ANNEX II Table 34: rows 1751 - 2000
[F1(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5 | |||||
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid | |||||
09.1.2 | Unprocessed molluscs and crustaceans | ||||
Group IV | Polyols | quantum satis | only frozen and deep-frozen unprocessed crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods; for purposes other than sweetening | ||
[F2E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 150 | (3) (10) | only fresh, frozen and deep-frozen crustaceans and cephalopods; crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family up to 80 units per kg | |
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 200 | (3) (10) | only crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family between 80 and 120 units per kg | |
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 300 | (3) (10) | only crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family over 120 units per kg] | |
E 300 | Ascorbic acid | quantum satis | |||
E 301 | Sodium ascorbate | quantum satis | |||
E 302 | Calcium ascorbate | quantum satis | |||
E 330 | Citric acid | quantum satis | |||
E 331 | Sodium citrates | quantum satis | |||
E 332 | Potassium citrates | quantum satis | |||
E 333 | Calcium citrates | quantum satis | |||
E 338-452 | Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates | 5 000 | (1) (4) | only frozen and deep-frozen molluscs and crustaceans | |
E 385 | Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) | (75) | only frozen and deep-frozen crustaceans | ||
[F2E 586 | 4-Hexylresorcinol | 2 | (90) | Only fresh, frozen or deep-frozen crustaceans] | |
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | |||||
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5 | |||||
(10): Maximum limits in edible parts | |||||
[F2(90): As a residue in the meat] | |||||
09.2 | Processed fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans | ||||
Group I | Additives | ||||
Group II | Colours at quantum satis | quantum satis | only surimi and similar products and salmon substitutes | ||
[F3Group III | Colours with combined maximum limit | 500 | (84) | only surimi and similar products and salmon substitutes] | |
[F4E 100 | Curcumin | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste] | |
E 101 | Riboflavins | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 102 | Tartrazine | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste | |
[ F5 | |||||
F5 ] | |||||
[F6E 110 | Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S | 200 | (63) | only in salmon substitutes based on Theragra chalcogramma and Pollachius virens] | |
[F3E 120 | Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines | 100 | (35) (85) | only fish paste and crustacean paste] | |
E 122 | Azorubine, Carmoisine | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste | |
[ F5 ] | |||||
[F6E 124 | Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A | 200 | (63) | only in salmon substitutes based on Theragra chalcogramma and Pollachius virens] | |
E 140 | Chlorophylls, Chlorophyllins | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 141 | Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 142 | Green S | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste | |
E 150a-d | Caramels | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
[F7E 151 | Brilliant Black PN | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste] | |
E 153 | Vegetable carbon | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 160a | Carotenes | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 160c | Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 160e | Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste | |
E 161b | Lutein | 100 | (35) | only fish paste and crustacean paste | |
E 162 | Beetroot Red, betanin | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 163 | Anthocyanins | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 170 | Calcium carbonate | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 171 | Titanium dioxide | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 172 | Iron oxides and hydroxides | quantum satis | only fish paste and crustacean paste | ||
E 100 | Curcumin | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 101 | Riboflavins | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 102 | Tartrazine | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
[ F5 ] | |||||
E 120 | Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 122 | Azorubine, Carmoisine | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
[ F5 ] | |||||
E 129 | Allura Red AG | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 140 | Chlorophylls, Chlorophyllins | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 141 | Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 142 | Green S | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 150a-d | Caramels | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
[F7E 151 | Brilliant Black PN | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean] | |
E 153 | Vegetable carbon | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 155 | Brown HT | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 160a | Carotenes | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 160c | Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 160e | Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 161b | Lutein | 250 | (36) | only precooked crustacean | |
