Commission Regulation (EC) No 555/2008Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 555/2008 of 27 June 2008 laying down detailed rules for implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 on the common organisation of the market in wine as regards support programmes, trade with third countries, production potential and on controls in the wine sector


WINE CMOSubmission of support programme


OPOCE acronym to be used.


Wine years.

Member State a: …
Period b: … Date of submission: … Revision number: …

If modification requested by the Commission/modification requested by the Member State(1)

A.Description of the measures proposed as well as their quantified objectives

(a)Single Payment Scheme support in accordance with Article 9(2)

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no:

(b)Promotion in accordance with Article 10

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed:

Quantified objectives:

State aid:

(c)Restructuring and conversion of vineyard in accordance with Article 11

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed(3):

Quantified objectives:

(d)Green harvesting in accordance with Article 12

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed:

Quantified objectives:

(e)Mutual funds in accordance with Article 13

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed:

Quantified objectives:

(f)Harvest insurance in accordance with Article 14

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed:

Quantified objectives:

State aid:

(g)Investments in enterprises in accordance with Article 15

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed:

Quantified objectives:

State aid:

(h)By-product distillation in accordance with Article 16

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Description of the measures proposed (including level of the aid):

Quantified objectives:

(i)Potable alcohol distillation in accordance with Article 17

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Length of transitional period (wine years):

Description of the measures proposed (including level of the aid):

Quantified objectives:

(j)Crisis distillation in accordance with Article 18

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Length of transitional period (wine years):

Description of the measures proposed (including level of the aid):

Quantified objectives:

State aid:

(k)Use of concentrated grape must in accordance with Article 19

Introduced in the support programme: yes/no, if yes:

Length of transitional period (wine years):

Description of the measures proposed (including level of the aid):

Quantified objectives:

B. Results of consultations held:

C. Appraisal showing the expected technical, economic, environmental and social impact (4) :

D. Schedule for implementing the measures:

E. General financing table given in the format of Annex II (revision number to be specified):

F. Criteria and quantitative indicators to be used for monitoring and evaluation:

Steps taken to ensure that the programmes are implemented appropriately and effectively:

G. Designation of competent authorities and bodies responsible for implementing the programme:


First submission of the financial table of the national support programmes according to Article 6(e) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008


OPOCE acronyms to be used.

(in EUR 1 000)
Member Statea:
Date of communication, due by 30 June 2008 at the latest:
Financial year
MeasuresRegulation (EC) No 479/200820092010201120122013Total

1-Single Payment Scheme

Article 9

2-Promotion on third-country markets

Article 10

3a-Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

Article 11

3b- Ongoing plans

Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999

4-Green harvesting

Article 12

5-Mutual funds

Article 13

6-Harvest insurance

Article 14

7-Investments in enterprise

Article 15

8-By-products distillation

Article 16

9-Potable alcohol distillation — area support

Article 17

10-Crisis distillation

Article 18(1)

11-Use of concentrated grape must for enrichment

Article 19
For measures which are not introduced in the national support programme ‘0’ must be indicatedIf relevant:

10a-Crisis distillation State aid

Article 18(5)


Facultative first submission of the financial table of the national support programmes according to Article 6(e) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 — detailed at regional level


OPOCE acronyms to be used.

(in EUR 1 000)
Member Statea:
Date of communication, due by 30 June 2008 at the latest:
Financial year
MeasuresRegulation (EC) No 479/200820092010201120122013Total

1-Single Payment Scheme

Article 9

2-Promotion on third-country markets

Article 10

3a-Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

Article 11

3b- Ongoing plans

Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999

4-Green harvesting

Article 12

5-Mutual funds

Article 13

6-Harvest insurance

Article 14

7-Investments in enterprise

Article 15

8-By-products distillation

Article 16

9-Potable alcohol distillation — area support

Article 17

10-Crisis distillation

Article 18

11-Use of concentrated grape must for enrichment

Article 19
For measures which are not introduced in the national support programme ‘0’ in the amounts cells of the table must be indicated.If relevant:

10a-Crisis distillation State aid

Article 18(5)


Amendments to financial table of the national support programmes according to Article 6(e) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008


OPOCE acronyms to be used.


Communication deadline: 1 March and 30 June.


Strikethrough the wrong element.

