjoni tal-Artikolu 15, paragrafu 5, tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 1276/2008. Identifikazzjoni tal-uffiċċju tad-dwana tat-tluq jew tal-wasla tat-T5: …

— In Dutch


Verzoek om toepassing van artikel 15, lid 5 van Verordening (EG) nr. 1276/2008 Identificatie van het kantoor van uitgang of van bestemming van de T5: …

— In Polish


Wniosek o stosowanie art. 15 ust. 5 rozporzadzenia (WE) nr 1276/2008. Identyfikacja urzędu celnego wyprowadzenia lub urzędu celnego otrzymującego egzemplarz kontrolny T5: …

— In Portuguese


Pedido de aplicação do n.o 5 do artigo 15.o do Regulamento (CE) n.o 1276/2008. Identificação da estância aduaneira de saída ou de destino do T5: …

— In Romanian


Cerere de aplicare a articolului 15 alineatul (5) din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 1276/2008. Identitatea biroului vamal de ieșire sau a biroului vamal de destinație a exemplarului de control T5: …

— In Slovakian


Žiadost’ o uplatňovanie článku 15 ods. 5 nariadenia (ES) č. 1276/2008. Identifikácia colného úradu výstupu alebo colného úradu určenia T5: …

— In Slovenian


Zahteva se uporaba člena 15, odstavka 5, Uredbe (ES) št. 1276/2008. Identifikacija carinskega urada izstopa ali carinskega urada, ki mu je poslan kontrolni izvod T5:

— In Finnish


Asetuksen (EY) N:o 1276/2008 15 artiklan 5 kohdan soveltamista koskeva pyyntö. Poistumistullitoimipaikan tai toimipaikan, johon T5-valvontakappale toimitetaan, tunnistustiedot: …

— In Swedish


Begäran om tillämpning av artikel 15.5 i förordning (EG) nr 1276/2008. Uppgift om utfartstullkontor eller bestämmelsetullkontor enligt kontrollexemplaret T5:

ANNEX VIIIU.K.Elements of the Annual Report pursuant to Article 16

1.Checks at the customs offices of exportU.K.

1.1.The number of export declarations per product sector per customs office not excluded under Article 6(6) when calculating the minimum rate of checks. If the Member State applies Article 6(2)(b), the report shall mention the total number of export declarations per product sector in its territory not excluded under Article 6(6) when calculating the minimum rate of checks.U.K.

1.2.The number and percentage of physical checks carried out per product sector per customs office. If the Member State applies Article 6(2)(b), the report shall mention the total number and percentage of physical checks carried out per product sector in its territory.U.K.

1.3.If applicable, a list of customs offices applying reduced rates of checks pursuant to Article 6(4)(b). If the Member State applies Article 6(2)(b), and if it applies Article 6(4), the report shall mention the number and percentage of physical checks carried out per product sector per customs office defined in that Article.U.K.

1.4.The number of checks by product sector which led to the detection of irregularities, the financial incidence of irregularities detected exceeding a refund value of EUR 1 000 including, where applicable, the reference number used for the communication referred to in Article 3 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1848/2006(5).U.K.

1.5.If applicable, the updating of the number of irregularities under Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1848/2006 which were communicated to the Commission in the preceding annual reports.U.K.

1.6.The requested value of refunds per product sector of declarations subjected to physical checks.U.K.

2.Substitution checks at the customs offices of exitU.K.

2.1.The number of T5 control copies and equivalent documents per customs office of exit or the customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent where the products for which a refund is claimed leave the Community’s customs territory, noted as:U.K.


the number of T5 control copies and equivalent documents covering exports which were physically controlled as meant in Article 3(a);


the number of T5 control copies and equivalent documents covering export declarations which were not physically controlled as meant in Article 3(a);


the total number of T5 control copies and equivalent documents.

2.2.The number and percentage of checks on the integrity of seals referred to in Article 7, carried out per customs office of exit or the customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent where the products for which a refund is claimed leave the Community’s customs territory.U.K.

2.3.The number and percentage of checks, broken down in substitution checks and specific substitution checks referred to in Articles 8 and 9, carried out per customs office of exit or the customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent where the products for which a refund is claimed leave the Community’s customs territory.U.K.

2.4.The number of T5 control copies and equivalent documents for which the seals affixed on departure have been removed other than under customs supervision, or the seals have been broken or the dispensation from sealing under Article 357(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 has not been granted.U.K.

2.5.The number of substitution checks referred to in Article 8 of this Regulation which led to the detection of irregularities, the financial incidence of irregularities detected exceeding a refund value of EUR 1 000, including, where applicable, the reference number which is used for communication referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1848/2006.U.K.

The number of specific substitution checks referred to in Article 9 of this Regulation which led to the detection of irregularities, the financial incidence of irregularities detected exceeding a refund value of EUR 1 000, including, where applicable, the reference number which is used for communication referred to in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1848/2006.

2.6.If applicable, the updating of the number of irregularities which were communicated to the Commission under Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1848/2006 in the preceding annual report.U.K.

