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Article 8U.K.Notice of inspections

[F11. The Commission shall give at least 6 weeks' notice of an inspection to the focal point of the Member State in whose territory it is to be conducted.

Commission may communicate to the focal point, in parallel to the notice of the inspection, a pre-inspection questionnaire for completion by the competent authority, along with a request for any relevant documentation. The completed questionnaire and any requested documentation shall be submitted to the Commission at least 2 weeks before the inspection is scheduled to begin.

The notice period provided for in the first subparagraph may be reduced to not less than 2 weeks provided that the Commission acts in response to an exceptional event which may have significant impact on the overall level of maritime security in the European Union and that the Commission consulted the focal point concerned prior to giving the notice. In that case the second subparagraph shall not apply.]

2.The focal point shall be notified in advance of the intended scope of a Commission inspection.

Where a port facility is to be inspected, the focal point shall be informed in the notice whether:

(a)the inspection is to include ships at that port facility, or elsewhere in the port, during the inspection; and

(b)the inspection will include monitoring of the port under Article 13(2) of Directive 2005/65/EC.

For the purposes of point (b) ‘monitoring’ means verifying whether or not the provisions of Directive 2005/65/EC have been implemented by Member States and by the ports in their territory that have been notified to the Commission under Article 12 of Directive 2005/65/EC. In particular, monitoring means verifying that all provisions of Directive 2005/65/EC have been taken into account in the conduct of the port security assessments and the establishment of the port security plans and that the measures established thereunder are consistent with the provisions adopted under Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 for the port facilities located in the ports concerned.

3.The focal point shall:

(a)inform the relevant competent authorities in the Member State of the inspection;

(b)notify the Commission of those relevant competent authorities.

4.The focal point shall advise the Commission at least 24 hours in advance of the inspection, of the name of the flag State and the IMO number of ships expected to be at a port facility or port notified under the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 during the inspection.

[F15. Where the flag State is a Member State, the Commission shall give notice as soon as possible to the focal point of that Member State that the ship may be inspected when at the port facility. If an inspection is to cover a ship flying the flag of a Member State other than that of the authority being inspected, the Commission shall inform the focal point of the flag State so that the necessary practical arrangements can be made for conducting the inspection on board that ship.]

6.Where the inspection of a port facility in a Member State is to include a ship of that Member State as flag State, the focal point shall liaise with the Commission to confirm whether or not the ship will be at the port facility during the inspection.

7.Where a ship previously identified to be inspected will not be berthed in the port during the inspection of the port facility, the Commission and the coordinator appointed under Article 9(3) shall agree an alternative ship to be inspected. This ship may be located at another port facility within the port. Paragraphs 5 and 8 of this Article shall still apply in these cases.

8.Commission inspections shall be carried out under the auspices of the Member State of the port facility exercising control and compliance measures under Regulation 9 of the special measures to enhance maritime security of the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea as amended (SOLAS Convention) when either:

(a)the flag State of the ship is not a Member State; or

(b)the ship was not included in the information provided pursuant to paragraph 4 of this Article.

[F19. When the Commission attends a national inspection or verification of a ship at a location outside the European Union, the Commission shall make the necessary arrangements with the focal point in order to follow inspections or verifications with the representative of the flag.]

Article 9U.K.Preparation of inspections

1.Commission inspectors shall undertake preparatory activities in order to ensure efficiency, accuracy and consistency of inspections.

2.The Commission shall provide the focal point with the names of the Commission inspectors mandated to conduct the inspection, and other details as appropriate. Those names shall include the name of the Team Leader for the inspection, who shall be a Commission inspector employed by the Commission.

3.For each inspection the focal point shall ensure that a coordinator is designated to make the practical arrangements associated with the inspection activity to be undertaken. During the inspection, the team leader shall be the primary contact for the coordinator.

Article 10U.K.Conduct of inspections

[F11. A standard methodology shall be used to monitor the application by Member States of the maritime security requirements laid down in Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 and in Directive 2005/65/EC.

2. Commission inspectors, when carrying out inspection activities, shall be accompanied at all times by a representative of the relevant competent authority. That representative shall not prejudice the efficiency or effectiveness of the inspection activities.

