Article 46Requirements for distillation, movement and use of products not complying with Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 or with this Regulation


Products which, pursuant to Article 45(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999, may not be offered or supplied for direct human consumption shall be destroyed. However, Member States may authorise the use of certain products the characteristics of which they shall determine, by distilleries or vinegar factories or for industrial purposes.


Such products may not be held without legitimate cause by producers or traders and they may be moved only to distilleries, vinegar factories, establishments using them for industrial purposes or products or elimination plants.


Member States may have denaturing agents or indicators added to wines as referred to in paragraph 1 in order to make them more easily identifiable. Where justified, they may also prohibit the uses provided for in paragraph 1 and have the products eliminated.