

Article 1(1) —

Names of poultry carcases

1.Пиле, бройлерPollo (de carne)Kuře, brojlerKylling, slagtekylling



Tibud, broiler


Πετετνοί και κότες (κρεατοπαραγωγής)

Chicken, broilerPoulet (de chair)Pollo, ‘BroilerCālis, broilers
2.Петел, кокошкаGallo, gallinaKohout, slepice, drůbež na pečení, nebo vařeníHane, høne, suppehøneSuppenhuhnKuked, kanad, hautamiseks või keetmiseks mõeldud kodulinnudΠετεινοί και κότες (για βράοιμο)Cock, hen, casserole, or boiling fowlCoq, poule (à bouillir)

Gallo, gallina

Pollame da brodo

Gailis, vista, sautēta vai vārīta mājputnu gaļa
3.Петел (угоен, скопен)CapónKapounKapunKapaunKohikukkΚαπόνιαCaponChaponCapponeKapauns
4.Ярка, петлеPollueloKuřátko, kohoutekPoussin, CoqueletStubenkükenKana- ja kukepojadΝεοσσός, πετεινάριPoussin, CoqueletPoussin, coqueletGallettoCālītis
5.Млад петелGallo jovenMladý kohoutUnghaneJunger HahnNoor kukkΠετεινάριYoung cockJeune coqGiovane galloJauns gailis
1.(Млада) пуйкаPavo (joven)(Mladá) krůta(Mini) kalkun(Junge) Pute, (Junger) Truthahn(Noor) kalkun(Νεαροί) γάλοι και γαλοπούλες(Young) turkeyDindonneau, (jeune) dinde(Giovane) tacchino(Jauns) tītars
2.ПуйкаPavoKrůtaAvlskalkunPute, TruthahnKalkunΓάλοι και γαλοπούλεςTurkeyDinde (à bouillir)Tacchino/aTītars
1.(Млада) патица, пате (млада) мускусна патица, (млад) мюларPato (joven o anadino), pato de Barbaria (joven), pato cruzado (joven)(Mladá) kachna, kachnê, (mladá) Pižmová kachna, (mladá) kachna Mulard

(Ung) and (Ung) berberiand

(Ung) mulardand

Frühmastente, Jungente, (Junge) Barbarieente (Junge Mulardente)(Noor) part, pardipoeg. (noor) muskuspart, (noor) mullard(Νεαρές) πάπιες ή παπάκια, (νεαρές) πάπιες Βαρβαρίας, (νεαρές) παπιες mulard(Young) duck, duckling, (Young) Muscovy duck (Young) Mulard duck(Jeune) canard, caneton, (jeune) canard de Barbarie, (jeune) canard mulard

(Giovane) anatra

(Giovane) Anatra muta

(Giovane) Anatra ‘mulard

(Jauna) pīle, pīlēns, (jauna) muskuspīle, (Jauna) Mulard pīle
2.Патица, мускусна патица, мюларPato, pato de Barbaria, pato cruzadoKachna, Pižmová kachna, kachna Mulard




Ente, Barbarieente


Part, muskuspart, mullardΠάτιες, πάτιες Βαρβαρίας πάτιες mulardDuck, Muscovy duck, Mulard duckCanard, canard de Barbarie (à bouillir), canard mulard (à bouillir)Anatra Anatra muta Anatra ‘mulardPīle, muskuspīle, Mulard pīle
1.(Млада) гъска, гъсеOca (joven), ansarónMladá husa, house(Ung) gåsFrühmastgans, (Junge) Gans, Jungmastgans(Noor) hani, hanepoeg(Νεαρές) χήνες ή χηνάκια(Young) goose, gosling(Jeune) oie ou oison(Giovane) oca(Jauna) zoss, zoslēns
1.(Млада) токачкаPintada (joven)Mladá perlička(Ung) perlehøne(Junges) Perlhuhn(Noor) pärlkana(Νεαρές) φραγκόκοτες(Young) guinea fowl(Jeune) pintade Pintadeau(Giovane) faraona(Jauna) pērļu vistiņa
2.ТокачкаPintadaPerličkaAvlsperlehønePerlhuhnPärlkanaΦραγκόκοτεςGuinea fowlPintadeFaraonaPērļu vistiņa
1.Viščiukas broilerisBrojler csirke, pecsenyecsirkeFellus, brojlerKuiken, braadkuikenKurczę, broilerFrangoPui de carne, broilerKurča, brojlerPitovni piščanec – brojlerBroileriKyckling, slaktkyckling (broiler)
2.Gaidys, višta, skirti troškinti arba virti

Kakas és tyúk

(főznivaló baromfi)

Serduk, tiġieġa


Haan, hen soep- of stoofkipKura rosołowaGalo, galinhaCocoș, găină sau carne de pasăre pentru fiertKohút, sliepkaPetelin, kokoš, perutnina za pečenje ali kuhanjeKukko, kanaTupp, höna, gryt-, eller kokhöna
3.KaplūnasKappanĦasiKapoenKapłonCapãoClaponKapúnKopunChapon (syöttökukko)Kapun
4.ViščiukasMinicsirkeGħattuqa, coqueletPiepkuikenKurczątkoFranguitosPui tineriKurčiatko

Mlad piščanec, mlad petelin


Kananpoika, kukonpoikaPoussin, Coquelet
5.GaidžiukasFiatal kakasSerduk żgħir fl-etaJonge haanMłody kogutGalo jovemCocoș tânărMladý kohútMlad petelinNuori kukkoUng tupp
1.KalakučiukasPecsenyepulyka, gigantpulyka, növendék pulykaDundjan (żgħir fl-eta)(Jonge) kalkoen(Młody) indykPeruCurcan (tânăr)Mladá morka(Mlada) pura(Nuori) kalkkuna(Ung) kalkon
2.KalakutasPulykaDundjanKalkoenIndykPeru adultoCurcanMorkaPuraKalkkunaKalkon
1.Ančiukai, muskusinės anties ančiukai, mulardinės anties ančiukaiPecsenyekacsa, Pecsenye pézsmakacsa, Pecsenye mulard-kacsaPapra (żgħira fl-eta), papra żgħira (fellus ta’ papra) muskovy (żgħira fl-eta), papra mulard(Jonge) eend, (Jonge) Barbarijse eend (Jonge) „Mulard”-eend(Młoda) kaczka tuczona, (Młoda) kaczka piżmova, (Młoda) kaczka mulardPato, Pato Barbary, Pato MulardRață (tânără), rață (tânără) din specia Cairina moschata, rață (tânără) Mulard(Mladá kačica), káča, (Mladá) pižmová kačica, (Mladý) mulard(Mlada) raca, račka, (mlada) muškatna raca, (mlada) mulard raca(Nuori) ankka, (Nuori) myskiankka(Ung) anka, ankunge (ung) mulardand (ung) myskand
2.Antis, muskusinė antis, mulardinė antisKacsa, Pézsma kacsa, Mulard kacsaPapra, papra muscovy, papra mulardEend Barbarijse eend „Mulard”-eendKaczka, Kaczka piżmowa, Kaczka mulardPato adulto, pato adulto Barbary, pato adulto MulardRață, rață din specia Cairina moschata, rață MulardKačica, Pyžmová kačica, MulardRaca, muškatna raca, mulard racaAnkka, myskiankkaAnka, mulardand, myskand
1.ŽąsiukasFiatal liba, pecsenye libaWiżża (żgħira fl-eta), fellusa ta’ wiżża(Jonge) gansMłoda gęśGansoGâscă (tânără)(Mladá) hus, húsa(Mlada) gos, goska(Nuori) hanhi(Ung) gås, gåsunge
2.ŽąsisLibaWiżżaGansGęśGanso adultoGâscăHusGosHanhiGås
1.Perlinių vištų viščiukaiPecsenyegyöngyös