E 162 | Beetroot Red, betanin | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 163 | Anthocyanins | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
E 171 | Titanium dioxide | quantum satis | only precooked crustacean | ||
[F4E 100 | Curcumin | 100 | (37) | only smoked fish] | |
E 101 | Riboflavins | quantum satis | only smoked fish | ||
E 102 | Tartrazine | 100 | (37) | only smoked fish | |
[ F5 ] | |||||
E 120 | Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines | 100 | (37) | only smoked fish | |
[ F5 ] | |||||
E 141 | Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins | quantum satis | only smoked fish | ||
[F7E 151 | Brilliant Black PN | 100 | (37) | only smoked fish] | |
E 153 | Vegetable carbon | quantum satis | only smoked fish | ||
E 160a | Carotenes | quantum satis | only smoked fish | ||
E 160b | Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin | 10 | only smoked fish | ||
E 160c | Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin | quantum satis | only smoked fish | ||
E 160e | Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) | 100 | (37) | only smoked fish | |
[F2E 171 | Titanium dioxide | quantum satis | Only smoked fish] | ||
[F2E 172 | Iron oxides and hydroxides | quantum satis | Only smoked fish] | ||
E 163 | Anthocyanins | quantum satis | (37) | only smoked fish | |
E 160d | Lycopene | 10 | only salmon substitute | ||
E 160d | Lycopene | 30 | only fish and crustacean paste, pre-cooked crustaceans, surimi, smoked fish | ||
[F8E 200-202 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate | 1 000 | (1) (2) | aspic] | |
[F8E 200-213 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates | 200 | (1) (2) | only salted, dried fish | |
E 200-213 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates | 2 000 | (1) (2) | only semi-preserved fish and fisheries products including crustaceans, molluscs, surimi and fish/crustacean paste; cooked crustaceans and molluscs | |
E 200-213 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates | 6 000 | (1) (2) | only cooked Crangon crangon and Crangon vulgaris] | |
E 210-213 | Benzoic acid — benzoates | 1 000 | (1) (2) | only cooked crustaceans and molluscs | |
[F9E 210-213 | Benzoic acid — benzoates | 1 500 | (1) (2) | only cooked shrimps in brine] | |
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 50 | (3) (10) | only cooked crustaceans and cephalopods | |
[F2E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 135 | (3) (10) | only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family up to 80 units per kg] | |
[F2E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 180 | (3) (10) | only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family between 80 and 120 units per kg] | |
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 200 | (3) | only dried salted fish of the ‘ Gadidae ’ species | |
[F2E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 270 | (3) (10) | only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family over 120 units per kg] | |
E 251-252 | Nitrates | 500 | only pickled herring and sprat | ||
E 315 | Erythorbic acid | 1 500 | (9) | only preserved and semi-preserved fish products | |
E 316 | Sodium erythorbate | 1 500 | (9) | only preserved and semi-preserved fish products | |
[F10E 392 | Extracts of rosemary | 15 | (46) | only fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans with a fat content not higher than 10 % | |
E 392 | Extracts of rosemary | 150 | (41) (46) | only fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans with a fat content higher than 10 %] | |
[F11E 450 | Diphosphates | 5 000 | (4), (79) | only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting Period of application: from 31 December 2013 | |
E 451 | Triphosphates | 5 000 | (4), (79) | only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting Period of application: from 31 December 2013 | |
E 452 | Polyphosphates | 5 000 | (4), (79) | only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting Period of application: from 31 December 2013] | |
E 950 | Acesulfame K | 200 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
E 951 | Aspartame | 300 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
E 954 | Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts | 160 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
E 955 | Sucralose | 120 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
E 959 | Neohesperidine DC | 30 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
[F12E 960 | Steviol glycosides | 200 | (60) | only sweet-sour preserves and semi preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs] | |
E 961 | Neotame | 10 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
E 962 | Salt of aspartame-acesulfame | 200 | (11)a | only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs | |
[F13E 969 | Advantame | 3 | only sweet-sour preserves and semi preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs] | ||
E 338-452 | Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates | 1 000 | (1) (4) | only canned crustaceans products; surimi and similar products | |
E 338-452 | Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates | 5 000 | (1) (4) | only fish and crustacean paste and in processed frozen and deep-frozen molluscs and crustaceans | |