(in EUR 1 000)
Member Statea:
Date of communicationb:Date of previous communication:

Number of this amended table:

Reason: modification requested by the Commission/modification requested by the Member Statec

Financial year
MeasuresRegulation (EC) No 479/200820092010201120122013Total

1-Single Payment Scheme

Article 9Previous submission
Amended amount

2-Promotion on third-country markets

Article 10Previous submission
Amended amount

3a-Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

Article 11Previous submission
Amended amount

3b- Ongoing plans

Regulation(EC) No 1493/1999Previous submission
Amended amount

4-Green harvesting

Article 12Previous submission
Amended amount

5-Mutual funds

Article 13Previous submission
Amended amount

6-Harvest insurance

Article 14Previous submission
Amended amount

7-Investments in enterprise

Article 15Previous submission
Amended amount

8-By-products distillation

Article 16Previous submission
Amended amount

9-Potable alcohol distillation – area support

Article 17Previous submission
Amended amount

10-Crisis distillation

Article 18Previous submission
Amended amount

11-Use of concentrated grape must for enrichment

Article 19Previous submission
Amended amount
TotalPrevious submission
Amended amount
Communication deadline:If relevant:

10a-Crisis distillation State aid

Article 18(5)Previous submission
Amended amount


WINE CMOReporting on Support programme


OPOCE acronym to be used.


Wine years.

Member State a: …
Period b: … Date of submission: Revision number:

A. Global assessment:

B.Conditions and results of the implementation of measures proposed(5)

(a) Single Payment Scheme support in accordance with Article 9 (6)
(b)Promotion in accordance with Article 10

Conditions of the implementation:


State aid:

(c)Restructuring and conversion of vineyard in accordance with Article 11

Conditions of the implementation:


(d)Green harvesting in accordance with Article 12

Conditions of the implementation:


(e)Mutual funds in accordance with Article 13

Conditions of the implementation:


(f)Harvest insurance in accordance with Article 14

Conditions of the implementation:


State aid:

(g)Investments in enterprises in accordance with Article 15

Conditions of the implementation:


State aid:

(h)By-product distillation in accordance with Article 16

Conditions of the implementation (including level of the aid):


(i)Potable alcohol distillation in accordance with Article 17

Conditions of the implementation (including level of the aid):


(j)Crisis distillation in accordance with Article 18

Conditions of the implementation (including level of the aid):


State aid:

(k)Use of concentrated grape must in accordance with Article 19

Conditions of the implementation (including level of the aid):


C. Conclusions (and, if needed, envisaged modifications)


Financial table of the execution of the national support programmes according to Article 21 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008


OPOCE acronyms to be used.


Communication deadline: before 1 March and the first time before 1 March 2010.


Strikethrough the wrong element.

(in EUR 1 000)
Member Statea:
Date of communicationb:
Amended table: Yes/NocIf yes number:
Financial year
MeasuresRegulation (EC) No 479/200820092010201120122013Total

1-Single Payment Scheme

Article 9

2-Promotion on third-country markets

Article 10

3a-Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

Article 11

3b- Ongoing plans

Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999

4-Green harvesting

Article 12

5-Mutual funds

Article 13

6-Harvest insurance

Article 14

7-Investments in enterprise

Article 15

8-By-products distillation

Article 16

9-Potable alcohol distillation — area support

Article 17

10-Crisis distillation

Article 18

11-Use of concentrated grape must for enrichment

Article 19
If relevant:

10a-Crisis distillation

Article 18(5)


Technical data concerning the national support programmes according to Article 6(c) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008


OPOCE acronyms to be used.


Communication deadline: for forecasts 30 June 2008 for the first time and then every 1 March and 30 June; for execution every 1 March (2010 for the first time).


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the area concerned in this Annex.


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the number of projects concerned in this Annex.


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the number of funds concerned in this Annex.


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the number of producers concerned in this Annex.


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the number of enterprises concerned in this Annex.


Details to be given in Annexes I and V.


Calculated by dividing the amount(s) declared in Annex II (for forecasts) and Annex VI (for execution) by the number of hectolitres concerned in this Annex.