(żgħira fl-eta)

(Jonge) parelhoen



PintadaBibilică adultă(Mladá) perlička(Mlada) pegatka(Nuori) helmikana(Ung) pärlhöna
2.Perlinės vištosGyöngytyúkFargħunaParelhoenPerlicaPintada adultaBibilicăPerličkaPegatkaHelmikanaPärlhöna

Article 1(2) —

Names of poultry cuts

(a)ПоловинкаMedioPůlkaHalvtHälfte oder HalbesPoolΜισάHalfDemi ou moitiéMetàPuse
(b)ЧетвъртинкаChartoČtvrtkaKvart(Vorder-, Hinter-)ViertelVeerandΤεταρτημόριοQuarterQuartQuartoCeturdaļa
(c)Неразделени четвъртинки с бутчетатаCuartos traseros unidosNeoddělená zadní čtvrtkaSammenhængende lårstykkerHinterviertel am StückLahtilõikamata koivadΑδιαχώριστα τεταρτημόρια ποδιώνUnseparated leg quartersQuarts postérieurs non séparésCosciottoNesadalītas kāju ceturdaļas
(d)Гърди, бяло месо или филе с костPechugaPrsaBrystBrust, halbe Brust, halbierte BrustRindΣτήθοςBreastPoitrine, blanc ou filet sur osPetto con ossoKrūtiņa
(e)БутчеMuslo y contramusloStehnoHelt lårSchenkel, KeuleKoibΠόδιLegCuisseCosciaKāja
(f)Бутче с част от гърба, прикрепен към негоCharto trasero de polloStehno kuřete s částí zadKyllingelår med en del af ryggenHähnchenschenkel mit Rückenstück, Hühnerkeule mit RückenstückKoib koos seljaosagaΠόδι από κοτόπουλο με ένα κομμάτι της ράχηςChicken leg with a portion of the backCuisse de poulet avec une portion du dosCoscettaCāļa kāja ar muguras daļu
(g)БедроContramusloHorní stehnoOverlårOberschenkel, OberkeuleReisΜηρός (μπούτι)ThighHaut de cuisseSovraccosciaŠķiņkis

Dolní stehno


UnderlårUnterschenkel, UnterkeuleSääretükkΚνήμηDrumstickPilonFusoStilbs
(j)Неразделени крилаAlas unidasNeoddělená křídlaSammenhængende vingerBeide Flügel, ungetrenntLahtilõikamata tiivadΑδιαχώριστες φτερούγεςUnseparated wingsAiles non séparéesAli non separateNesadalīti spārni
(k)Филе от гърдите, бяло месоFilete de pechugaPrsní řízekBrystfiletBrustfilet, Filet aus der Brust, FiletRinnafileeΦιλέτο στήθουςBreast filletFilet de poitrine, blanc, filet, noixFiletto, fesa (tacchino)Krūtiņas fileja
(l)Филе от гърдите с „ядеца“Filete de pechuga con clavícula

Filety z prsou

(Klíční kost s chrupavkou prsní kosti včetně svaloviny v přirozené souvislosti, klíč. kost a chrupavka max. 3 % z cel. hmotnosti)

Brystfilet med ønskebenBrustfilet mit SchlüsselbeinRinnafilee koos harkluugaΦιλέτο στήθους με κλειδοκόκαλοBreast fillet with wishboneFilet de poitrine avec claviculePetto (con forcella), fesa (con forcella)Krūtiņas fileja ar krūšukaulu
(m)Нетлъсто филеMagret, maigret

Magret, maigret

(filety z prsou kachen a hus s kůží a podkožním tukem pokrývajícím prsní sval, bez hlubokého svalu prsního)

Magret, maigretMagret, Maigret


(„magret” või „maigret”)

Maigret, magretMagret, maigretMagret, maigretMagret, maigretPīles krūtiņa
(n)Oбезкостен пуешки бутCarne de muslo y contramuslo de pavo deshuesadaU vykostěných krůtích stehenUdbenet kød af hele kalkunlårEntbeintes Fleisch von PutenschenkelnKalkuni konditustatud koivalihaΚρέας ποδιού γαλοπούλας χωρίς κόκαλοDeboned turkey leg meatCuisse désossée de dindeCarne di coscia di tacchino disossataAtkaulotai tītara kāju gaļai
(a)PusėFél baromfiNofsHelftPołówkaMetadeJumătățiPolená hydinaPolovicaPuolikasHalva
(b)KetvirtisNegyed baromfiKwartKwartĆwiartkaQuartoSferturiŠtvrťka hydinyČetrtNeljännesKvart
(c)Neatskirti kojų ketvirčiaiÖsszefüggő (egész) combnegyedekIl-kwarti ta’ wara tas-saqajn, mhux separatiNiet-gescheiden achterkwartenĆwiartka tylna w całościQuartos da coxa não separadosSferturi posterioare neseparateNeoddelené hydinové stehnáNeločene četrti nogTakaneljännesBakdelspart
(d)KrūtinėlėMellSidraBorstPierś, połówka piersiPeitoPieptPrsiaPrsiRintaBröst
(e)KojaCombKoxxaHele poot, hele dijNogaPerna inteiraPulpăHydinové stehnoBedroKoipireisiKlubba
(f)Viščiuko koja su neatskirta nugaros dalimiCsirkecomb a hát egy részévelKoxxa tat-tiġieġa b’porzjon tad-daharPoot/dij met rugdeel (bout)Noga kurczęca z częścią grzbietuPerna inteira de frango com uma porção do dorsoPulpă de pui cu o porțiune din spate atașatăKuracie stehno s panvouPiščančja bedra z delom hrbtaKoipireisi, jossa selkäosaKycklingklubba med del av ryggben
(g)ŠlaunelėFelsőcombIl-biċċa ta’ fuq tal-koxxaBovenpoot, bovendijUdoCoxaPulpă superioarăHorné hydinové stehnoStegnoReisiLår

