ANNEX XIVU.K.Derogations regarding sulphur dioxide content(Article 23(1) of this Regulation)

In addition to point A of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, the maximum sulphur dioxide content for wines with a residual sugar content, expressed as invert sugar, of not less than 5 grams per litre, shall be increased to:


300 mg/l for:

  • the quality white wines psr entitled to the designation of origin Gaillac;

  • the quality wines psr entitled to bear the designation of origin Alto Adige and Trentino, described by the terms or one of the terms ‘passito’ or ‘vendemmia tardiva’;

  • the quality wines psr entitled to bear the designation of origin ‘Colli orientali del Friuli’ together with the term ‘Picolit’;

  • the quality wines psr Moscato di Pantelleria naturale and Moscato di Pantelleria;

  • the table wines with the following geographical indications, with a total alcoholic strength by volume higher than 15 % vol. and a residual sugar content higher than 45 g/l:

    • Vin de pays de Franche-Comté,

    • Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Auxois,

    • Vin de pays de Saône-et-Loire,

    • Vin de pays des coteaux de l'Ardèche,

    • Vin de pays des collines rhodaniennes,

    • Vin de pays du comté Tolosan,

    • Vin de pays des côtes de Gascogne,

    • Vin de pays du Gers,

    • Vin de pays du Lot,

    • Vin de pays des côtes du Tarn,

    • Vin de pays de la Corrèze,

    • Vin de pays de l'Ile de Beauté,

    • Vin de pays d'Oc,

    • Vin de pays des côtes de Thau,

    • Vin de pays des coteaux de Murviel,

    • Vin de pays du Jardin de la France,

    • Vin de pays Portes de Méditerranée,

    • Vin de pays des comtés rhodaniens,

    • Vins de pays des côtes de Thongue,

    • Vins de pays de la Côte Vermeille,

  • the quality wines psr described by the term ‘pozdní sběr’,

  • the quality wine psr described by the term ‘neskorý zber’;


400 mg/l for:


350 mg/l for:

  • the quality wines psr described by the term ‘výběr z hroznů’,

  • the quality wines psr described by the term ‘výber z hrozna’.

In addition to point A of Annex V to Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, the maximum sulphur dioxide content for white wine originating in Canada and with the right to the designation ‘Icewine’, with a residual sugar content, expressed as invert sugar, of not less than five g/l, shall be increased to 400 mg/l.