(financial amount in EUR 1 000)
Member Statea:
Date of communicationb:Date of previous communication:
Number of this amended table:
Financial year
MeasuresRegulation (EC) No 479/2008ForecastExecutionForecastExecutionForecastExecutionForecastExecutionForecastExecutionExecution

1-Single Payment Scheme

Article 9

Area covered



Average amount


2-Promotion on third-country markets

Article 10Number of projects(Cumulative)
Average Community supportd

3a-Restructuring and conversion of vineyards

Article 11

Area covered



Average amount


3b- Ongoing plans

Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999

Area covered



Amended amount


4-Green harvesting

Article 12

Area covered


Average amount


5-Mutual funds

Article 13Number of new Funds(Cumulative)
Average Community supporte

6-Harvest insurance

Article 14Number of producers(Cumulative)
Average Community supportf

7-Investments in enterprise

Article 15Number of beneficiaries(Cumulative)
Average Community supportg

7.1Investments in enterprise in convergence regions

Article 15(4)(a)Eligible costs(Cumulative)

7.2Investments in enterprise in other than convergence regions

Article 15(4)(b)Eligible costs(Cumulative)

7.3Investments in enterprise in outermost regions

Article 15(4)(c)Eligible costs(Cumulative)

7.4Investments in enterprise in small Aegean Islands regions

Article 15(4)(d)Eligible costs(Cumulative)

7.5Investments in enterprise in convergence regions

Article 15(4)(a)Community contribution(Cumulative)

7.6Investments in enterprise in other than convergence regions

Article 15(4)(b)Community contribution(Cumulative)

7.7Investments in enterprise in outermost regions

Article 15(4)(c)Community contribution(Cumulative)

7.8Investments in enterprise in small Aegean Islands regions

Article 15(4)(d)Community contribution(Cumulative)

8-By-products distillation

Article 16

Range of max aid


Mio hl
Average Community supporti

9-Potable alcohol distillation — area support

Article 17

Range of aid


Area (ha)
Average supportc

10-Crisis distillation

Article 18

Range of aid


Minimum producer price


Mio hl
Average Community supporti

11-Use of concentrated grape must for enrichment

Article 19

Range of aid


Mio hl
Average Community supporti


Communicationb on promotion measure according to Article 10 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Member State:


Date of communicationd:

Date of previous communication:

Number of this amended table:


Including if the promotion measure is organised in cooperation with one or more other Member States.


According to Article 21(1) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008.


Strikethrough the wrong element.


Communication deadline: for forecasts 30 June 2008 for the first time and then every 1 March and 30 June; for execution every 1 March (2010 for the first time).

BeneficiariesEligible measure (Article 10(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008)DescriptionaTargeted marketPeriodEligible expenditure (EUR)of which Community contribution (EUR)of which other public support if any (EUR)


Annual report on the control on the spot carried out over Restructuring and conversion of vineyards according to Article 11 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Member Statea

Financial year:

Date of communication:


OPOCE acronyms to be used.


Partly included in columns 2 and 3.


Where applicable.


Where applicable.

RegionRestructuring and conversion operations globally approvedRestructuring operations concerned by previous grubbing upbControl before grubbing-upcControl after restructuring/conversionsurface finally admitted after control (ha)surface not admitted after control (ha)requested premiums refused (EUR)sanctionsd
administrativelyon the spot
number of applicationsarea (ha)numberarea concerned by previous grubbing up (ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 December each year and for the first time 1 December 2009.


Annual report on the control on the spot carried out over green harvesting according to Article 12 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Member Statea:

Financial year:

Date of communication:


OPOCE acronyms to be used.


Where applicable.

RegionApplications approved by the Member StateControl on the spotsurface finally admitted after control (ha)surface not admitted after control (ha)requested premiums refused (EUR)Sanctionsb
number of applicationsarea (ha)number of applicationsarea controlled (ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 December each year and for the first time 1 December 2009.

ANNEX IXV I 1 document as provided for in Article 43(1)

ANNEX XV I 2 document as provided for in Article 44(1)

ANNEX XITechnical rules on V I 1 and V 1 2 forms provided for in Articles 43 and 44

A.Printing of forms

1.The size of the forms is to be approximately 210 by 297 mm.

2.The forms are to be printed in one of the official Community languages; in the case of V I 2 forms, the language of the form is to be designated by the competent authorities of the Member State where the form is to be stamped.

B.Completing the forms

The forms are to be completed in the language in which they are printed.

Each form is to bear a serial number allocated:

  • in the case of V I 1 forms, by the official agency signing the ‘certificate’ part,

  • in the case of V I 2 forms, by the customs office stamping them.


  • Full name and address in the third country concerned.


  • Full name and address in the Community.

4.Means of transport and transport details:

  • Only refer to transport used for delivery to EC port of entry:

  • Specify mode of transport (ship, air, etc); state name of ship, etc.