Il-biċċa t’isfel tal-koxxa


Onderpoot, onderdij


PodudziePernaPulpă inferioarăDolné hydinové stehnoKračaKoipiBen
(i)SparnasSzárnyĠewnaħVleugelSkrzydłoAsaAripiHydinové krídelkoPerutiSiipiVinge
(j)Neatskirti sparnaiÖsszefüggő (egész) szárnyakĠwienaħ mhux separatiNiet-gescheiden vleugelsSkrzydła w całościAsas não separadasAripi neseparateNeoddelené hydinové krídlaNeločene perutiSiivet kiinni toisissaanSammanhängande vingar
(k)Krūtinėlės filėMellfiléFlett tas-sidraBorstfiletFilet z piersiCarne de peitoPiept dezosatHydinový rezeňPrsni fileRintafileeBröstfilé
(l)Krūtinėlės filė su raktikauliu ir krūtinkauliuMellfilé szegycsonttalFlett tas-sidra bil-wishboneBorstfilet met vorkbeenFilet z piersi z obojczykiemCarne de peito com fúrculaPiept dezosat cu osul iadeșHydinový rezeň s kosťouPrsni file s prsno kostjoRintafilee solisluineenBröstfilé med nyckelben

Krūtinėlės filė be kiliojo raumens


Bőrös libamell-filé, (maigret) Magret, maigretMagretMagret Magret, maigretTacâm de pasăre, spinări de pasăreMagretMagretMagret, maigretMagret, maigret
(n)Kalakuto kojų mėsa be kaulųKicsontozott pulykacombLaħam tas-saqajn tad-dundjan dissussatVlees van hele poten/hele dijen van kalkoenen, zonder beenPozbawione kości mięso z nogi indykaCarne desossada da perna inteira de peruPulpă dezosată de curcanVykostené morčacie stehnoPuranje bedro brez kostiKalkkunan luuton koipi-reisilihaUrbenat kalkonkött av klubba


Cut separating thigh/leg and back

Cut separating thigh and drumstick


Article 10 —

Chilling methods

1.Въздушно охлажданеRefrigeración por aireVzduchem (Chlazení vzduchem)LuftkølingLuftkühlungŌhkjahutusΨύξη με αέραAir chillingRefroidissement à l'airRaffreddamento ad ariaDzesēšana ar gaisu
2.Въздушно-душово охлажданеRefrigeración por aspersión ventiladaVychlazeným proudem vzduchu s postřikemLuftspraykølingLuft-SprühkühlungŌhkpiserdusjahutusΨύξη με ψεκασμόAir spray chillingRefroidissement par aspersion ventiléeRaffreddamento per aspersione e ventilazioneDzesēšana ar izsmidzinātu gaisu
3.Охлаждане чрез потапянеRefrigeración por immersiónVe vodní lázni ponořenímNeddypningskølingGegenstrom-TauchkühlungSukeljahutusΨύξη με βύθισηImmersion chillingRefroidissement par immersionRaffreddamento per immersioneDzesēšana iegremdējot
1.Atšaldymas oreLevegős hűtésTkessih bl-arjaLuchtkoelingOwiewowaRefrigeração por ventilaçãoRefrigerare în aerChladené vzduchomZračno hlajenjeIlmajäähdytysLuftkylning
2.Atšaldymas pučiant orąPermetezéses hűtésTkessih b'air sprayLucht-sproeikoelingOwiewowo-natryskowaRefrigeração por aspersão e ventilaçãoRefrigerare prin dușare cu aerChladené sprejovanímHlajenje s pršenjemIlmasprayjäähdytysEvaporativ kylning
3.Atšaldymas panardinantBemerítéses hűtésTkessiħ b’immersjoniDompelkoelingZanurzeniowaRefrigeração por imersãoRefrigerare prin imersiuneChladené vo vodeHlajenje s potapljanjemVesijäähdytysVattenkylning


Article 11(1) —

Types of farming


Хранена с … % …

гъска, хранена с овес

Alimentado con … % de …

Oca engordada con avena

Krmena (čím) … % (čeho) …

Husa krmená ovsem

Fodret med … % …

Havrefodret gås

Mast mit … % …


Söödetud …, mis sisaldab … % …

Kaeraga toidetud hani

Έχει τραφεί με … % …

Χήνα που παχαίνεται με βρώμη

Fed with … % of …

Oats fed goose

Alimenté avec … % de …

Oie nourrie à l’avoine

Alimentato con il … % di …

Oca ingrassata con avena

Barība ar … % …

ar auzām barotas zosis


Екстензивно закрито

(отгледан на закрито)

Sistema extensivo en gallineroExtenzivní v hale

Ekstensivt staldopdræt

(skrabe …)

Extensive Bodenhaltung

Ekstensiivne seespidamine

(lindlas pidamine)

Εκτατικής εκτροφής

Extensive indoor


Élevé à l’intérieur:

système extensif

Estensivo al coperto

Turēšana galvenokārt telpās

(“Audzēti kūtī”)

c)Свободен начин на отглежданеGallinero con salida libreVolný výběhFritgåendeFreilandhaltungVabapidamineΕλεύθερης βοσκήςFree rangeSortant à l’extérieurAll’apertoBrīvā turēšana
d)Традиционен свободен начин на отглежданеGranja al aire libreTradiční volný výběhFrilands …Bäuerliche FreilandhaltungTraditsiooniline vabapidamineΠτηνοτροφείο παραδοσιακά ελεύθερης βοσκήςTraditional free rangeFermier-élevé en plein airRurale all’apertoTradicionālā brīvā turēšana
e)Свободен начин на отглеждане – пълна свободаGranja de cría en libertadVolný výběh – úplná volnostFrilands … opdrættet i fuld frihed

Bäuerliche Freilandhaltung

Unbegrenzter Auslauf

Täieliku liikumisvabadusega traditsiooniline vabapidamineΠτηνοτροφείο απεριόριστης τροφήςFree-range — total freedomFermier-élevé en libertéRurale in libertàPilnīgā brīvība

Lesinta … % …

Avižomis penėtos žąsys

…%-ban …-val etetett

Zabbal etetett liba

Mitmugħa b’… % ta’ …

Wiżża mitmugħa bil-ħafur

Gevoed met … % …

Met haver vetgemeste gans

Żywione z udziałem … % …

tucz owsiany (gęsi)