E 385 | Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) | 75 | only canned and bottled fish, crustaceans and molluscs | ||
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid | |||||
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | |||||
[F14(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5] | |||||
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid | |||||
(10): Maximum limits in edible parts | |||||
(11): Limits are expressed as (a) acesulfame K equivalent or (b) aspartame equivalent | |||||
[F4(35): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 122, E 142, E 151, E 160e, E 161b | |||||
(36): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 122, E 129, E 142, E 151, E 160e, E 161b | |||||
(37): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 151, E 160e] | |||||
(41): Expressed on fat basis | |||||
(46): As the sum of carnosol and carnosic acid | |||||
[F12(60): Expressed as steviol equivalents] | |||||
[F6(63): The total quantity of E 110, E 124 and the colours in Group III shall not exceed the maximum listed for Group III] | |||||
[F11(79): The maximum level applies to the sum of E 450, E 451 and E 452 used individually or in a combination] | |||||
[F15(84): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 4 mg/kg. As a derogation to this rule, the maximum limit only for salmon substitutes shall be 5,5 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013 | |||||
(85): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 2 mg/kg only in fish paste. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013] | |||||
09.3 | Fish roe | ||||
Group I | Additives | only processed fish roe | |||
Group II | Colours at quantum satis | quantum satis | except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar) | ||
[F3Group III | Colours with combined maximum limit | 300 | (86) | except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar)] | |
[F6E 104 | Quinoline Yellow | 200 | (61) | except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar) | |
E 110 | Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S | 200 | (61) | except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)] | |
[F16E 123 | Amaranth | 30 | except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar) Period of application: until 31 July 2014 | ||
E 123 | Amaranth | 30 | (68) | except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar) Period of application: from 1 August 2014] | |
[F6E 124 | Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A | 200 | (61) | except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)] | |
E 160d | Lycopene | 30 | except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar) | ||
[F8E 200-213 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates | 2 000 | (1) (2) | only semi-preserved fish products including fish roe products] | |
E 284 | Boric acid | 4 000 | (54) | only Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar) | |
E 285 | Sodium tetraborate (borax) | 4 000 | (54) | only Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar) | |
E 315 | Erythorbic acid | 1 500 | (9) | only preserved and semi-preserved fish products | |
E 316 | Sodium erythorbate | 1 500 | (9) | only preserved and semi-preserved fish products | |
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid | |||||
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid | |||||
(54): Expressed as boric acid | |||||
[F6(61): The total quantity of E 104, E 110, E 124 and the colours in Group III shall not exceed the maximum listed for Group III] | |||||
[F2(68): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 123 amaranth 10 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of this Regulation, that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013] | |||||
[F15(86): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 3 mg/kg. As a derogation to this rule, the maximum limit only for pasteurised products shall be 50 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013] | |||||
10 | Eggs and egg products | ||||
10.1 | Unprocessed eggs | ||||
[F16The Food colours listed in Annex II, part B 1 may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells or for the stamping of egg shells as provided in Regulation (EC) No 589/2008. Period of application: until 31 July 2014 | |||||
The Food colours listed in Annex II, part B 1 may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells or for the stamping of egg shells as provided in Regulation (EC) No 589/2008. (77) Period of application: from 1 August 2014] | |||||
[F17 | (77): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from all aluminium lakes ‘ quantum satis ’ . For the purposes of Article 22 (1) (g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013] | ||||
10.2 | Processed eggs and egg products | ||||
[F16The Food colours listed in part B 1 of this Annex may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells Period of application: until 31 July 2014 | |||||
The Food colours listed in part B 1 of this Annex may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells (77) Period of application: from 1 August 2014] | |||||
Group I | Additives | ||||
[ F18 ] | |||||
[F8E 200-202 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate | 1 000 | (1) (2) | only dehydrated and concentrated frozen and deep-frozen egg products] | |