6.(5 for V I 2) Description of the imported product:

  • Sale designation (e.g. as appears on label, such as name of producer and viticultural area; brandname; etc.),

  • Name of the country of origin (e.g. ‘Chile’),

  • Name of the geographical indication, provided the wine qualifies for such a geographical indication,

  • Actual alcohol strength by volume,

  • Colour of the product (state ‘red’, ‘rosé’, ‘pink’ or ‘white’ only),

  • Combined Nomenclature code.

ANNEX XIIList of countries as referred to in Article 43(2) and Article 45

  • Australia.


Table 1

Penalties imposed by the Member States according to Articles 85(3), 86(4) and 87(2) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Member State:

Wine year or period:

Date of communication:


For the first communication, due by 1 March 2009, the data refers to the period between 1.8.2008 and 31.12.2008; for all the subsequent communications, to the wine year preceding the communication.

RegionPenalty imposed in the given wine yeara
under national legislation(as referred to in Article 85(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008)introduced according to Article 85(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 (penalty to be imposed as from 31.12.2008)according to Article 86(4) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 (penalty to be imposed as from 1.1.2010)according to Article 87(2) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008
EURarea concerned(ha)EURarea concerned(ha)EURarea concerned(ha)EURarea concerned(ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March.

Communication referred to in Article 58(1) of this Regulation.

Table 2

Initial communication about areas planted without corresponding planting right after 31 August 1998

Member State:

Date of communication:

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right after 31.8.1998
detected between 1.9.1998 and 31.7.2008(ha)grubbed up between 1.9.1998 and 31.7.2008 (ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March 2009.

Communication referred to in Article 85(4) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 3

Yearly communication about areas planted without corresponding planting right after 31 August 1998

Member State:

Wine year or period:

Date of communication:


For the first communication, due by 1 March 2009, the data refers to the period between 1.8.2008 and 31.12.2008; for all the subsequent communications, to the wine year preceding the communication.

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right after 31.8.1998
detected in the given wine yeara (ha)grubbed up in the given wine yeara(ha)area subject to distillation (ha)volume of wine distilled in the given wine yeara (hl)area subject to green harvesting (ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March.

Communication referred to in Article 85(4) and Article 87(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 4

Initial communication about areas planted without corresponding planting right before 1 September 1998

Member State:

Wine year: 2007/2008

Date of communication:

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right before 1.9.1998
regularisation requested between 1.8.2007 and 31.7.2008 (ha)regularised between 1.8.2007 and 31.7.2008 under Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 (ha)regularisation under Article 2(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1493/1999 refused by the MS between 1.8.2007 and 31.7.2008 (ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March 2009.

Communication referred to in Article 86(5) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 5

Communication about new regularisation according to Article 86(1) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of areas planted without corresponding planting right before 1 September 1998

Member State:

Period: 1.8.2008 to 31.12.2008

Date of communication:

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right before 1.9.1998
regularised between 1.8.2008 and 31.12.2008(ha)fees paid between 1.8.2008 and 31.12.2008 (EUR)average value of planting right used for calculating the fee(EUR/ha)area subject to distillation (ha)volume of wine distilled between 1.8.2008 and 31.12.2008 (hl)area subject to green harvesting(ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March 2009.

Communication referred to in Article 86(5) and Article 87(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 6

Communication about new regularisation according to Article 86(1) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 of areas planted without corresponding planting right before 1 September 1998

Member State:

Period: 1.1.2009 to 31.12.2009

Date of communication:

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right before 1.9.1998
regularised between 1.1.2009 and 31.12.2009(ha)fees paid between 1.1.2009 and 31.12.2009 (EUR)average value of planting right used for calculating the fee(EUR/ha)area subject to distillation (ha)volume of wine distilled between 1.1.2009 and 31.12.2009 (hl)area subject to green harvesting(ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March 2010.

Communication referred to in Article 86(5) and Article 87(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 7

Yearly communication about areas planted without corresponding planting right before 1 September 1998

Member State:

Wine year or period:

Date of communication:


For the first communication, due by 1 March 2011, the data refers to the period between 1.1.2010 and 31.7.2010; for all the subsequent communications, to the wine year preceding the communication.

RegionArea planted without corresponding planting right before 1.9.1998
not regularised until 31.12.2009 (ha)grubbed up in the given wine yeara(Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 Art. 86(4))(ha)area subject to distillation (ha)volume of wine distilled in the given wine yeara (hl)area subject to green harvesting (ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2011.

Communication referred to in Article 86(5) and in Article 87(3) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and in Article 58(2) of this Regulation.