Alimentado com … % de …

Ganso engordado com aveia

Furajate cu un % de …

Gâște furajate cu ovăz

Kŕmené … % …

Husi kŕmené ovsom

Krmljeno z … % …

gos krmljena z ovsom

Ruokittu rehulla, joka sisältää … …%

Kauralla ruokittu hanhi

Utfodrad med … % …

Havreutfodrad gås


Patalpose laisvai auginti paukščiai

(Auginti tvartuose)

Istállóban külterjesen tartottMrobbija ġewwa: sistema estensivaScharrel … binnengehoudenEkstensywny chów ściółkowyProdução extensiva em interiorCreștere în interior sistem extensivChované na hlbokej podstielke (chov v hale)Ekstenzivna zaprta rejaLaajaperäinen sisäkasvatusExtensivt uppfödd inomhus
c)Laisvai laikomi paukščiaiSzabadtartás


(free range)

Scharrel … met uitloopChów wybiegowyProdução em semiliberdadeCreștere liberăVýbehový chov (chov v exteriéri)Prosta rejaVapaa laidun – perinteinen kasvatustapaTillgång till utomhusvistelse
d)Tradiciškai laisvai laikomi paukščiaiHagyományos szabadtartásBarra (free range) tradizzjonali

Boerenscharrel … met uitloop

Hoeve … met uitloop

Tradycyjny chów wybiegowyProdução ao ar livreCreștere liberă tradiționalăChované navol'noTradicionalna prosta rejaUlkoiluvapausTraditionell utomhusvistelse
e)Visiškoje laisvėje laikomi paukščiaiTeljes szabadtartásBarra (free range) – liberta totali

Boerenscharrel … met vrije uitloop

Hoeve … met vrije uitloop

Chów wybiegowy bez ograniczeńProdução em liberdadeCreștere liberă – libertate totală –Úplne vol'ný chovProsta reja – neomejen izpustVapaa laidun – täydellinen liikkumavapausUppfödd i full frihet


The conditions referred to in Article 11 are as follows:


Fed with …% of …

Reference to the following particular feed ingredients may only be made where:

  • in the case of cereals, they account for at least 65 % by weight of the feed formula given during the greater part of the fattening period, which may not include more than 15 % of cereal by-products; however, where reference is made to one specific cereal, it shall account for at least 35 % of the feed formula used, and for at least 50 % in the case of maize,

  • in the case of pulses or green vegetables they account for at least 5 % by weight of the feed formula given during most of the fattening period,

  • in the case of dairy products, they account for at least 5 % by weight of the feed formula given during the finishing stage.

The term ‘Oats-fed goose’ may however be used where the geese are fed during the finishing stage of three weeks not less than 500 g of oats per day.


Extensive indoor (barn-reared)

This term may only be used where:


the stocking rate per m2 floor space does not exceed, in the case of:

  • chickens, young cocks, capons: 15 birds but not more than 25 kg liveweight,

  • ducks, guinea fowl, turkeys: 25 kg liveweight,

  • geese: 15 kg liveweight,


the birds are slaughtered, in the case of:

  • chickens at 56 days or later,

  • turkeys at 70 days or later,

  • geese at 112 days or later,

  • Peking ducks: 49 days or later,

  • Muscovy ducks: 70 days or later for females, 84 days or later for males,

  • female Mulard ducks: 65 days or later,

  • guinea fowl: 82 days or later,

  • young geese (goslings): 60 days or later,

  • young cocks: 90 days or later,

  • capons: 140 days or later.


Free range

This term may only be used where:


the stocking rate in the house and the age of slaughter are in accordance with the limits fixed under (b), except for chickens, for which the stocking rate may be increased to 13, but not more than 27,5 kg liveweight per m2 and for capons, for which the stocking rate shall not exceed 7,5 m2, and not more than 27,5 kg liveweight per m2,


the birds have had during at least half their lifetime continuous daytime access to open-air runs comprising an area mainly covered by vegetation of not less than:

  • 1 m2 per chicken or guinea fowl,

  • 2 m2 per duck or per capon,

  • 4 m2 per turkey or goose.

In the case of guinea fowls, open-air runs may be replaced by a perchery having a floor surface of at least that of the house and a height of at least 2 m. Perches of at least 10 cm length are available per bird in total (house and perchery),


the feed formula used in the fattening stage contains at least 70 % of cereals,


the poultryhouse is provided with popholes of a combined length at least equal to 4 m per 100 m2 surface of the house.


Traditional free range

This term may only be used where:


the indoor stocking rate per m2 does not exceed in the case of:

  • chickens: 12 but not more than 25 kg liveweight; however, in the case of mobile houses not exceeding 150 m2 floor space and which remain open at night, the stocking rate may be increased to 20, but not more than 40 kg liveweight per m2,

  • capons: 6,25 (up to 91 days of age: 12) but not more than 35 kg liveweight,

  • Muscovy and Peking ducks: 8 males but not more than 35 kg liveweight, 10 females but not more than 25 kg liveweight,

  • Mulard ducks: 8 but not more than 35 kg liveweight,

  • guinea fowl: 13 but not more than 25 kg liveweight,

  • turkeys: 6,25 (up to seven weeks of age: 10) but not more than 35 kg liveweight,

  • geese: 5 (up to six weeks of age: 10), 3 during last three weeks of fattening if kept in claustration, but not more than 30 kg liveweight,


the total usable area of poultryhouses at any single production site does not exceed 1 600 m2,


each poultryhouse does not contain more than:

  • 4 800 chickens,

  • 5 200 guinea fowl,

  • 4 000 female Muscovy or Peking ducks or 3 200 male Muscovy or Peking ducks or 3 200 Mulard ducks,

  • 2 500 capons, geese and turkeys,


the poultryhouse is provided with popholes of a combined length at least equal to 4 m per 100 m2 surface of the house,


there is continuous daytime access to open-air runs at least as from the age of:

  • six weeks in the case of chickens, and capons,

  • eight weeks in the case of ducks, geese, guinea fowl and turkeys,


open-air runs comprise an area mainly covered by vegetation amounting to at least:

  • 2 m2 per chicken or Muscovy or Peking duck or guinea fowl,

  • 3 m2 per Mulard duck,

  • 4 m2 per capon, as from 92 days (2 m2 up to 91st day),

  • 6 m2 per turkey,

  • 10 m2 per goose.

