SECTION 5Control
Article 66Special Provisions for Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
The master of a vessel authorised to fish for Patagonian Toothfish in the SEAFO Convention Area in accordance with Article 57 shall, by electronic means, send to the competent authorities of his flag Member State and the SEAFO Secretariat a catch report stating the quantities of Patagonian Toothfish caught by his vessel including nil returns. This report shall be sent every five days of the fishing trip. Each Member State shall promptly forward that information to the Commission.
Member States with vessels authorised to fish for Patagonian Toothfish in the SEAFO Convention Area shall provide detailed catch and effort data to the Commission, and the SEAFO Secretariat, no later than 30 June 2008.
Article 67Special Provisions for Deep-sea Red Crab (Chaceon spp)
The master of a vessel authorised to fish for Deep-sea Red Crab in the SEAFO Convention Area in accordance with Article 57 shall, by electronic means, send to the competent authorities of his flag Member State and the SEAFO Secretariat a catch report stating the quantities of Deep-sea Red Crab caught by his vessel including nil returns. This report shall be sent every five days of the fishing trip. Each Member State shall promptly forward that information to the Commission.
Member States with vessels authorised to fish for Deep-sea Red Crab in the SEAFO Convention Area shall provide detailed catch and effort data to the Commission, and the SEAFO Secretariat, no later than 30 June 2008.
Article 68Communication of vessel movements and catches
Fishing vessels and fishing research vessels authorised to fish in the SEAFO Convention Area and which are engaged in fishing shall send entry, catch and exit reports to the flag Member State's authorities by VMS, or other appropriate means, and, if the flag Member State so requires, to the SEAFO Executive Secretary.
The entry report shall be made no more than 12 hours and at least 6 hours in advance of each entry into the SEAFO Convention Area and shall include entering date, time, geographical position of the vessel and the quantity of fish on board by species (FAO 3 Alfa Code) and by live weight (Kg).
The Catch report shall be made by species (FAO 3 Alfa Code) and by live weight (Kg) at the end of each calendar month.
The exit report shall be made no more than 12 hours and at least 6 hours in advance of each exit from the SEAFO Convention Area. It shall include exiting date, time, geographical position of the vessel, the number of fishing days and the catch taken by species (FAO 3 Alfa Code) and by live weight (Kg) in the SEAFO Convention Area since the commencement of fishing in the SEAFO Convention Area, or since the last catch report.
Article 69Scientific observation and collection of information to support stock assessment
Each Member State shall ensure that all its fishing vessels operating in the SEAFO Convention Area, and targeting species covered by the SEAFO Convention, carry qualified scientific observers.
Each Member State shall require the submission of the information collected by the observers, in respect of each vessel flying its flag, within 30 days of leaving the SEAFO Convention Area. The data shall be submitted in the format specified by the SEAFO Scientific Committee. The Member State shall provide the Commission with a copy of the information, as soon as possible, taking account of the need to maintain confidentiality of non-aggregated data. The Member State may also provide the SEAFO Executive Secretary with a copy of the information.
The information referred to in this Article shall, to the greatest extent possible, be collected and verified by designated observers by 30 June 2008.
Article 70Sightings of non-Contracting Party vessels
Fishing vessels flying the flag of a Member State shall report to their flag Member State information on any possible fishing activity by vessels flying the flag of a non-Contracting Party in the SEAFO Convention Area. This information shall contain, inter alia:
name of the vessel;
registration number of the vessel;
flag State of the vessel;
any other relevant information regarding the sighted vessel.
Each Member State shall submit the information referred to in paragraph 1 to the Commission as rapidly as possible. The Commission shall forward this information to the SEAFO Executive Secretary for information.