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For the purposes of these Statutes, the following definitions shall apply:
‘associate’ means a single legal entity selected following call for membership and which commits for the full duration of the Joint Undertaking and for a minimum fixed share of the ITD budget.
‘calls for proposals’ means open calls for specific tasks, resulting in the selection of Partners on a competitive basis.
‘calls for tender’ means calls for subcontracting specific tasks issued by ITD Leaders or Associates.
‘Integrated Technology Demonstrator (ITD)’ means one of the six technological areas to be covered by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
‘ITD Leader’ means Co-leader of one of the six ITDs.
‘National States’ means Member States and countries associated to the Seventh Framework Programme.
‘Partner’ means a legal entity selected in the course of JTI to perform specific tasks and is not necessarily committed for the full duration of the Joint Undertaking.
‘subcontractor’ means a legal entity which performs tasks under contract to ITD Leader or Associate.
‘Technology Evaluator (TE)’ means the central activity established in accordance with Article 8(1).
In order to achieve the objectives of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking its main tasks and activities shall be the following:
bringing together a range of ITDs with the emphasis on innovative technologies and development of full scale demonstrators;
focusing efforts within ITDs on key deliverables that can help meet Europe's environmental and competitiveness goals;
enhancing the technology verification process in order to identify and remove obstacles to future market penetration;
pooling user requirements to guide investment in research and development towards operational and marketable solutions;
implementing the research and development activities needed, where appropriate by awarding grants following calls for proposals;
awarding grants to support research performed by its Members and by other entities selected following calls for proposals in accordance with open criteria agreed by the Governing Board;
publishing information on the projects, including the name of the recipients and the amount of the financial contribution of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking per recipient;
ensuring the provision of services and supply contracts, where appropriate, through calls for tender;
mobilising the public and private sector funds needed;
liaising with national and international activities in the Joint Undertaking technical domain, in particular with the SESAR Joint Undertaking(1);
informing, by way of periodic meetings, the National States Representative Group and involving ACARE;
notifying legal entities that have concluded a grant agreement with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking of the potential borrowing opportunities from the European Investment Bank, in particular the Risk Sharing Finance Facility set up under the Seventh Framework Programme;
stimulating the involvement of SMEs in its activities, in line with the objectives of the Seventh Research Framework Programme; in this respect the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall establish relevant quantitative targets in line with those set in the Seventh Framework Programme;
developing close cooperation and ensure coordination with related European (in particular the Framework Programme), national and trans-national activities.
1.The following shall be Founding Members of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking:
(a)the European Community, represented by the Commission; and,
(b)upon acceptance of the Statutes of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, 12 ITD leaders and the Associates.
The Commission and the ITD Leaders shall have overall visibility of the activities of the JTI, and shall be responsible for taking overall strategic decisions.
The Associates shall participate in one or more ITDs, will co-determine technical decisions to be taken regarding these ITDs, and contribute a fair share of the total work programme of these ITDs.
The founding ITD Leaders and Associates are listed in Annex II, subject to the first subparagraph.
2.Any public or private entity established in a Member State or in a country associated to the Seventh Framework Programme may apply to become a member of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, provided that:
(a)as ITD Leaders, they commit themselves to contribute resources proportional to and consistent with the overall JTI activities;
(b)as Associates, their commitment is proportional to the budget of the ITD they participate in and consistent with the ITD requirements.
3.The Founding Members as referred to in paragraph 1 and new members as referred to in paragraph 2 shall be hereinafter referred to as ‘Members’.
Any public or private legal entity established in a Member State or in a country associated to the Seventh Framework Programme may apply to become a Member of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, under conditions below:
the legal entities applying to become ITD Leaders or Associates shall accept the Statutes of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking,
the legal entities applying to become ITD Leaders shall commit themselves to the exploitation of its results afterwards, to contribute financially to the running costs of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking with a commitment proportional to its overall budget, and to contribute to the ITDs they lead,
the legal entities applying to become Associates shall commit themselves to contribute financially to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking in one or more ITDs according to a predefined threshold of commitment proportional to the budget of that ITD, and to contribute financially to the running costs of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
Calls for Associates shall be driven by the need for key capabilities within the various ITDs. Vacancies shall be publicised via the Clean Sky website, communicated through the National States Representative Group and other channels where appropriate.
