

Article 4

1.Export licences issued by the authorities of Indonesia and China shall be printed in English.

2.The original and copies thereof shall be completed in typescript or by hand. In the latter case, they must be completed using ink and block capitals.

3.Each export licence shall bear a pre-printed serial number. In addition, in its uppermost section it shall bear a licence number. The copies shall bear the same numbers as the original.

Article 5

1.Export licences shall be valid for 120 days from the date of issue. The day of issue of a licence shall count as part of its terms of validity.

Licences shall not be valid unless their Sections are duly completed and they are authenticated as indicated on them. Quantities must be given in figures and in words.

2.Export licences shall be duly authenticated where they indicate the date of issue and bear the stamp of the issuing authority and the signature of the persons authorised to sign them.