Table 8

Area of new planting rights granted

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

RegionArea (ha)
compulsory purchaseland consolidationexperimentsgraft nurseriesfamily consumptionTotal
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2009.

Communication referred to in Article 61 of this Regulation.

Table 9

Movement of planting rights to and from the reserves

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

RegionPlanting rights allocated to the reservePlanting right granted from the reserve
area concerned (ha)amount paid for the planting rights (EUR)area concerned (ha)amount paid for the planting rights (EUR)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2009.

Communication referred to in Article 65(5) of this Regulation.

Table 10

Eligible applications for the grubbing-up premium

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

Criteria referred to in Article 102(5) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008:

RegionYield range (hl/ha)
≤ 20> 20 and ≤ 30> 30 and ≤ 40> 40 and ≤ 50> 50 and ≤ 90> 90 and ≤ 130> 130 and ≤ 160> 160
1area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
2area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
Total of Member Statearea (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR

Communication deadline: 15 October each year (in 2008, 2009 and 2010).

Communication referred to in Article 102(2) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Articles 71(2) and 73(1) of this Regulation.

Table 11

Applications accepted for the grubbing-up premium

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

RegionYield range (hl/ha)
≤ 20> 20 and ≤ 30> 30 and ≤ 40> 40 and ≤ 50> 50 and ≤ 90> 90 and ≤ 130> 130 and ≤ 160> 160
1area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
2area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
Total of Member Statearea (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR

Communication deadline: 1 March each year (in 2009, 2010 and 2011).

Communication referred to in Article 102(5) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Article 73(1) of this Regulation.

Table 12

Areas grubbed up with premium in the previous wine year

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

Description how priority was given to producers in areas ineligible or declared ineligible according to Article 104(9) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008:

RegionYield range (hl/ha)
≤ 20> 20 and ≤ 30> 30 and ≤ 40> 40 and ≤ 50> 50 and ≤ 90> 90 and ≤ 130> 130 and ≤ 160> 160
1area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
2area (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR
Total of Member Statearea (ha)
premiumEU budget (EUR)
national fundsEUR

Communication deadline: 1 December each year (in 2009, 2010 and 2011).

Communication referred to in Article 102(6) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Articles 68(2) and 73(1) of this Regulation.

Table 13

Annual control report on the grubbing up

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

RegionNumber of producers accepted for grubbing upControl before grubbing upControl after grubbing upsurface finally admitted after control (ha)surface not admitted after control (ha)requested premiums refused (EUR)
administrativelyon the spoton the spotby remote sensing
number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)number of producers controlledarea controlled(ha)
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 December each year (in 2009, 2010 and 2011).

Communication referred to in Article 73(5) of this Regulation.

Table 14

Inventory of wine-growing areas

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:


For the first communication, due by 1 March 2009, the headings of these columns should read as follows: quality wines psr/table wines with geographical indications/subtotal for quality wines psr and table wines with geographical indications/table wines (without geographical indications). Member States which cannot differentiate between the area under vines for the production of table wines with geographical indication and table wines without geographical indications at this time may send a single figure for all the table wines for the 2007/2008 wine year in their first communication and send an updated table by 31 December 2009 at the latest with the division between these two table wine categories.

RegionArea actually planted (ha)
wine with protected denomination of originawine with protected geographical indicationasubtotal for wines with PDO/PGIawines without denomination of origin/geographical indicationaTotal
Total of Member State

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2009.

Communication according to Article 109 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Article 74 of this Regulation.

Table 15

Inventory of planting rights

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:


For the first communication, due by 1 March 2009, the headings of these columns should read as follows: quality wines psr/table wines with geographical indications/subtotal for quality wines psr and table wines with geographical indications/table wines (without geographical indications). Member States which cannot differentiate between the area under vines for the production of table wines with geographical indication and table wines without geographical indications at this time may send a single figure for all the table wines for the 2007/2008 wine year in their first communication and send an updated table by 31 December 2009 at the latest with the division between these two table wine categories.

Area (ha)
wine with protected denomination of originawine with protected geographical indicationasubtotal for wines with PDO/PGIawines without denomination of origin/geographical indicationaTotal
Area actually planted with vines
Planting rights allocated to producers but not yet used
Replanting rights held by the producers
Existing planting rights in the reserve
Total of production potential

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2009.

Communication according to Article 109 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Article 74 of this Regulation.

Table 16

Inventory of main wine grape varieties

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

VarietyArea actually planted (ha)Proportion (%)

Communication deadline: 1 March, as from 2009.

