Commission Regulation (EC) No 1345/2008Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1345/2008 of 23 December 2008 amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 2136/89 laying down common marketing standards for preserved sardines and trade descriptions for preserved sardines and sardine-type products


Names and identifications of geographic areas


FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics. Catches. Vol. 86/1. 2000.


Excluding the Baltic Sea.

Name of the geographic area as referred to in Article 7a(1)Identification of the areaa
North-West AtlanticFAO area 21
North-East AtlanticbFAO area 27
Baltic SeaFAO area 27.IIId
Central-Western AtlanticFAO area 31
Central-Eastern AtlanticFAO area 34
South-West AtlanticFAO area 41
South-East AtlanticFAO area 47
Mediterranean SeaFAO areas 37.1, 37.2 and 37.3
Black SeaFAO area 37,4
Indian OceanFAO areas 51 and 57
Pacific OceanFAO areas 61, 67, 71, 77, 81, 87
AntarcticFAO areas 48, 58 and 88
Arctic SeaFAO area 18