The inspections shall be carried out in a way which impedes as little as possible the fluidity of the commercial operations. In order to achieve this, whenever appropriate and with the prior agreement of the flag State and of the master of the ship, an inspection of a ship that has commenced in port may continue after the ship has left port.

If a ship subject to an inspection is serving international scheduled services between two or more Member States, the inspection may also relate to the operations of embarkation and disembarkation applied to passengers and vehicles at each end of the voyage. In such a case, the Commission shall notify the Member State's focal point of the port of arrival in accordance with Article 8(1).]

3.Where a ship at a port facility is to be inspected and the flag State of the ship is not the Member State of the port facility, the Member State of the port facility shall ensure that the Commission inspectors are accompanied by an officer of an authority referred to in Article 8(2) of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 during the inspection of the ship.

4.Commission inspectors shall carry an identity card authorising them to carry out inspections on behalf of the Commission. The Member States shall ensure that Commission inspectors are able to obtain access to all areas required for inspection purposes.

5.A test shall only be performed after notification to and agreement with the focal point on its scope and purpose. The focal point shall undertake any necessary coordination with the competent authorities concerned.

[F16. Without prejudice to Article 11, the Commission inspectors shall, wherever appropriate and practicable, deliver an informal oral summary of their observations on the spot.

The relevant focal point shall be informed promptly of any major non-conformity with Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 or Directive 2005/65/EC identified by a Commission inspection, prior to completion of an inspection report in accordance with Article 11 of this Regulation.

However, in cases where a Commission inspector carrying out the inspection of a ship finds a major non-conformity requiring action under Article 16, the Team Leader shall inform immediately in writing the relevant focal points.]

[F27. Commission inspectors shall conduct inspections in an efficient and effective manner, with due regard to safety and security.]

Article 11U.K.Inspection report

1.Within six weeks of completion of an inspection, an inspection report shall be communicated by the Commission to the Member State. This inspection report may contain as appropriate the outcomes of the monitoring of the port undertaken in respect of Article 8(2)(b).

2.Where a ship has been inspected during the inspection of a port facility, the relevant parts of the inspection report shall also be sent to the Member State that is the flag State, if different from the Member State in which the inspection took place.

3.The Member State shall inform the inspected entities of the relevant observations of the inspection. However, the inspection report itself shall not be sent to the inspected entities.

[F14. When assessing the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 and Directive 2005/65/EC in accordance with this Regulation, the findings shall be classified in one of the following categories:

(a) in conformity;

(b) in conformity, but improvement desirable;

(c) non-conformity;

(d) major non-conformity;

(e) not confirmed.

5. The report shall detail the findings of the inspection identified as major non-conformity , non-conformity , in conformity, but improvement desirable and not confirmed in the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 or Directive 2005/65/EC in accordance with the present Regulation.

The report may contain recommendations for corrective action.]

Article 12U.K.Response from the Member State

1.Within three months of the date of dispatch of an inspection report, the Member State shall submit to the Commission in writing a response to the report which:

(a)addresses the observations and recommendations; and

(b)provides an action plan, specifying actions and deadlines, to remedy any identified deficiencies.

2.Where the inspection report does not identify any non-conformity or major non-conformity with Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 or Directive 2005/65/EC, no response shall be required.

[F23. When a Member State proposes immediate corrective measures to address a major non-conformity found, it shall promptly notify the Commission about them before the Commission issues its inspection report. In such case, the report shall quote the corrective actions taken by the Member State. If only provisional measures are taken, the Member State shall promptly notify the Commission and shall also inform about the deadline for implementation of the complete and final corrective actions.]

Article 13U.K.Action by the Commission

1.The Commission may take any of the following steps in the event of non-conformity or major non-conformity with Regulation (EC) No 725/2004 or Directive 2005/65/EC and following receipt of the response of the Member State:

(a)submit comments to the Member State or request further explanation to clarify all or part of the response;

(b)conduct a follow-up inspection or monitoring to check the implementation of corrective actions, the minimum notice for such follow-up being two weeks;

(c)initiate an infringement procedure in respect of the Member State concerned.

2.Where a follow-up inspection of a ship is to be conducted, the Member State that is the flag State shall, where possible, inform the Commission of the ship’s future ports of call, so the Commission can decide where and when to carry out the follow-up inspection.