In the case of guinea fowls, open-air runs may be replaced by a perchery having a floor surface of at least double that of the house and a height of at least 2 m. Perches of at least 10 cm length are available per bird in total (house and perchery),


the birds fattened are of a strain recognised as being slow growing,


the feed formula used in the fattening stage contains at least 70 % of cereals,


the minimum age at slaughter is:

  • 81 days for chickens,

  • 150 days for capons,

  • 49 days for Peking ducks,

  • 70 days for female Muscovy ducks,

  • 84 days for male Muscovy ducks,

  • 92 days for Mulard ducks,

  • 94 days for guinea fowl,

  • 140 days for turkeys and geese marketed whole for roasting,

  • 98 days for female turkeys intended for cutting up,

  • 126 days for male turkeys intended for cutting up,

  • 95 days for geese intended for the production of foie gras and magret,

  • 60 days for young geese (goslings),


finition in claustration does not exceed:

  • for chickens after 90 days of age: 15 days,

  • for capons: four weeks,

  • for geese and Mulard ducks intended for the production of foie gras and magret, after 70 days of age: 4 weeks.


Free range — total freedom

The use of this term shall require conformity with the criteria set out under (d), except that the birds shall have continuous daytime access to open-air runs of unlimited area.

In the event of restrictions, including veterinary restrictions adopted under Community law to protect public and animal health, having the effect of restricting the access of poultry to open-air runs, poultry reared in accordance with the production methods described in points (c), (d) and (e) of the first subparagraph, with the exception of guinea fowls reared in percheries, may continue to be marketed with a special reference to the method of rearing for the duration of the restriction but under no circumstances for more than 12 weeks.



1.Object and scope

This method shall be used to determine the amount of water lost from frozen or quick-frozen chickens during thawing. If this drip loss, expressed as a percentage by weight of the carcase (including all the edible offal contained in the pack) exceeds the limit value laid down in point 7, it is considered that excess water has been absorbed during processing.


Drip loss determined by this method shall be expressed as a percentage of the total weight of the frozen or quick-frozen carcase, including edible offal.


The frozen or quick-frozen carcase, including edible offal present, is allowed to thaw under controlled conditions which allow the weight of water lost to be calculated.


4.1.Scales capable of weighing up to 5 kg and accurate to at least 1 g.
4.2.Plastic bags large enough to hold the carcase and having a secure means of fixing the bag.
4.3.Thermostatically controlled water-bath with equipment capable of holding the carcases as described in points 5.5 and 5.6. The water-bath shall contain a volume of water not less than eight times that of the poultry to be checked and shall be capable of maintaining the water at a temperature of 42 ± 2 °C.
4.4.Filter paper or other absorbent paper towels.


5.1.Twenty carcases are removed at random from the quantity of poultry to be checked. Until each can be tested as described in points 5.2 to 5.11, they are kept at a temperature no higher than – 18 °C.
5.2.The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. The pack and its content are weighed to the nearest gram: this weight is M0.
5.3.The carcase, together with any edible offal sold with it, is removed from the outer wrap, which is dried and weighed to the nearest gram: this weight is M1.
5.4.The weight of frozen carcase plus offal is calculated by subtracting M1 from M0.
5.5.The carcase, including the edible offal, is placed in a strong, waterproof plastic bag with the abdominal cavity facing towards the bottom, closed end of the bag. The bag must be of sufficient length so as to ensure that it can be fixed securely when in the water-bath but not so wide as to allow the carcase to move from the vertical position.
5.6.The part of the bag containing the carcase end edible offal is completely immersed in a water-bath and remains open, enabling as much air as possible to escape. It is held vertically, if necessary by guide bars or by extra weights put in the bag, so that water from the bath cannot enter it. The individual bags must not touch each other.
5.7.The bag is left in the water-bath, maintained at 42 ± 2 °C throughout, with continuous movement of the bag or continuous agitation of the water, until the thermal centre of the carcase (the deepest part of the breast muscle close to the breast bone, in chickens without giblets, or the middle of the giblets in chickens with giblets) reaches at least 4 °C, measured in two randomly chosen carcases. The carcases should not remain in the water bath for longer than is necessary to reach 4 °C. The required period of immersion, for carcases stored at – 18 °C is of the order of:
Weight class (g)Weight of carcase + offal (g)Indicative immersion time in minutes
Chickens without offalChickens with offal
< 800< 8257792
850825 — 8748297
900875 — 92485100
950925 — 97488103
1 000975 — 1 02492107
1 0501 025 — 1 07495110
1 1001 075 — 1 14998113
1 2001 150 — 1 249105120
1 3001 250 — 1 349111126
1 4001 350 — 1 449118133

For carcases over 1 400 g, an increase of seven minutes for each additional 100 g is required. If the suggested period of immersion is passed without reaching + 4 °C, in the two carcases which are checked, the thawing process is continued until they do reach + 4 °C in the thermal centre.

5.8.The bag and its content are removed from the water-bath; the bottom of the bag is pierced to allow any water produced on thawing to drain. The bag and its content are allowed to drip for one hour at an ambient temperature of between + 18 °C and + 25 °C.
5.9.The thawed carcase is removed from the bag and the pack containing offal (if present) is removed from the abdominal cavity. The carcase is dried inside and out with filter paper or paper towels. The bag containing the offal is pierced and, once any water has drained away, the bag and thawed offal are dried as carefully as possible.
5.10.The total weight of thawed carcase, offal and pack is determined to the nearest gram and expressed as M2.
5.11.The weight of the pack which contained the offal is determined to the nearest gram and expressed as M3.

6.Calculation of result

The amount of water lost through thawing as a percentage by weight of the frozen or quick-frozen carcase (including offal) is given by:

((M0 – M1 – M2)/(M0 – M1 – M3)) × 100

7.Evaluation of result

If the average water loss on thawing for the 20 carcases in the sample exceeds the percentages given below, it is considered that the amount of water absorbed during processing exceeds the limit figure.

The percentages are, in the case of:



1.Object and scope

This method is used to determine the total water content of frozen and quick-frozen chickens. The method involves determination of the water and protein contents of samples from homogenised poultry carcases. The total water content as determined is compared with the limit value given by the formulae indicated in point 6.4, to determine whether or not excess water has been taken up during processing. If the analyst suspects the presence of any substance which may interfere with the assessment, it is for him or her to take the necessary appropriate precautions.


‘Carcase’: the poultry carcase with bones, cartilage and any additional offal.

‘Offal’: liver, heart, gizzard and neck.


Water and protein contents are determined in accordance with recognised ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) methods or other methods of analysis approved by the Council.

The maximum total water content of the carcase is determined from the protein content of the carcase, which can be related to the physiological water content.

