Regulation (EC) No 27/2008 is hereby amended as follows:
In Article 1 the following paragraph is inserted after the first paragraph:
‘For the purposes of this Regulation, “products covered by CN code ex 0714 10 98” means products other than pellets of flour and meal covered by CN code 0714 10 98.’
Article 8 is amended as follows:
in paragraph 1, the following subparagraph is added:
‘Notwithstanding Article 6(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1301/2006, applicants may submit more than one licence application per quota period. However, applicants may submit only one licence application per week.’;
paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 are replaced by the following:
‘2.For products originating in Indonesia or China, licence applications submitted in December may relate to imports to be carried out in the following year if they are submitted on the basis of an export licence issued by the Indonesian or Chinese authorities in respect of the year in question.
3.After the end of the period for lodging applications laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, and no later than 13:00 on the following Thursday, Member States shall send the Commission the following information:
(a)the total quantities covered by licence applications, by origin and product code;
(b)the number of the certificate of origin submitted and the total quantity entered in the original document or an extract thereof;
(c)the reference numbers of the export certificates issued by the Indonesian or Chinese authorities and the corresponding quantities, and the name of the vessel.
Nevertheless, for the applications referred to in paragraph 2, Member States shall provide this information with the communications for the first week of the following year.
4.Import licences shall be issued on the fourth working day following the end of the notification period referred to in paragraph 3.’
Regulation (EC) No 27/2008 is hereby corrected as follows:
In the title the CN code ‘0714 10 99’ is replaced by ‘ex 0714 10 98’.
The first paragraph of Article 1 is corrected as follows:
the introductory sentence is replaced by the following:
‘From 1 January 1997, the following annual tariff quotas are hereby opened for imports of products covered by CN codes 0714 10 91, ex 0714 10 98, 0714 90 11 and 0714 90 19 at a customs duty rate of 6 % ad valorem:’;
points (c) and (d) are replaced by the following:
a quota of 145 590 tonnes for the products in question originating in member countries of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) other than Thailand, China and Indonesia;
a quota of 32 000 tonnes for the products in question originating in countries which are not members of the WTO, of which 2 000 tonnes shall be reserved for the importation of products falling within CN codes 0714 10 91 and 0714 90 11.’
This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
Done at Brussels, 8 May 2008.
For the Commission
Mariann Fischer Boel
Member of the Commission