Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 (repealed)Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 of 23 April 2008 laying down common detailed rules for the application of the system of import and export licences and advance fixing certificates for agricultural products (Codified version) (repealed)

Part G

Entries referred to in Article 42(1)(a)

— In Bulgarian


Износът е осъществен без лицензия или сертификат

— In Spanish


Exportación realizada sin certificado

— In Czech


Vývoz bez licence nebo bez osvědčení

— In Danish


Udførsel uden licens/attest

— In German


Ausfuhr ohne Ausfuhrlizenz oder Vorausfestsetzungsbescheinigung

— In Estonian


Eksporditud ilma litsentsita/sertifikaadita

— In Greek


Εξαγωγή πραγματοποιούμενη άνευ πιστοποιητικού εξαγωγής ή προκαθορισμού

— In English


Exported without licence or certificate

— In French


Exportation réalisée sans certificat

— In Italian


Esportazione realizzata senza titolo

— In Latvian


Eksportēts bez licences vai sertifikāta

— In Lithuanian


Eksportuota be licencijos ar sertifikato

— In Hungarian


Kiviteli engedély használata nélküli export

— In Maltese


Esportazzjoni magħmula mingħajr liċenzja jew ċertifikat

— In Dutch


Uitvoer zonder certificaat

— In Polish


Wywóz dokonany bez świadectwa

— In Portuguese


Exportação efectuada sem certificado

— In Romanian


Exportat fără licență sau certificat

— In Slovak


Vyvezené bez licencie alebo certifikátu

— In Slovenian


Izvoz, izpeljan brez dovoljenja ali potrdila

— In Finnish


Viety ilman todistusta

— In Swedish


Exporterad utan licens