Any application of new membership to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be shall be addressed to the Governing Board for its approval according to the procedure set out in Article 5 and transmitted to the National States Representatives Group for information.
Decisions of the Governing Board on accession of any other legal entity shall be made taking into account the relevance and potential added value of the applicant for the achievement of the objectives of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, as well as their capacity to exploit the technologies developed. For any application for new membership, the Commission shall provide timely information to the Council on the assessment and, where applicable, on the decision of the Governing Board.
3.Membership of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking may not be transferred to a third party without the prior written consent of the Governing Board.
Any Member may, in exceptional circumstances and subject to the consent of the Governing Board and the Steering Committee of any relevant ITDs, withdraw from the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking. Following withdrawal, the former Member shall be discharged from any obligation other than those already undertaken through contracts entered into with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and with other Members in accordance with these Statutes prior to the Member's withdrawal.
1.The bodies of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be:
the Governing Board,
the Executive Director,
the ITD Steering Committees,
the Technology Evaluator Steering Committee, and
the General Forum.
A National States Representative Group shall be an external advisory body to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.In case a specific task is not assigned to one of the bodies, the Governing Board shall be the competent one.
3.An Advisory Board shall be established as appropriate by the Joint Undertaking to advise, and issue recommendations to, the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking on managerial, financial and technical topics.
1.The Governing Board is the governing body of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
The Governing Board shall be composed of named representatives of the following parties:
the European Community represented by the Commission;
the ITD Leaders;
one Associate per ITD, as laid out in Article 8, 4(f) of these Statutes.
Each individual member of the Governing Board shall have one equal vote.
The Governing Board shall make decisions by a two-thirds majority of all eligible votes. Eligible votes include those of members that are not present at the meeting.
The consent of all affected ITD Leaders is required in order to modify the budget allocation to and within ITDs.
The Governing Board shall appoint among its representatives a chairman and a vice-chairman. The Commission representative shall not be eligible for either function.
The chairman and the vice-chairman of the Governing Board shall be elected for a period of one year and may be re-elected for one further year.
The Governing Board shall meet at least twice a year.
Extraordinary meetings shall be convened at the request of the chairman of the Governing Board or the Commission or the Executive Director.
The meetings shall normally take place at the seat of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
Unless otherwise decided, the Executive Director shall participate in the meetings.
The chairman of the National States Representatives Group shall have the right to attend meetings of the Governing Board as an observer.
The Governing Board shall be responsible in particular for:
definition or change of the strategic orientation;
conclusion, release and/or amendment of contracts;
adoption of the financial rules of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking in accordance with Article 6 of this Regulation;
adoption of the budget and the annual accounts of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking;
adoption of changes of budget allocation to ITDs;
adoption of the annual ITD work programmes;
approval of annual reports from ITD Leaders and the Executive Director and reviewing progress of research;
actions against defaulting ITD Leaders and Associates and/or reaching terms of compromise in disputes between the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and any of its Members;
third instance settlement of disputes within ITDs;
second instance settlement of disputes across ITDs;
admission of new ITD leaders and Associates as well as setting their minimum level of commitment;
selection procedures by way of calls for proposals/tenders;
transfer of Membership;
second instance review and re-opening of contested partners' selection decisions;
adoption of changes in the major deliverables;
appointment, extension of the mandate or removal of the Executive Director;
approval of Executive Director's proposals for changes on Directorate staffing levels;
specification of the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Director set out in Article 7(4);
approval of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking Communication and Dissemination strategy;
approval of principles for public consultation and dialogue;
promotion of a policy of human resource diversity and gender equality;
development of an external relations strategy in an international perspective;
rules for assessing in-kind contributions;
adoption of the practical arrangements for implementing Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 referred to in Article 14(2) of this Regulation.
