1.Member States shall inform the Commission of all provisions adopted in application of this Regulation.
2.Member States shall notify the Commission by telefax or by electronic mail:
(a)on Monday and Thursday of each week, of the quantities of products for which applications to conclude contracts have been submitted;
(b)before Thursday of each week and broken down by storage period, of the products and quantities for which contracts have been concluded during the preceding week, giving a summary of the products and quantities for which contracts have been concluded;
(c)every month, of the products and total quantities placed in storage;
(d)every month, of the products and total quantities actually in storage and of the products and total quantities in respect of which the contractual storage period has ended;
(e)every month, if the storage period has been shortened or extended in accordance with Article 3(3)(g) or reduced in accordance with Article 9(5), of the products and quantities in respect of which the storage period has been revised and of the original and revised months for removal from storage.
3.The application of the measures provided for in this Regulation shall be subject to regular examination in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 25(2) of Regulation (EC) No 2529/2001.