CHAPTER IIEligible measures

Section 4Mutual funds

Article 15Level of the aid

The measure referred to in Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 479/2008, may be introduced by the Member States in their support programme according to the following rules:


the support period should not exceed three years;


support for the administrative cost of setting up mutual funds shall be limited, in the first, second and third year of operation of the mutual fund respectively, to the following proportion of the contribution of the producers to the mutual fund in the first, second and third year of its operation:


10 %, 8 % and 4 % in the Member States which acceded to the Community on 1 May 2004 or thereafter;


5 %, 4 % and 2 % in other Member States;


Member States may fix ceilings for the amounts of the administrative costs that may be received for the setting up of mutual funds;


Member States shall adopt detailed provisions for the implementation of that measure.