[F8E 200-213 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates | 5 000 | (1) (2) | only liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg)] | |
E 234 | Nisin | 6,25 | only pasteurised liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg) | ||
E 338-452 | Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates | 10 000 | (1) (4) | only liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg) | |
E 392 | Extracts of rosemary | 200 | (46) | ||
E 426 | Soybean hemicellulose | 10 000 | only dehydrated and concentrated frozen and deep frozen egg products | ||
E 475 | Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids | 1 000 | |||
[F16E 520-523 | Aluminium sulphates | 30 | (1) (38) | only egg white Period of application: until 31 January 2014 | |
E 520 | Aluminium sulphate | 25 | (38) | Liquid egg white for egg foams only Period of application: from 1 February 2014] | |
[F19E 553b | Talc | 5 400 | only on the surface of unpeeled coloured boiled eggs Period of application: From 13 August 2012 | ||
E 903 | Carnauba wax | 3 600 | only on the surface of unpeeled coloured boiled eggs Period of application: From 13 August 2012 | ||
E 904 | Shellac | quantum satis | only on the surface of unpeeled boiled eggs Period of application: From 13 August 2012] | ||
[F2E 1505 | Triethyl citrate | quantum satis | only dried egg white] | ||
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid | |||||
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5 | |||||
(38): Expressed as aluminium | |||||
(46): As the sum of carnosol and carnosic acid | |||||
[F17(77): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from all aluminium lakes ‘ quantum satis ’ . For the purposes of Article 22 (1) (g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013] | |||||
11 | Sugars, syrups, honey and table-top sweeteners | ||||
11.1 | Sugars and syrups as defined by Directive 2001/111/EC | ||||
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 10 | (3) | only sugars, except glucose syrup | |
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 20 | (3) | only glucose syrup, whether or not dehydrated | |
E 338-452 | Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates | 10 000 | (4) | only dried powdered foods | |
[F16E 551-559 | Silicon dioxide – silicates | quantum satis | (1) | only foods in tablet and coated tablet form Period of application: until 31 January 2014 | |
E 551-553 | Silicon dioxide – silicates | quantum satis | (1) | only foods in tablet and coated tablet form Period of application: from 1 February 2014] | |
[F16E 551-559 | Silicon dioxide – silicates | 10 000 | (1) | only dried powdered foods Period of application: until 31 January 2014 | |
E 551-553 | Silicon dioxide – silicates | 10 000 | (1) | only dried powdered foods Period of application: from 1 February 2014] | |
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | |||||
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5 | |||||
11.2 | Other sugars and syrups | ||||
Group I | Additives | ||||
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 40 | (3) | ||
E 220-228 | Sulphur dioxide — sulphites | 70 | (3) | only treacle and molasses | |
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present | |||||
11.3 | Honey as defined in Directive 2001/110/EC | ||||
11.4 | Table-top sweeteners | ||||
11.4.1 | Table-top sweeteners in liquid form | ||||
Group IV | Polyols | quantum satis | |||
E 950 | Acesulfame K | quantum satis | |||
E 951 | Aspartame | quantum satis | |||
E 952 | Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts | quantum satis | |||
E 954 | Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts | quantum satis | |||
E 955 | Sucralose | quantum satis | |||
E 957 | Thaumatin | quantum satis | |||
E 959 | Neohesperidine DC | quantum satis | |||
[F12E 960 | Steviol glycosides | QS | (60) | ] | |
E 961 | Neotame | quantum satis | |||
E 962 | Salt of aspartame-acesulfame | quantum satis | |||
[F8E 200-219 | Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates; p-hydroxybenzoates | 500 | (1) (2) | only if the water content higher than 75 %] | |
E 330 | Citric acid | quantum satis | |||
E 331 | Sodium citrates | quantum satis | |||
E 407 | Carrageenan | quantum satis | |||
E 410 | Locust bean gum | quantum satis | |||
E 412 | Guar gum | quantum satis | |||
E 413 | Tragacanth | quantum satis | |||
E 414 | Gum arabic (acacia gum) | quantum satis | |||
E 415 | Xanthan gum | quantum satis | |||
E 418 | Gellan gum | quantum satis | |||
E 422 | Glycerol | quantum satis | |||
E 440 | Pectins | quantum satis | |||
[F7E 460 (i) | Microcrystalline Cellulose, Cellulose gel | quantum satis | ] | ||
E 463 | Hydroxypropyl cellulose | quantum satis | |||
E 464 | Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose | quantum satis | |||
E 465 | Ethyl methyl cellulose | quantum satis | |||
[F7E 466 | Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Cellulose gum | quantum satis | ] | ||
E 500 | Sodium carbonates | quantum satis | |||
E 501 | Potassium carbonates | quantum satis | |||
E 575 | Glucono-delta-lactone | quantum satis | |||
E 640 | Glycine and its sodium salt | quantum satis | |||
[F13E 969 | Advantame | quantum satis | ] | ||
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination | |||||
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid | |||||
