
A —Physical characteristics, infrastructure and equipment

1.Movement area

(a)Aerodromes shall have a designated area for the landing and take-off of aircraft, which satisfies the following conditions:

  1. (i)

    the landing and take-off area shall have dimensions and characteristics suitable for the aircraft intended to use the facility;

  2. (ii)

    the landing and take-off area, where applicable, shall have a bearing strength sufficient to support repetitive operations of the intended aircraft. Those areas not intended for repetitive operations only need to be capable of supporting the aircraft;

  3. (iii)

    the landing and take-off area shall be designed to drain water and to prevent standing water becoming an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations;

  4. (iv)

    the slope and slope changes of the landing and take-off area shall not create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations;

  5. (v)

    the surface characteristics of the landing and take-off area shall be adequate for use by the intended aircraft; and

  6. (vi)

    the landing and take-off area shall be free from objects which might create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations.


Where there are several designated landing and take-off areas, they shall be such that they do not create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations.

(c)The designated landing and take-off area shall be surrounded by defined areas. These areas are intended to protect aircraft flying over them during take-off or landing operations or to mitigate the consequences of undershooting, running off the side or overrunning the take-off and landing area, and shall satisfy the following conditions:

  1. (i)

    these areas shall have dimensions appropriate to the aircraft operations anticipated;

  2. (ii)

    the slope and slope changes of these areas shall not create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations;

  3. (iii)

    these areas shall be free from objects which might create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations. This should not preclude frangible equipment to be located in those areas, if required to assist aircraft operations; and

  4. (iv)

    each of these areas shall have a bearing strength sufficient to serve its purpose.

(d)Those areas of an aerodrome, with their associated immediate surroundings, that are to be used for taxiing or parking aircraft, shall be designed to permit safe operation of the aircraft expected to use the particular facility under all the conditions planned for, and shall satisfy the following conditions:

  1. (i)

    these areas shall have a bearing strength sufficient to support repetitive operations of the intended aircraft, except for areas which are expected for only occasional use which only need to be capable of supporting the aircraft;

  2. (ii)

    these areas shall be designed to drain water and to prevent standing water becoming an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations;

  3. (iii)

    the slope and slope changes of these areas shall not create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations;

  4. (iv)

    the surface characteristics of these areas shall be adequate for use by the intended aircraft; and

  5. (v)

    these areas shall be free from objects which might create an unacceptable risk to aircraft. This should not preclude parking equipment required for that area in specifically identified positions or zones.


Other infrastructure intended for use by aircraft shall be so designed that use of that infrastructure does not create an unacceptable risk to aircraft using it.


Constructions, buildings, equipment or storage areas shall be located and designed so as not to create an unacceptable risk for aircraft operations.


Suitable means shall be provided to prevent unauthorised persons, unauthorised vehicles or animals large enough to create an unacceptable risk to aircraft operations from entering the movement area, without prejudice to national and international animal protection provisions.

2.Obstacle clearances


To protect aircraft proceeding to an aerodrome for landing, or for their departure from an aerodrome, arrival and departure routes or areas shall be established. Such routes or areas shall provide aircraft with the required clearance from obstacles located in the area surrounding the aerodrome taking due account of the local physical characteristics.


Such obstacle clearance shall be appropriate to the phase of flight and type of operation being conducted. It shall also take into account the equipment being used for determining the position of the aircraft.

3.Visual and non-visual aids and aerodrome equipment


AIDS shall be fit for purpose, recognisable and provide unambiguous information to users under all intended operational conditions.


Aerodrome equipment shall function as intended under the foreseen operating conditions. Under operating conditions or in case of failure, aerodrome equipment shall not cause an unacceptable risk to aviation safety.


The aids and their electrical power supply system shall be so designed that failures do not result in inappropriate, misleading or insufficient information being given to users or in interruption of an essential service.


Suitable means of protection shall be provided to avoid damage or disturbance to such aids.


Sources of radiation or the presence of moving or fixed objects shall not interfere with or adversely affect the performance of aeronautical communications, navigation and surveillance systems.


Information on operation and use of aerodrome equipment shall be made available to relevant staff, including clear indications of the conditions which may create unacceptable risks to aviation safety.

4.Aerodrome data


Data relevant to the aerodrome and the available services shall be established and kept up to date.


The data shall be accurate, readable, complete and unambiguous. Appropriate integrity levels shall be maintained.


The data shall be made available to the users and the relevant ANS providers in a timely manner, using a sufficiently secure and expeditious method of communication.