4.Apparatus and reagents

4.1.Scales for weighing the carcase and wrappings, accurate to at least 1 g.
4.2.Meat-axe or saw for cutting carcases into pieces of appropriate size for the mincer.
4.3.Heavy-duty mincing machine and blender capable of homogenising complete frozen or quick-frozen poultry pieces.

No special mincer is recommended. It should have sufficient power to mince frozen or quick-frozen meat and bones to produce a homogeneous mixture corresponding to that obtained from a mincer fitted with a 4-mm hole disc.

4.4.Apparatus as specified in ISO 1442, for the determination of water content.
4.5.Apparatus as specified in ISO 937, for the determination of protein content.


5.1.Seven carcases are taken at random from the quantity of poultry to be checked and in each case kept frozen until analysis in accordance with points 5.2 to 5.6 begins.

The analysis may concern either each of the seven carcases separately or a composite sample of the seven carcases.

5.2.The preparation is commenced within the hour following the removal of the carcases from the freezer.

The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. Each carcase is weighed and removed from any wrapping material. After cutting up of the carcase into smaller pieces, any wrapping material around the edible offal is removed. The total weight of the carcase, including the edible offal and ice adhering to the carcase, is determined to the nearest gram after deduction of the weight of any wrapping material removed, to give ‘P1’.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, the total weight of the seven carcases, prepared in accordance with point 5.3(a), is determined to give ‘P7’.


The whole carcase of which the weight is P1 is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which a sample representative of each carcase may then be taken.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, all seven carcases of which the weight is P7 is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which two samples representative of the seven carcases may then be taken. The two samples are analysed as described in points 5.5 and 5.6.

5.5.A sample of the homogenised material is taken and used immediately to determine the water content in accordance with ISO 1442 to give the water content ‘a %’.
5.6.A sample of the homogenised material is also taken and used immediately to determine the nitrogen content in accordance with ISO 937. This nitrogen content is converted to crude protein content ‘b %’ by multiplying it by the factor 6,25.

6.Calculation of results


The weight of water (W) in each carcase is given by aP1/100 and the weight of protein (RP) by bP1/100, both of which are expressed in grams. The sums of the weights of water (W7) and the weights of protein (RP7) in the seven carcases analysed are determined.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, the average content of water and protein from the two samples analysed is determined to give a % and b %, respectively. The weight of the water (W7) in the seven carcases is given by aP7/100, and the weight of protein (RP7) by bP7/100, both of which are expressed in grams.

6.2.The average weight of water (WA) and protein (RPA) is calculated by dividing W7 and RP7, respectively, by seven.
6.3.The theoretical physiological water content in grams as determined by this method may be calculated by the following formula:

Air chilling

Assuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 2 %(1), the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):

  • chickens: WG = 3,65 × RPA + 42.


Air-spray chilling

Assuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 4,5 %(2), the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):

  • chickens: WG = 3,79 × RPA + 42.


Immersion chilling

Assuming a technically unavoidable water absorption during preparation of 7 %(3), the highest permissible limit for the total water content (WG) in grams as determined by this method is given by the following formula (including confidence interval):

  • chickens: WG = 3,93 × RPA + 42.

6.5.If the average water content (WA) of the seven carcases as calculated under point 6.2 does not exceed the value given in point 6.4 (WG), the quantity of poultry subjected to the check shall be considered up to standard.



1.Object and scope

This method is used to determine the total water content of certain poultry cuts. The method shall involve determination of the water and protein contents of samples from the homogenised poultry cuts. The total water content as determined is compared with the limit value given by the formulae indicated in point 6.4, to determine whether or not excess water has been taken up during processing. If the analyst suspects the presence of any substance which may interfere with the assessment, it is for him or her to take the necessary appropriate precautions.

2.Definitions and sampling procedures

The definitions given in point (2) of Article 1 are applicable to the poultry cuts referred to in Article 20. The sample sizes should be at least as follows:

In the case of frozen or quick-frozen bulk products (cuts not individually packed) the large packs from which samples are to be taken may be kept at 0 °C until individual cuts can be removed.


Water and protein contents are determined in accordance with recognised ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation) methods or other methods of analysis approved by the Council.

The highest permissible total water content of the poultry cuts is determined from the protein content of the cuts, which can be related to the physiological water content.

4.Apparatus and reagents

4.1.Scales for weighing the cuts and wrappings, accurate to at least 1 g.
4.2.Meat-axe or saw for cutting cuts into pieces of appropriate size for the mincer.
4.3.Heavy-duty mincing machine and blender capable of homogenising poultry cuts or parts thereof.

No special mincer is recommended. It should have sufficient power to mince frozen or quick-frozen meat and bones to produce a homogeneous mixture corresponding to that obtained from a mincer fitted with a 4-mm hole disc.

4.4.Apparatus as specified in ISO 1442, for the determination of water content.
4.5.Apparatus as specified in ISO 937, for the determination of protein content.


5.1.Five cuts are taken at random from the quantity of poultry cuts to be checked and kept frozen or refrigerated as the case may be until analysis in accordance with points 5.2 to 5.6 begins.

Samples from frozen or quick-frozen bulk products referred to under point 2 may be kept at 0 °C until analysis begins.

The analysis may concern each of the five cuts separately or a composite sample of the five cuts.

5.2.The preparation is commenced within the hour following the removal of the cuts from the freezer or refrigerator.

The outside of the pack is wiped to remove superficial ice and water. Each cut is weighed and removed from any wrapping material. After cutting up the cuts into smaller pieces, the weight of the poultry cut is determined to the nearest gram after deduction of the weight of any wrapping material removed, to give ‘P1’.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, the total weight of the five cuts, prepared in accordance with point 5.3(a), is determined to give ‘P5’.


The whole cut of which the weight is P1, is minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which a sample representative of each cut may then be taken.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, all five cuts of which the weight is P5 are minced in a mincer as specified under point 4.3 (and, if necessary, mixed with the use of a blender as well) to obtain a homogeneous material from which two samples representative of the five cuts may then be taken.

The two samples are analysed as described in points 5.5 and 5.6.

5.5.A sample of the homogenised material is taken and used immediately to determine the water content in accordance with ISO 1442 to give the water content ‘a %’.
5.6.A sample of the homogenised material is also taken and used immediately to determine the nitrogen content in accordance with ISO 937. This nitrogen content is converted to crude protein content ‘b %’ by multiplying it by the factor 6,25.

6.Calculation of results


The weight of water (W) in each cut is given by aP1/100 and the weight of protein (RP) by bP1/100, both of which are expressed in grams.

The sums of the weights of water (W5) and the weights of protein (RP5) in the five cuts analysed are determined.


In the case of a composite sample analysis, the average content of water and protein from the two samples analysed is determined to give a % and b %, respectively. The weight of the water (W5) in the five cuts is given by aP5/100, and the weight of protein (RP5) by bP5/100, both of which are expressed in grams.

