Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives (Text with EEA relevance)

ANNEX II Table 34: rows 1751 - 2000

[F1(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid
09.1.2 Unprocessed molluscs and crustaceans
Group IV Polyols quantum satis only frozen and deep-frozen unprocessed crustaceans, molluscs and cephalopods; for purposes other than sweetening
[F2E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 150 (3) (10) only fresh, frozen and deep-frozen crustaceans and cephalopods; crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family up to 80 units per kg
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 200 (3) (10) only crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family between 80 and 120 units per kg
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 300 (3) (10) only crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family over 120 units per kg]
E 300 Ascorbic acid quantum satis
E 301 Sodium ascorbate quantum satis
E 302 Calcium ascorbate quantum satis
E 330 Citric acid quantum satis
E 331 Sodium citrates quantum satis
E 332 Potassium citrates quantum satis
E 333 Calcium citrates quantum satis
E 338-452 Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates 5 000 (1) (4) only frozen and deep-frozen molluscs and crustaceans
E 385 Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) (75) only frozen and deep-frozen crustaceans
[F2E 586 4-Hexylresorcinol 2 (90) Only fresh, frozen or deep-frozen crustaceans]
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5
(10): Maximum limits in edible parts
[F2(90): As a residue in the meat]
09.2 Processed fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans
Group I Additives
Group II Colours at quantum satis quantum satis only surimi and similar products and salmon substitutes
[F3Group III Colours with combined maximum limit 500 (84) only surimi and similar products and salmon substitutes]
[F4E 100 Curcumin 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste]
E 101 Riboflavins quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 102 Tartrazine 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste
[ F5
F5 ]
[F6E 110 Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S 200 (63) only in salmon substitutes based on Theragra chalcogramma and Pollachius virens]
[F3E 120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines 100 (35) (85) only fish paste and crustacean paste]
E 122 Azorubine, Carmoisine 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste
[ F5 ]
[F6E 124 Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A 200 (63) only in salmon substitutes based on Theragra chalcogramma and Pollachius virens]
E 140 Chlorophylls, Chlorophyllins quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 142 Green S 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 150a-d Caramels quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
[F7E 151 Brilliant Black PN 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste]
E 153 Vegetable carbon quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 160a Carotenes quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 160c Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 160e Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 161b Lutein 100 (35) only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 162 Beetroot Red, betanin quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 163 Anthocyanins quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 170 Calcium carbonate quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 171 Titanium dioxide quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 172 Iron oxides and hydroxides quantum satis only fish paste and crustacean paste
E 100 Curcumin 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 101 Riboflavins quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 102 Tartrazine 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
[ F5 ]
E 120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 122 Azorubine, Carmoisine 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
[ F5 ]
E 129 Allura Red AG 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 140 Chlorophylls, Chlorophyllins quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 142 Green S 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 150a-d Caramels quantum satis only precooked crustacean
[F7E 151 Brilliant Black PN 250 (36) only precooked crustacean]
E 153 Vegetable carbon quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 155 Brown HT quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 160a Carotenes quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 160c Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 160e Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 161b Lutein 250 (36) only precooked crustacean
E 162 Beetroot Red, betanin quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 163 Anthocyanins quantum satis only precooked crustacean
E 171 Titanium dioxide quantum satis only precooked crustacean
[F4E 100 Curcumin 100 (37) only smoked fish]
E 101 Riboflavins quantum satis only smoked fish
E 102 Tartrazine 100 (37) only smoked fish
[ F5 ]
E 120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines 100 (37) only smoked fish
[ F5 ]
E 141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins quantum satis only smoked fish
[F7E 151 Brilliant Black PN 100 (37) only smoked fish]
E 153 Vegetable carbon quantum satis only smoked fish
E 160a Carotenes quantum satis only smoked fish
E 160b Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin 10 only smoked fish
E 160c Paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin quantum satis only smoked fish
E 160e Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) 100 (37) only smoked fish
[F2E 171 Titanium dioxide quantum satis Only smoked fish]
[F2E 172 Iron oxides and hydroxides quantum satis Only smoked fish]
E 163 Anthocyanins quantum satis (37) only smoked fish
E 160d Lycopene 10 only salmon substitute
E 160d Lycopene 30 only fish and crustacean paste, pre-cooked crustaceans, surimi, smoked fish
[F8E 200-202 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate 1 000 (1) (2) aspic]
[F8E 200-213 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates 200 (1) (2) only salted, dried fish
E 200-213 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates 2 000 (1) (2) only semi-preserved fish and fisheries products including crustaceans, molluscs, surimi and fish/crustacean paste; cooked crustaceans and molluscs
E 200-213 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates 6 000 (1) (2) only cooked Crangon crangon and Crangon vulgaris]
E 210-213 Benzoic acid — benzoates 1 000 (1) (2) only cooked crustaceans and molluscs
[F9E 210-213 Benzoic acid — benzoates 1 500 (1) (2) only cooked shrimps in brine]
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 50 (3) (10) only cooked crustaceans and cephalopods
[F2E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 135 (3) (10) only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family up to 80 units per kg]
[F2E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 180 (3) (10) only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family between 80 and 120 units per kg]
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 200 (3) only dried salted fish of the Gadidae species
[F2E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 270 (3) (10) only cooked crustaceans of the Penaeidae, Solenoceridae and Aristaeidae family over 120 units per kg]
E 251-252 Nitrates 500 only pickled herring and sprat
E 315 Erythorbic acid 1 500 (9) only preserved and semi-preserved fish products
E 316 Sodium erythorbate 1 500 (9) only preserved and semi-preserved fish products
[F10E 392 Extracts of rosemary 15 (46) only fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans with a fat content not higher than 10 %
E 392 Extracts of rosemary 150 (41) (46) only fish and fishery products including molluscs and crustaceans with a fat content higher than 10 %]
[F11E 450 Diphosphates 5 000 (4), (79)