Communication according to Article 109 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Article 74 of this Regulation.

ANNEX XIVAreas that are declared ineligible for the grubbing-up scheme in accordance with Article 104(4) to (6) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Member State:

Wine year:

Date of communication:

name of the ineligible regionindicative size of the region concerned (ha)justification
Mountain areas1
Steep slope areas1
Area with environmental concerns1
Aegean islands and the Greek Ionian islands1

Communication deadline: 1 August each year (in 2008, 2009 and 2010).

Communication referred to in Article 104(8) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 and Article 68(2) of this Regulation.


Level of the premium provided for in Article 98 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008

Historical yield per hectare (hl)Premium (EUR/ha)
requests approved in 2008/2009requests approved in 2009/2010requests approved in 2010/2011
≤201 7401 5951 450
>20 and ≤304 0803 7403 400
>30 and ≤405 0404 6204 200
>40 and ≤505 5205 0604 600
>50 and ≤907 5606 9306 300
>90 and ≤13010 3209 4608 600
>130 and ≤16013 32012 21011 100
>16014 76013 53012 300

ANNEX XVIInstructions for taking samples of fresh grapes and processing them into wine for analysis by the isotopic methods referred to in Article 88(1)


A.Each sample must consist of at least 10 kg of ripe grapes of the same variety. They are to be taken in the condition in which they are found. Sampling must be carried out during the period when the plot in question is harvested. The grapes collected must be representative of the whole plot. The fresh grape samples, or the derived pressed must, may be preserved by freezing until further usage. Only in the case that oxygen-18 measurement of the water of the must is foreseen, an aliquot of must may be taken separately and preserved after pressing the whole grape sample.

B.When the samples are taken, a description sheet is to be drawn up. This sheet must include a first part concerning the sampling of the grapes and a second part concerning vinification. It must be kept with the sample and must accompany it during all transportation. It must be kept up to date by means of an entry regarding each type of treatment undergone by the sample. The description sheet concerning the sampling is to be drawn up in accordance with Part I of the questionnaire in Annex XVIII.


A.Vinification must be carried out by the competent body or by a department authorised to do so by that body, wherever possible under conditions comparable with the normal conditions in the production area of which the sample is representative. Vinification should result in the total transformation of the sugar into alcohol, i.e. in less than 2 g/l of residual sugar. However, in certain cases, e.g. for ensuring a better representativity, higher amounts of residual sugars can be accepted. As soon as the wine has clarified and stabilised by means of SO2, it must be put in 75 cl bottles and labelled.

B.The description sheet for vinification is to be drawn up in accordance with Part II of the questionnaire in Annex XVIII.

ANNEX XVIINumber of samples to be taken by Member States each year for the analytical databank as referred in Article 88(3)

  • 30 samples in Bulgaria,

  • 20 samples in the Czech Republic,

  • 200 samples in Germany,

  • 50 samples in Greece,

  • 200 samples in Spain,

  • 400 samples in France,

  • 400 samples in Italy,

  • 10 samples in Cyprus,

  • 4 samples in Luxembourg,

  • 50 samples in Hungary,

  • 4 samples in Malta,

  • 50 samples in Austria,

  • 50 samples in Portugal,

  • 70 samples in Romania,

  • 20 samples in Slovenia,

  • 15 samples in Slovakia,

  • 4 samples in the United Kingdom.

ANNEX XVIIIQuestionnaire on the collection and vinification of samples of grapes intended for analysis by isotopic methods as referred in Article 88(5)

The analytical methods and the expression of results (units) to be used are those of Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 (or proved equivalent by the laboratories involved in the analysis).


1.General information

1.1.Sample number:

1.2.Name and function of the official or authorised person who took the sample:

1.3.Name and address of the competent body responsible for taking the sample:

1.4.Name and address of the competent body responsible for vinification and dispatch of the sample, if other than the body referred to at 1.3:

2.General description of the samples

2.1.Origin (country, region):

2.2.Year of harvest:

2.3.Vine variety:

2.4.Colour of the grapes:

3.Description of the vineyard

3.1.Name and address of person farming the plot:

3.2.Location of the plot

  • wine village:

  • locality:

  • cadastral reference:

  • latitude and longitude:

3.3.Soil type (e.g. limey, clayey, lime-clay, sandy):

3.4.Situation (e.g. slope, plain, exposed to sun):

3.5.Number of vines per hectare:

3.6.Approximate age of vineyard (less than 10 years/between 10 and 25 years/more than 25 years):