6.2.The average weight of water (WA) and protein (RPA) is calculated by dividing W5 and RP5 respectively, by five.
6.3.The mean physiological W/RP ratio as determined by this method is as follows:
6.4.Assuming that the minimum technically unavoidable water content absorbed during preparation amounts to 2 %, 4 % or 6 %(4) depending on the type of products and chilling methods applied, the highest permissible W/RP ratios as determined by this method are as follows:
Air chilledAir-spray chilledImmersion chilled
Chicken breast fillet; without skin3,43,43,4
Chicken breast; with skin3,43,53,6
Chicken thighs, drumsticks, legs, legs with a portion of the back, leg quarters, with skin4,054,154,3
Turkey breast fillet; without skin3,43,43,4
Turkey breast, with skin3,43,53,6
Turkey thighs, drumsticks, legs, with skin3,83,94,05
Deboned turkey leg meat, without skin3,953,953,95

If the average WA/RPA ratio of the five cuts as calculated from the values under point 6.2 does not exceed the ratio given in point 6.4, the quantity of poultry cuts subjected to the check is considered up to standard.



1.At least once each working period of eight hours:

select at random 25 carcases from the evisceration line immediately after evisceration and the removal of the offal and fat and before the first subsequent washing.

2.If necessary, remove the neck by cutting, leaving the neck skin attached to the carcase.

3.Identify each carcase individually. Weigh each carcase and record its weight to the nearest gram.

4.Re-hang the test carcases on the evisceration line to continue through the normal processes of washing, chilling, dripping, etc.

5.Remove identified carcases at the end of the drip line without allowing them any longer time to drip than that allowed normally for poultry from the lot from which the sample was taken.

6.The sample consists of the first 20 carcases recovered. They are re-weighed. Their weight to the nearest gram is recorded against the weight recorded on first weighing. The test is declared void if less than 20 identified carcases are recovered.

7.Remove identification from sample carcases and allow the carcases to proceed through normal packing operations.

8.Determine percentage moisture absorption by subtracting the total weight of these same carcases after washing, chilling and dripping, dividing the difference by the initial weight and multiplying by 100.

9.Instead of manual weighing as described under points 1 to 8, automatic weighing lines may be used for the determination of the percentage moisture absorption for the same number of carcases and according to the same principles, provided that the automatic weighing line is approved in advance for this purpose by the competent authority.

10.The result must not exceed the following percentages of the initial weight of the carcase or any other figure allowing compliance with the maximum total extraneous water content:

— air chilling


0 %,

— air-spray chilling


2,0 %,

— immersion chilling


4,5 %,


– in Bulgarian


Съдържанието на вода превишава нормите на ЕО

– in Spanish


Contenido en agua superior al límite CE

– in Czech


Obsah vody překračuje limit ES

– in Danish


Vandindhold overstiger EF-Normen

– in German


Wassergehalt über dem EG-Höchstwert

– in Estonian


Veesisaldus ületab EÜ normi

– in Greek


Περιεκτικότητα σε νερό ανώτερη του ορίου ΕΚ

– in English


Water content exceeds EC limit

– in French


Teneur en eau supérieure à la limite CE

– in Italian


Tenore d’acqua superiore al limite CE

– in Latvian


Ūdens saturs pārsniedz EK noteikto normu

– in Lithuanian


Vandens kiekis viršija EB nustatytą ribą

– in Hungarian


Víztartalom meghaladja az EK által előírt határértéket

– in Maltese


Il-kontenut ta’ l-ilma superjuri għal-limitu KE

– in Dutch


Watergehalte hoger dan het EG-maximum

– in Polish


Zawartość wody przekracza normę WE

– in Portuguese


Teor de água superior ao limite CE

– in Romanian


Conținutul de apă depășește limita CE

– in Slovak


Obsah vody presahuje limit ES

– in Slovenian


Vsebnost vode presega ES omejitev

– in Finnish


Vesipitoisuus ylittää EY-normin

– in Swedish


Vattenhalten överstiger den halt som är tillåten inom EG.



Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO)

Eenheid Technologie en Voeding

Productkwaliteit en voedselveiligheid

Brusselsesteenweg 370

B-9090 Melle


Национален диагностичен научно-изследователски ветеринарно-медицински институт

(National Diagnostic Research Veterinary Medicine Institute)

бул. „Пенчо Славейков“ 15

(15, Pencho Slaveikov str.)



Czech Republic

Státní veterinární ústav Jihlava

Národní referenční laboratoř pro mikrobiologické,

chemické a senzorické analýzy masa a masných výrobků

Rantířovská 93

CZ-586 05 Jihlava



Fødevareregion Øst

Afdeling for Fødevarekemi

Søndervang 4

DK-4100 Ringsted


Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel

Standort Kulmbach

E.C.-Baumann-Straße 20

D-95326 Kulmbach


Veterinaar- ja Toidulaboratoorium

Kreutzwaldi 30

EE-51006 Tartu


National Food Centre




IE-Dublin 15


Ministry of Rural Development & Food

Veterinary Laboratory of Larisa

7th km Larisa-Trikalοn st.

GR-411 10 Larisa


Laboratorio Arbitral Agroalimentario

Carretera de La Coruña, km 10,700

E-28023 Madrid


SCL Laboratoire de Lyon

10, avenue des Saules

BP 74

F-69922 Oullins


Ministero Politiche Agricole e Forestali

Ispettorato centrale per il controllo della qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari

Laboratorio di Modena

Via Jacopo Cavedone n. 29

I-41100 Modena


Agricultural Laboratory

Department of Agriculture

Loukis Akritas Ave; 14

CY-Lefcosia (Nicosia)


Pārtikas un veterinārā dienesta

Nacionālais diagnostikas centrs

Lejupes iela 3,

Rīga, LV-1076


Nacionalinė veterinarijos laboratorija

J. Kairiūkščio g. 10

LT-2021 Vilnius


Laboratoire National de Santé

Rue du Laboratoire, 42

L-1911 Luxembourg


Országos Élelmiszervizsgáló Intézet

Budapest 94. Pf. 1740

Mester u. 81.