7.The Community shall hold veto rights on all decisions related to the use of its financial contribution, decisions concerning the liquidation and winding-up of the Joint Undertaking, adoption of major changes in budget allocations to and within ITDs, and decisions related to points (a), (b), (c), (h), (k) to (o), (p), (w) and (x). A major change in budget shall be a change in the order of 10 % of the budget of the ITD affected (or the Technology Evaluator).
The Governing Board shall adopt its detailed rules of procedure.
1.The Executive Director shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and is its legal representative. He shall be accountable to the Governing Board.
The Executive Director shall perform his duties with complete independence.
The Executive Director shall exercise, in respect of the staff, the powers laid down in Article 7(2) of this Regulation.
2.The Executive Director shall be aided in the performance of his duties by the Directorate staff. The Directorate staff shall perform all necessary supporting functions.
The Executive Director of the Joint Undertaking shall select and appoint the Directorate staff.
The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Governing Board for a period of three years, following a call for expression of interest published in the Official Journal of the European Union and in other periodicals or Internet sites. After an evaluation of the Executive Director's performance, the Governing Board may extend the term of office once for a further period of no more than four years.
The Executive Director may be removed from office by the Governing Board.
The Executive Director shall in particular:
report to the Governing Board;
coordinate and follow-up the ITD activities (through ITD coordination meetings), prepare technical and financial reports;
supervise integration and interface activities and call and chair reviews as required;
chair the Steering Committee of the Technology Evaluator, participate as active observer to the ITD Steering Committees;
monitor the progress of the ITDs towards achieving the environmental goals, based on the assessments of the Technology Evaluator;
monitor the participation of SMEs to ensure target levels of participation are met;
implement calls for proposal and calls for tender processes based on the content defined by the relevant ITD Steering Committee;
implement first instance reviewing process in case of contested Partner selection decisions;
handle second instance settlement of disputes within ITDs;
handle first instance settlement of disputes across ITDs;
verify financial contributions from ITD leaders and Associates, check expenditures against plans and carry out reviews of financial contributions on a yearly basis;
prepare yearly budgets, implement them, and represent the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking in the annual budget discharge procedure;
provide the Governing Board and the Commission with the technical and financial reports;
prepare, together with Governing Board chairman, the Agenda of Governing Board meetings;
attend National States Representative Group and ACARE meetings alongside the Commission and report on status of Clean Sky activities, including SME issues;
run the communication and public relations aspects of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, including the organisation of presentation and dissemination events;
organise dialogue with users and relevant interest groups;
oversee the evaluation and selection process of the calls for proposals;
report on the results of the calls for proposals and calls for tender.
ITD Steering Committees shall be established by the Governing Board for each of the six ITDs. The following ITDs shall be established:
Smart Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Green Regional Aircraft
Green Rotorcraft
Systems for Green Operations
Green and Sustainable Engine
An independent Technology Evaluator shall be established for the entire duration of Clean Sky. His tasks are:
assess the environmental impact of the technology results arising from individual ITDs;
provide recommendations to ITDs to optimise environment performance across Clean Sky activities;
regularly inform, through the Executive Director, the Commission and the National States Representative Group about the environmental impact of the technology results of the ITDs.
The Governing Board shall decide on the composition and setting up of the Technology Evaluator Steering Committee.
Each ITD Steering Committee shall be composed of:
a chairman — a senior representative of the ITD Leader(s);
representatives of each Associate within the ITD and other participating ITD leaders;
executive Director and ITD Responsible Officer;
Commission representative as appropriate/if requested by the Executive Director of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, as observer;
other ITD Leaders with an interest in the results of the ITD upon invitation.
Each ITD Steering Committee shall meet at least every three months.