3.8.Method of training and pruning:

3.9.Type of wine into which the grapes are normally made (see definitions of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008, Annex IV):

4.Crop and must characteristics

4.1.Estimated yield per hectare for the plot harvested: (kg/ha):

4.2.State of health of the grapes (e.g. sound, rotten), specifying whether the grapes were dry or wet when the sample was taken:

4.3.Date on which sample was taken:

5.Weather conditions preceding harvest

5.1.Precipitation in the ten days preceding harvest: yes/no. If yes, additional information where available:

6.Irrigated vineyards:

If the crop is irrigated, date of last watering:

(Stamp of the competent body responsible for taking the sample, and name, position and signature of official taking the sample)



1.1.Weight of the sample of grapes, in kg:

1.2.Method of pressing:

1.3.Volume of must obtained:

1.4.Characteristics of the must:

  • sugar concentration expressed in g/l by refractometry:

  • total acidity expressed in g/l of tartaric acid: (optional):

1.5.Method of treating the must (e.g. settling, centrifugation):

1.6.Yeasting (variety of yeast used). Indicate whether or not there was spontaneous fermentation:

1.7.Temperature during fermentation:

1.8.Method for determining end of fermentation:

1.9.Method of treating the wine (e.g. racking.):

1.10.Addition of sulphur dioxide in mg/l:

1.11.Analysis of the wine obtained

  • actual alcoholic strength in % vol:

  • total dry extract:

  • reducing sugars expressed as g/l of invert sugar:

2.Chronological table of vinification of the sample


  • on which sample was taken: (same date as date of harvest, part I — 4.3)

  • of pressing:

  • of commencement of fermentation:

  • of end of fermentation:

  • of bottling:

Date on which Part II was completed:

(Stamp of the competent body which carried out vinification and signature of competent official of that body)


ANALYSIS REPORTWine and wine product samples analysed by an isotopic method referred to in Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008, to be entered in the JRC isotope databank


2.Sample number:
4.Vine variety:
5.Type of wine:
7.Name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail of laboratory responsible for the results:
8.Sample for control analysis by the JRC: yes/no


1.Wine (carried over from Annex XVIII)
1.1.Alcoholic strength by volume: % vol
1.2.Total dry extract: g/l
1.3.Reducing sugars: g/l
1.4.Total acidity expressed as tartaric acid: g/l
1.5.Total sulphur dioxide: mg/l
2.Distillation of wine for SNIF-NMR
2.1.Description of distillation apparatus:
2.2.Volume of wine distilled/weight of distillate obtained:
3.Analysis of distillate
3.1.Alcohol strength of the distillate % (m/m):
4.Result of deuterium isotope ratios of ethanol measured by NMR
4.1.(D/H)I = ppm
4.2.(D/H)II = ppm
4.3.‘R’ =
5.NMR parameters

Observed frequency:

6.Result of isotopic ratio 18O/16O of wine

δ 18O [‰] = ‰ V. SMOW — SLAP

7.Result of isotopic ratio 18O/16O of must (when applicable)

δ 18O [‰] = ‰ V. SMOW — SLAP

8.Result of isotopic ratio 13C/12C of wine ethanol

δ 13C [‰] = ‰ V-PDB.

ANNEX XXCollection of samples in the context of assistance between control bodies as referred in Article 92

1.When samples of wine, grape must or another liquid wine product are taken in the context of assistance between control bodies, the competent body shall ensure that:

  • in the case of products in containers of not more than 60 litres warehoused in one lot, the samples are representative of the entire lot,

  • in the case of products in containers with a nominal capacity of more than 60 litres, the samples are representative of the contents of the container from which the samples are taken.

2.Samples shall be taken by pouring the product in question into at least five clean containers each having a nominal capacity of not less than 75 cl. In the case of products as referred to in the first indent of paragraph 1, sampling may also take the form of removing at least five containers having a nominal capacity of not less than 75 cl from the lot to be examined.

Where samples of wine distillate are to be analysed by nuclear magnetic resonance of deuterium, the samples shall be placed in containers having a nominal capacity of 25 cl, or even 5 cl where they are to be sent from one official laboratory to another.

The samples shall be taken, closed where appropriate, and sealed in the presence of a representative of the establishment where the sample is taken or of a representative of the carrier if the sample is taken during transport. If no representative is present, the report referred to in paragraph 4 shall mention this fact.

Each sample shall be fitted with an inert and non-reusable closure.