Malta National Laboratory

UB14, San Gwann Industrial Estate

San Gwann, SGN 09



RIKILT — Instituut voor Voedselveiligheid

Bornsesteeg 45, gebouw 123

6708 AE Wageningen



Österreichische Agentur für Gesundheit und Ernährungssicherheit GmbH

Institut für Lebensmitteluntersuchung Wien

Abteilung 6 — Fleisch und Fleischwaren

Spargelfeldstraße 191

A-1226 Wien


Centralne Laboratorium Głównego Inspektoratu Jakości

Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych

ul. Reymonta 11/13

60-791 Poznań



Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica — ASAE

Laboratório Central da Qualidade Alimentar — LCQA

Av. Conde Valbom, 98

P-1050-070 Lisboa


Institutul de Igienă și Sănătate Publică Veterinară

Str. Câmpul Moșilor, nr. 5, Sector 2



Univerza v Ljubljani

Veterinarska fakulteta

Nacionalni veterinarski inštitut

Gerbičeva 60

SI-1115 Ljubljana


Štátny veterinárny a potravinový ústav

Botanická 15

842 52 Bratislava

Slovenská republika


Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Evira

Mustialankatu 3

FI-00710 Helsinki



Box 622

S-75126 Uppsala

United Kingdom

Laboratory of the Government Chemist

Queens Road


TW11 0LY

United Kingdom


Tasks and organisational structure of the board of experts in monitoring water content in poultrymeat

The board of experts referred to in Article 19 is responsible for the following tasks:


supplying information on analytical methods and comparative testing regarding the water content of poultrymeat to the national reference laboratories;


coordinating the application by the national reference laboratories of the methods referred to in (a), by organising comparative testing, and proficiency testing in particular;


supporting the national reference laboratories in proficiency testing by providing scientific support for statistical data evaluation and reporting;


coordinating the development of new analytical methods and informing the national reference laboratories of progress made in this area;


providing scientific and technical assistance to the Commission, especially in cases where the results of analyses are contested between Member States.

The board of experts referred to in Article 19 shall be organised as follows:

The board of experts in monitoring water content in poultrymeat shall consist of representatives of the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC) — Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (IRMM), of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development and of three national reference laboratories. The representative of IRMM shall act as the chairperson of the board and shall appoint the national reference laboratories on a rotational basis. The Member State authority responsible for the national reference laboratory selected shall subsequently appoint individual experts in monitoring water content in food to serve on the board. Through annual rotation, one participating national reference laboratory shall be replaced at a time, so as to ensure a degree of continuity on the board. Expenses incurred by the Member States’ experts and/or the national reference laboratories in the exercise of their functions under this Section of this Annex shall be borne by the respective Member States.

Tasks of national reference laboratories

The national reference laboratories listed in Annex XI are responsible for the following tasks:


coordinating the activities of the national laboratories responsible for analyses of water content in poultrymeat;


assisting the competent authority in the Member State in organising the system for monitoring water content in poultrymeat;


participating in comparative testing (proficiency testing) between the various national laboratories referred to in (a);


ensuring that the information supplied by the board of experts is disseminated to the competent authority in the relevant Member State and to the national laboratories referred to in (a);


collaborating with the board of experts and, if appointed to join the board of experts, preparing the necessary test samples, including homogeneity testing, and arranging appropriate shipping.


Correlation table

Regulation (EEC) No 1906/90Regulation (EEC) No 1538/91This Regulation
Article 1Article 1
Article 1a, introductory phraseArticle 2, introductory phrase
Article 2(2), (3) and (4)Article 2(a), (b) and (c)
Article 2(8)Article 2(d)
Article 1a, first and second indentsArticle 2(e) and (f)
Article 2Article 3(1) to (4)
Article 4Article 3(5)
Article 3Article 4
Article 4Article 5(1)
Article 5(1) to (4)Article 5(2) to (5)
Article 6Article 5(6)
Article 5Article 6
Article 6(1), introductory phraseArticle 7(1), introductory phrase
Article 6(1), first to sixth indentsArticle 7(1), points (a) to (f)
Article 6(2), introductory phraseArticle 7(2), introductory phrase
Article 6(2), first to fourth indentsArticle 7(2), points (a) to (d)
Article 7(1)Article 8(1)
Article 7(3)Article 8(2)
Article 7(4)Article 8(3)
Article 7(5)Article 8(4)
Article 7(6)Article 8(5)
Article 8(1)Article 9(1)
Article 8(2)Article 9(2)
Article 8(3), introductory phraseArticle 9(3), introductory phrase
Article 8(3), first indentArticle 9(3), point (a)
Article 8(3), second indentArticle 9(3), point (b)
Article 8(4), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 9(4), first subparagraph, introductory phrase
Article 8(4), first subparagraph, first to third indentsArticle 9(4), first subparagraph, points (a) to (c)
Article 8(4), second subparagraphArticle 9(4), second subparagraph
Article 8(5) to (12)Article 9(5) to (12)
Article 8(13), first subparagraph
Article 8(13), second subparagraphArticle 9(13)
Article 9Article 10
Article 10Article 11
Article 11(1), introductory phraseArticle 12(1), introductory phrase
Article 11(1), first to fourth indentsArticle 12(1), points (a) to (d)
Article 11(2)Article 12(2)
Article 11(2a)Article 12(3)
Article 11(2b)Article 12(4)
Article 11(3), introductory phraseArticle 12(5), introductory phrase
Article 11(3), first to fourth indentsArticle 12(5), points (a) to (d)
Article 11(4)Article 12(6)
Article 12Article 13
Article 13Article 14
Article 14a(1) and (2)Article 15
Article 14a(3) to (5)Article 16(1) to (3)
Article 14a(5a)Article 16(4)
Article 14a(6)Article 16(5)
Article 14a(7), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 16(6), first subparagraph
Article 14a(7), first subparagraph, indentsAnnex X
Article 14a(7), second and third subparagraphsArticle 16(6), second and third subparagraphs
Article 14a(8) to (12)Article 17(1) to (5)
Article 14a(12a)Article 18(1)
Article 14a(13)Article 18(2)
Article 14a(14)Article 19
Article 14b(1)Article 20(1)
Article 14b(2), first subparagraph, introductory phraseArticle 20(2), first subparagraph, introductory phrase
Article 14b(2), first subparagraph, first to third indentsArticle 20(2), first subparagraph, points (a) to (c)
Article 14b(2), second subparagraphArticle 20(2), second subparagraph
Article 14b(3) and (4)Article 20(3) and 4)
Article 15
Article 21
Article 22
Annex IAnnex I
Annex IaAnnex II
Annex IIAnnex III
Annex IIIAnnex IV
Annex IVAnnex V
Annex VAnnex VI
Annex VIAnnex VII
Annex VIaAnnex VIII
Annex VIIAnnex IX
Annex VIIIAnnex XI
Annex IXAnnex XII
Annex XIII

Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water.


Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water.


Calculated on the basis of the carcase, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water.


Calculated on the basis of the cut, exclusive of absorbed extraneous water. For (skinless) fillet and deboned turkey leg meat, the percentage is 2 % for each of the chilling methods.