2.7.To what extent the customs offices of exit or the customs office to which the T5 control copy is sent applied Article 15(5) and which information was given from the paying agencies concerned.U.K.

3.Procedures for the selection of consignments for physical checksU.K.

3.1.A description of the procedures for the selection of consignments for physical checks, for substitution checks and for specific substitution checks and their effectiveness.U.K.

4.Modifications of the risk analysis system or strategyU.K.

4.1.A description of all modifications of the measures notified to the Commission under Article 11(3).U.K.

5.Detailed information on selection systems and on the risk analysis systemU.K.

The information in points 5.1 to 5.4 shall only be submitted if there have been modifications since the latest report.

The information in point 5.5 is requested from the Member States for the period in 2009 before their notification of application of risk analysis pursuant to Article 11.

5.1.Description of the uniform system, if existent, of recording the weighting rate of risks associated with each consignment.U.K.

5.2.Description of the intervals of the periodical evaluation and revision of the assessed risks.U.K.

5.3.Description of the monitoring and feedback system in order to ensure that targeted checks are carried out or that satisfactory reasons are recorded for not doing so.U.K.

5.4.If there has not been any revision of risk evaluation (see point 5.2) for the latest reporting periods, explain why the existing evaluation still remains the appropriate means to ensure the effectiveness of physical checks.U.K.

5.5.If a risk analysis pursuant to Article 11 is not applied, explain why the existing system of checks still remains the appropriate means to ensure the effectiveness of physical checks.U.K.

6.Coordination with Regulation (EC) No 485/2008U.K.

6.1.Description of the measures pursuant to Article 13(1) of this Regulation which have been taken in order to improve the coordination with Regulation (EC) No 485/2008.U.K.

7.Difficulties in applying this RegulationU.K.

7.1.Description of any difficulties encountered in the application of this Regulation and the measures taken to overcome them or proposals to that end.U.K.

8.Evaluation of the checks carried outU.K.

8.1.Evaluation whether the checks have been carried out satisfactorily.U.K.

8.2.Report whether the certifying body referred to in Article 5 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 885/2006 made any statements regarding the carrying out of physical and substitution checks in its latest report pursuant to Article 5(4) of that Regulation and indicate the respective place in the report (chapter, page etc.). If the report contains recommendations on the improvement of the system of physical and substitution checks, indicate which measures have been implemented in order to improve the system.U.K.

8.3.The Member States not yet having implemented the measures as meant under point 8.2 when drawing up the annual report shall deliver this information by 31 July of the year the annual report is submitted.U.K.

9.Suggestions for improvementU.K.

9.1.Where appropriate, suggestions for improvement, either in the application of this Regulation, or in the Regulation itself.U.K.

ANNEX IXU.K.Correlation table


Professional secrecy is covered by Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 450/2008.


Article 10(5a) second subparagraph is covered by Article 9(1) of Regulation (EC) No 885/2006.


Point 3(b) is covered by Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 485/2008.

Regulation (EEC) No 386/90Regulation (EC) No 3122/94Regulation (EC) No 2090/2002This Regulation
Article 1Article 1(2)Article 1
Articles 1(3), 5(1), 3 and 10(4)Article 2
Article 2Article 3
Article 3(1) and 3(2)Article 4(1)
Article 5(2)Article 4(2) and (3)
Article 3(3)Article 5(1)
Articles 5(1) and 6(b)Article 5(2)
Article 3(4)Article 5(3)
Article 5(1)Article 5(4) and (5)
Article 3(1)(b) and 3(2) first subparagraphArticle 6(1)
Article 3(2) second subparagraphArticle 6(2)(a)
Article 3(2) third subparagraphArticle 6(2)(b)
Article 5(3)Article 6(3)
Article 6(a) and (c)Article 6(4)
Article 2(1)Article 6(5)
Article 2(2)Article 6(6)
Article 2(3)Article 6(7)
Article 10(2a)Article 7
Article 3aArticle 10(1) and (2)Article 8(1)
Article 10(4)Article 8(2)
Article 10(3)Article 8(3)
Article 10(2a)Article 9(1)
Article 10(4a)Article 9(2)
Article 10(2)Article 10(1)
Article 2(2)Article 10(2)
Article 2(3)Article 10(3)
Article 3(2)Article 1Article 10(2)Article 11(1), (2) and (3)
Article 2a
Article 3(1)Article 11(4)
Article 3(2)Article 11(5)
Article 4Article 12
Article 3(3)Article 13(1)
Article 5Article 13(2)
Article 8(1)Article 14(1)
Article 8(2)Article 14(2)
Article 8(3)Article 15(1)
Article 10(5)(a) and 10(5a) second subparagraphbArticle 15(2)
Article 10(5a) first subparagraphArticle 15(3)
Article 10(6)Article 15(4)
Article 10(7) first subparagraphArticle 15(5)
Article 11Article 16
Article 12Article 17
Article 18
Annex IcAnnex I
Article 1Annex II
Article 8(3)(a)Annex III
Article 8(3)(b)Annex IV
Annex IaAnnex V
Annex IbAnnex VI
Annex IcAnnex VII
Annex IIIAnnex VIII
Annex IX