only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting

Period of application:

from 31 December 2013

E 451 Triphosphates 5 000 (4), (79)

only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting

Period of application:

from 31 December 2013

E 452 Polyphosphates 5 000 (4), (79)

only salted fish of the Gadidae family that have been pre-salted by injecting and/or brine salting with an at least 18 % salt solution and often followed by dry salting

Period of application:

from 31 December 2013]

E 950 Acesulfame K 200 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
E 951 Aspartame 300 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
E 954 Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts 160 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
E 955 Sucralose 120 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
E 959 Neohesperidine DC 30 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
[F12E 960 Steviol glycosides 200 (60) only sweet-sour preserves and semi preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs]
E 961 Neotame 10 only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
E 962 Salt of aspartame-acesulfame 200 (11)a only sweet-sour preserves and semi-preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs
[F13E 969 Advantame 3 only sweet-sour preserves and semi preserves of fish and marinades of fish, crustaceans and molluscs]
E 338-452 Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates 1 000 (1) (4) only canned crustaceans products; surimi and similar products
E 338-452 Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates 5 000 (1) (4) only fish and crustacean paste and in processed frozen and deep-frozen molluscs and crustaceans
E 385 Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) 75 only canned and bottled fish, crustaceans and molluscs
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present
[F14(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5]
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid
(10): Maximum limits in edible parts
(11): Limits are expressed as (a) acesulfame K equivalent or (b) aspartame equivalent
[F4(35): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 122, E 142, E 151, E 160e, E 161b
(36): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 122, E 129, E 142, E 151, E 160e, E 161b
(37): Maximum individually or for the combination of E 100, E 102, E 120, E 151, E 160e]
(41): Expressed on fat basis
(46): As the sum of carnosol and carnosic acid
[F12(60): Expressed as steviol equivalents]
[F6(63): The total quantity of E 110, E 124 and the colours in Group III shall not exceed the maximum listed for Group III]
[F11(79): The maximum level applies to the sum of E 450, E 451 and E 452 used individually or in a combination]
[F15(84): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 4 mg/kg. As a derogation to this rule, the maximum limit only for salmon substitutes shall be 5,5 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013
(85): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 2 mg/kg only in fish paste. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013]
09.3 Fish roe
Group I Additives only processed fish roe
Group II Colours at quantum satis quantum satis except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)
[F3Group III Colours with combined maximum limit 300 (86) except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar)]
[F6E 104 Quinoline Yellow 200 (61) except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)
E 110 Sunset Yellow FCF/Orange Yellow S 200 (61) except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)]
[F16E 123 Amaranth 30