[F12(60): Expressed as steviol equivalents] | |||||
11.4.2 | Table-top sweeteners in powder form | ||||
Group IV | Polyols | quantum satis | |||
E 950 | Acesulfame K | quantum satis | |||
E 951 | Aspartame | quantum satis | ] |
Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1129/2011 of 11 November 2011 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council by establishing a Union list of food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F2 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/647 of 24 April 2015 amending and correcting Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of certain food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F3 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 923/2014 of 25 August 2014 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of aluminium lakes of riboflavins (E 101) and cochineal, carminic acid, carmines (E 120) in certain food categories and Annex to Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards the specifications for riboflavins (E 101) (Text with EEA relevance).
F4 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 438/2013 of 13 May 2013 amending and correcting Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of certain food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F5 Deleted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 232/2012 of 16 March 2012 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the conditions of use and the use levels for Quinoline Yellow (E 104), Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S (E 110) and Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A (E 124) (Text with EEA relevance).
F6 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 232/2012 of 16 March 2012 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the conditions of use and the use levels for Quinoline Yellow (E 104), Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S (E 110) and Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A (E 124) (Text with EEA relevance).
F7 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1274/2013 of 6 December 2013 amending and correcting Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards certain food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F8 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/98 of 22 January 2018 amending Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards calcium sorbate (E 203) (Text with EEA relevance).
F9 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/538 of 31 March 2015 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of benzoic acid — benzoates (E 210-213) in cooked shrimps in brine (Text with EEA relevance).
F10 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 723/2013 of 26 July 2013 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of extracts of rosemary (E 392) in certain low fat meat and fish products (Text with EEA relevance).
F11 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1068/2013 of 30 October 2013 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of diphosphates (E 450), triphosphates (E 451) and polyphosphates (E 452) in wet salted fish (Text with EEA relevance).
F12 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1131/2011 of 11 November 2011 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to steviol glycosides (Text with EEA relevance).
F13 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 497/2014 of 14 May 2014 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the Annex to Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards the use of Advantame as a sweetener (Text with EEA relevance).
F14 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 1068/2013 of 30 October 2013 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of diphosphates (E 450), triphosphates (E 451) and polyphosphates (E 452) in wet salted fish (Text with EEA relevance).
F15 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 923/2014 of 25 August 2014 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of aluminium lakes of riboflavins (E 101) and cochineal, carminic acid, carmines (E 120) in certain food categories and Annex to Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 as regards the specifications for riboflavins (E 101) (Text with EEA relevance).
F16 Substituted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 380/2012 of 3 May 2012 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the conditions of use and the use levels for aluminium-containing food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F17 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 380/2012 of 3 May 2012 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the conditions of use and the use levels for aluminium-containing food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F18 Deleted by Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/647 of 24 April 2015 amending and correcting Annexes II and III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of certain food additives (Text with EEA relevance).
F19 Inserted by Commission Regulation (EU) No 675/2012 of 23 July 2012 amending Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the use of Talc (E 553b) and Carnauba wax (E 903) on unpeeled coloured boiled eggs and the use of Shellac (E 904) on unpeeled boiled eggs (Text with EEA relevance).