B —Operations and management

1.The aerodrome operator is responsible for operation of the aerodrome. The responsibilities of the aerodrome operator are as follows:


the aerodrome operator shall have, directly or under contracts, all the means necessary to ensure safe operation of aircraft at the aerodrome. These means shall include, but are not limited to, facilities, personnel, equipment and material, documentation of tasks, responsibilities and procedures, access to relevant data and record-keeping;


the aerodrome operator shall verify that the requirements of Section A are complied with at all times or take appropriate measures to mitigate the risks associated with non-compliance. Procedures shall be established and applied to make all users aware of such measures in a timely manner;


the aerodrome operator shall establish and implement an appropriate aerodrome wildlife risk management programme;


the aerodrome operator shall ensure that movements of vehicles and persons in the movement area and other operational areas are coordinated with movements of aircraft in order to avoid collisions and damage to aircraft;


the aerodrome operator shall ensure that procedures to mitigate risks related to aerodrome operations in winter operation, adverse weather conditions, reduced visibility or at night, if applicable, are established and implemented;


the aerodrome operator shall establish arrangements with other relevant organisations to ensure continuing compliance with these essential requirements for aerodromes. These organisations include, but are not limited to, aircraft operators, air navigation service providers, ground handling service providers and other organisations whose activities or products may have an effect on aircraft safety;


the aerodrome operator, either by itself or by means of contracts with third parties, shall ensure that procedures exist to provide aircraft with fuel which is uncontaminated and of the correct specification;


manuals for maintenance of aerodrome equipment shall be available, applied in practice and cover maintenance and repair instructions, servicing information, troubleshooting and inspection procedures;


the aerodrome operator shall establish and implement an aerodrome emergency plan, covering emergency scenarios that may occur at the aerodrome or in its surroundings. This plan shall be coordinated, as appropriate, with the local community emergency plan;


the aerodrome operator shall ensure that adequate aerodrome rescue and firefighting services are provided. Such services shall respond to an incident or accident with due urgency and shall include at least equipment, extinguishing agents and a sufficient number of personnel;


the aerodrome operator shall use only trained and qualified personnel for aerodrome operations and maintenance and shall implement and maintain training and check programmes to ensure the continuing competence of all relevant personnel;


the aerodrome operator shall ensure that any person permitted unescorted access to the movement area or other operational areas is adequately trained and qualified for such access;


the rescue and firefighting personnel shall be properly trained and qualified to operate in the aerodrome environment. The aerodrome operator shall implement and maintain training and check programmes to ensure the continuing competence of this personnel; and

(n)all rescue and firefighting personnel potentially required to act in aviation emergencies shall periodically demonstrate their medical fitness to execute their functions satisfactorily, taking into account the type of activity. In this context, medical fitness, comprising both physical and mental fitness, means not suffering from any disease or disability which could make this personnel unable:

  1. (i)

    to execute the tasks necessary to operate in aviation emergencies;

  2. (ii)

    to perform their assigned duties at any time; or

  3. (iii)

    to perceive their environment correctly.

2.Management systems


The aerodrome operator shall implement and maintain a management system to ensure compliance with these essential requirements for aerodromes and to aim for continuous and proactive improvement of safety. The management system shall include organisational structures, accountability, responsibilities, policies and procedures.


The management system shall include an accident and incident prevention programme, including an occurrence-reporting and analysis scheme. The analysis shall involve the parties listed in point 1(f) above, as appropriate.


The aerodrome operator shall develop an aerodrome manual and operate in accordance with that manual. Such manuals shall contain all necessary instructions, information and procedures for the aerodrome, the management system and for operations personnel to perform their duties.

C —Aerodrome surroundings

1.The airspace around aerodrome movement areas shall be safeguarded from obstacles so as to permit the intended aircraft operations at the aerodromes without creating an unacceptable risk caused by the development of obstacles around the aerodrome. Obstacle monitoring surfaces shall therefore be developed, implemented and continuously monitored to identify any infringing penetration.

  1. (a)

    Any infringement of these surfaces will require an assessment to identify whether or not the object creates an unacceptable risk. Any object posing an unacceptable risk shall be removed or appropriate mitigating action shall be taken to protect aircraft using the aerodrome.

  2. (b)

    Any remaining such obstacles shall be published and, depending on the need, shall be marked and, where necessary, made visible by means of lights.

2.Hazards related to human activities and land use, such as, but not limited to, items on the following list, shall be monitored. The risk caused by them shall be assessed and mitigated as appropriate:

  1. (a)

    any development or change in land use in the aerodrome area;

  2. (b)

    the possibility of obstacle-induced turbulence;

  3. (c)

    the use of hazardous, confusing and misleading lights;

  4. (d)

    the dazzling caused by large and highly reflective surfaces;

  5. (e)

    the creation of areas that might encourage wildlife activity in the surroundings of the aerodrome movement area;

  6. (f)

    sources of non-visible radiation or the presence of moving or fixed objects which may interfere with, or adversely affect, the performance of aeronautical communications, navigation and surveillance systems.


A local community emergency plan shall be established for aviation emergency situations occurring in the aerodrome local area.

D —Others

Except for aircraft emergency situations, when diverting to an alternate aerodrome, or under other conditions specified in each case, an aerodrome or parts thereof shall not be used by aircraft for which the aerodrome design and operating procedures are not normally intended.