except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar)

Period of application:

until 31 July 2014

E 123 Amaranth 30 (68)

except Sturgeons' eggs (Caviar)

Period of application:

from 1 August 2014]

[F6E 124 Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A 200 (61) except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)]
E 160d Lycopene 30 except Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)
[F8E 200-213 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates 2 000 (1) (2) only semi-preserved fish products including fish roe products]
E 284 Boric acid 4 000 (54) only Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)
E 285 Sodium tetraborate (borax) 4 000 (54) only Sturgeons’ eggs (Caviar)
E 315 Erythorbic acid 1 500 (9) only preserved and semi-preserved fish products
E 316 Sodium erythorbate 1 500 (9) only preserved and semi-preserved fish products
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid
(9): E 315 and E 316 are authorised individually or in combination, maximum limit is expressed as erythorbic acid
(54): Expressed as boric acid
[F6(61): The total quantity of E 104, E 110, E 124 and the colours in Group III shall not exceed the maximum listed for Group III]
[F2(68): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 123 amaranth 10 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of this Regulation, that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013]
[F15(86): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from aluminium lakes of E 120 cochineal, carminic acid, carmines 3 mg/kg. As a derogation to this rule, the maximum limit only for pasteurised products shall be 50 mg/kg. No other aluminium lakes may be used. For the purposes of Article 22(1)(g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013]
10 Eggs and egg products
10.1 Unprocessed eggs

[F16The Food colours listed in Annex II, part B 1 may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells or for the stamping of egg shells as provided in Regulation (EC) No 589/2008.

Period of application:

until 31 July 2014

The Food colours listed in Annex II, part B 1 may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells or for the stamping of egg shells as provided in Regulation (EC) No 589/2008. (77)

Period of application:

from 1 August 2014]

(77): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from all aluminium lakes quantum satis . For the purposes of Article 22 (1) (g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013]
10.2 Processed eggs and egg products

[F16The Food colours listed in part B 1 of this Annex may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells

Period of application:

until 31 July 2014

The Food colours listed in part B 1 of this Annex may be used for the decorative colouring of egg shells (77)

Period of application:

from 1 August 2014]

Group I Additives
[ F18 ]
[F8E 200-202 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate 1 000 (1) (2) only dehydrated and concentrated frozen and deep-frozen egg products]
[F8E 200-213 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates 5 000 (1) (2) only liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg)]
E 234 Nisin 6,25 only pasteurised liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg)
E 338-452 Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates 10 000 (1) (4) only liquid egg (white, yolk or whole egg)
E 392 Extracts of rosemary 200 (46)
E 426 Soybean hemicellulose 10 000 only dehydrated and concentrated frozen and deep frozen egg products
E 475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids 1 000
[F16E 520-523 Aluminium sulphates 30 (1) (38)

only egg white

Period of application:

until 31 January 2014

E 520 Aluminium sulphate 25 (38)

Liquid egg white for egg foams only

Period of application:

from 1 February 2014]

[F19E 553b Talc 5 400

only on the surface of unpeeled coloured boiled eggs

Period of application:

From 13 August 2012

E 903 Carnauba wax 3 600

only on the surface of unpeeled coloured boiled eggs

Period of application:

From 13 August 2012

E 904 Shellac quantum satis

only on the surface of unpeeled boiled eggs

Period of application:

From 13 August 2012]

[F2E 1505 Triethyl citrate quantum satis only dried egg white]
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5
(38): Expressed as aluminium
(46): As the sum of carnosol and carnosic acid
[F17(77): Maximum limit for aluminium coming from all aluminium lakes quantum satis . For the purposes of Article 22 (1) (g) of Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 that limit shall apply from 1 February 2013]
11 Sugars, syrups, honey and table-top sweeteners
11.1 Sugars and syrups as defined by Directive 2001/111/EC
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 10 (3) only sugars, except glucose syrup
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 20 (3) only glucose syrup, whether or not dehydrated
E 338-452 Phosphoric acid — phosphates — di-, tri- and polyphosphates 10 000 (4) only dried powdered foods
[F16E 551-559 Silicon dioxide – silicates quantum satis (1)

only foods in tablet and coated tablet form

Period of application:

until 31 January 2014

E 551-553 Silicon dioxide – silicates quantum satis (1)

only foods in tablet and coated tablet form

Period of application:

from 1 February 2014]

[F16E 551-559 Silicon dioxide – silicates 10 000 (1)

only dried powdered foods

Period of application:

until 31 January 2014

E 551-553 Silicon dioxide – silicates 10 000 (1)

only dried powdered foods

Period of application:

from 1 February 2014]

(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present
(4): The maximum level is expressed as P 2 O 5
11.2 Other sugars and syrups
Group I Additives
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 40 (3)
E 220-228 Sulphur dioxide — sulphites 70 (3) only treacle and molasses
(3): Maximum levels are expressed as SO 2 relate to the total quantity, available from all sources, an SO 2 content of not more than 10 mg/kg or 10 mg/l is not considered to be present
11.3 Honey as defined in Directive 2001/110/EC
11.4 Table-top sweeteners
11.4.1 Table-top sweeteners in liquid form
Group IV Polyols quantum satis
E 950 Acesulfame K quantum satis
E 951 Aspartame quantum satis
E 952 Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts quantum satis
E 954 Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts quantum satis
E 955 Sucralose quantum satis
E 957 Thaumatin quantum satis
E 959 Neohesperidine DC quantum satis
[F12E 960 Steviol glycosides QS (60) ]
E 961 Neotame quantum satis
E 962 Salt of aspartame-acesulfame quantum satis
[F8E 200-219 Sorbic acid – potassium sorbate; Benzoic acid – benzoates; p-hydroxybenzoates 500 (1) (2) only if the water content higher than 75 %]
E 330 Citric acid quantum satis
E 331 Sodium citrates quantum satis
E 407 Carrageenan quantum satis
E 410 Locust bean gum quantum satis
E 412 Guar gum quantum satis
E 413 Tragacanth quantum satis
E 414 Gum arabic (acacia gum) quantum satis
E 415 Xanthan gum quantum satis
E 418 Gellan gum quantum satis
E 422 Glycerol quantum satis
E 440 Pectins quantum satis
[F7E 460 (i) Microcrystalline Cellulose, Cellulose gel quantum satis ]
E 463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose quantum satis
E 464 Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose quantum satis
E 465 Ethyl methyl cellulose quantum satis
[F7E 466 Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose, Cellulose gum quantum satis ]
E 500 Sodium carbonates quantum satis
E 501 Potassium carbonates quantum satis
E 575 Glucono-delta-lactone quantum satis
E 640 Glycine and its sodium salt quantum satis
[F13E 969 Advantame quantum satis ]
(1): The additives may be added individually or in combination
(2): The maximum level is applicable to the sum and the levels are expressed as the free acid
[F12(60): Expressed as steviol equivalents]
11.4.2 Table-top sweeteners in powder form
Group IV Polyols quantum satis
E 950 Acesulfame K quantum satis
E 951 Aspartame quantum satis ]

Textual Amendments