3.Each sample shall bear a label which complies with part A of Annex XXI.

Where the container is too small for the prescribed label to be attached thereto, the container shall be marked with an indelible number and the required information shall be indicated on a separate sheet.

The representative of the establishment where the sample is taken or the representative of the carrier shall be requested to sign the label or, as applicable, the sheet.

4.The official of the competent body authorised to take samples shall draw up a written report in which he shall note any observations he considers important for assessing the samples. In the report he shall note, where necessary, any statements by the carrier's representative or the representative of the establishment where the sample was taken, and shall request such representative to affix his signature. He shall note the amount of the product from which the sample was taken. If the signatures referred to above and in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3 have been refused, the report shall mention this fact.

5.Wherever samples are taken, one of the samples shall remain as a control sample in the establishment where the sample was taken, and another with the competent body whose official took the sample. Three of the samples shall be sent to an official laboratory, which will carry out the analytical or organoleptic examination. There one of the samples shall be analysed. Another shall be kept as a control sample. Control samples shall be kept for a minimum period of three years after sampling.

6.Consignments of samples shall bear on the external packaging a red label complying with the model in part B of Annex XXI. The label shall be 50 mm by 25 mm.

When dispatching samples, the competent body of the Member State from which the samples are sent shall affix its stamp partially on the outer packaging of the parcel and partially on the red label.


A.Label describing the sample, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Annex XX

1.Required information:


name, address, including Member State, telephone, fax and e-mail of the competent body on whose instructions sampling was carried out;


serial number of the sample;


date on which sample was taken;


name of the official of the competent body authorised to take the sample;


name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail of the undertaking in which the sample was taken;


identity of the container from which the sample was taken (e.g. number of the container, number of the lot of bottles, etc.);


description of the product, including production area, year of harvest, actual or potential alcoholic strength and, if possible, vine variety;


the words: ‘The reserved control sample may be examined only by a laboratory authorised to carry out control analyses. Breaking the seal is a punishable offence.’



3.Minimum size: 100 mm by 100 mm.

B.Model of the red label referred to in paragraph 6 of Annex XX


Products for analytical and organoleptic testing under Regulation (EC) No 555/2008


Correlation tables referred to in Article 103(2)

1. Regulation (EC) No 1227/2000
Regulation (EC) No 1227/2000This Regulation
Article 3Article 60 and 61
Article 4(1)Article 62
Article 4(2)-(7)Article 63
Article 4(8)Article 64
Article 5(1)Article 65(1)
Article 5(3)Article 64
Article 5(4)Article 65(2)
Article 5(5)Article 65(3)
Article 5(6)Article 65(4)
Article 8(1)Article 70(1)
2. Regulation (EC) No 1623/2000
Regulation (EC) No 1623/2000This Regulation
Article 12Article 32
Article 13Article 33
Article 14a(1)Article 34
Article 46(2)Article 21(3)
Article 50(2)Article 22
3. Regulation (EC) No 2729/2000
Regulation (EC) No 2729/2000This Regulation
Article 2(3)Article 76(d)
Article 2(4)Article 76(e)
Article 3(1)Article 82(1)
Article 3(2)Article 82(2)
Article 4Article 83
Article 5Article 81
Article 7Article 84
Article 8Article 85
Article 9Article 86
Article 10Article 87
Article 11Article 88
Article 12Article 89
Article 13Article 90
Article 14Article 91
Article 15Article 92
Article 16Article 93
Article 17Article 94
Article 19Article 95
4. Regulation (EC) No 883/2001
Regulation (EC) No 883/2001This Regulation
Article 14(1)Article 39(1)
Article 20Article 40
Article 21Article 41
Article 22Article 42
Article 24Article 43
Article 25Article 44
Article 26Article 45
Article 27(1)Article 46
Article 28Article 47
Article 29Article 48
Article 30Article 49
Article 31(2)Article 51
Article 32Article 50
Article 34aArticle 52

Strikethrough the wrong element.


All the Articles indicated in this Annex refer to Regulation (EC) No 479/2008.


Including the outcome of the ongoing operations under Article 10 of this Regulation.


Member States referred to in Article 5(4) of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008 shall not have an obligation to fill point C and F.


Only paragraphs concerning the measures which were introduced in the support programme must be filled in.


All the Articles indicated in this Annex refer to Regulation (EC) No 479/2008.


Appraisal of the technical, economic, environmental and social impact based on criteria and quantitative indicators defined for monitoring and evaluation in the programme submitted.