Extraordinary meetings shall be convened at the request of the chairman of the relevant ITD Steering Committee or the Executive Director.
Each ITD Steering Committee shall be responsible for:
guiding and monitoring the technical functions of its ITD and taking decisions on behalf of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking on all technical matters specific to the relevant ITD;
establishing the detailed annual work programmes for the ITD;
defining the contents of the calls for proposals;
selecting external partners with the assistance of independent experts;
defining the contents of the calls for tender in conjunction and cooperation with the Member concerned;
establishing the order of rotation for the Associate representation in the Governing Board; the decision on this item being taken by the Associates only, ITD Leaders shall not have the right to vote;
handling disputes within the ITD;
modifications of the budget allocation within its ITD subject to Article 6(3).
Each ITD Steering Committee shall make decisions by a simple majority with votes weighted according to the financial commitment to the ITD of each member of the Steering Committee. The ITD Leaders will have a right to veto any resolution of the Steering Committee of the ITD of which they are leaders.
Each ITD Steering Committee shall adopt its rules of procedure, based on a model common to all ITDs and including detailed provisions governing the exercise of the ITD leaders' rights and obligations, including veto rights.
1.The General Forum is a consultative body to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
The General Forum shall be composed of one representative from:
(a)each Member of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking;
(b)each Partner.
The General Forum shall meet at least once a year.
Extraordinary meetings shall be convened at the request of at least 30 % of the General Forum members.
The meetings shall normally take place in Brussels.
The General Forum shall:
be informed about the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking state of play;
be informed of the annual budget and receive annual reports and accounts;
make recommendations and raise issues, by two-thirds majority voting, to the Governing Board and the Executive Director on matters of a technical, managerial or financial nature.
The General Forum shall adopt its rules of procedure.
The National States Representative Group shall consist of one representative of each Member State and of each other country associated to the Framework Programme. It shall elect a chairman from among its members.
The National States Representative Group shall have an advisory role for the Joint Undertaking. It shall, in particular, review information and provide opinions on the following topics:
programme progress in the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking;
compliance and the meeting of targets;
updating of strategic orientation;
links to Framework Programme Collaborative Research;
the outcome and planning of calls for proposals and tenders;
involvement of SMEs;
new applications, accessions and changes to the Membership.
It shall also provide input to the Joint Undertaking on the following:
status of and interface to Joint Undertaking activities to relevant national research programmes and identification of potential areas of cooperation;
specific measures taken at national level with regard to dissemination events, dedicated technical workshops and communication activities.
The National States Representative Group may issue, on its own initiative, recommendations to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking on technical, managerial and financial matters, in particular when these affect national interests. The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall inform the National States Representatives Group of the action it has taken in respect of such recommendations.
3.The National States Representative Group shall meet at least twice a year and shall be convened by the Joint Undertaking. Extraordinary meetings can be convened to deal with specific matters of major relevance to Clean Sky Joint Undertaking activities. These meetings shall be called by the Joint Undertaking either on its own initiative or upon request from the National States Representatives Group.
The Executive Director and the chairman of the Governing Board and/or their representatives shall attend the meetings.
The National States Representative Group shall adopt its rules of procedure.
The functions entrusted by Article 185(3) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 to the Commission's internal auditor shall be carried out under the responsibility of the Governing Board, which shall make appropriate provision taking into account the size and scope of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
1.All the resources of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be devoted to the objectives of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.The resources of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be made up of contributions brought in by its Members and their participating affiliates. A participating affiliate shall be defined as a legal entity that:
(a)is directly or indirectly owned or controlled by, or owns and controls, or is under the same ownership or control, as the relevant ITD leader or Associate; and
(b)is incorporated and resident in, and subject to the law of, a Member State of the Community, or an Associated country to the Seventh Framework Programme; and
(c)participates in the activities of the relevant ITD Leader or Associate in the Clean Sky work programme.
3.The running costs of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be shared equally between on the one hand the Community, which shall contribute with 50 % of total cost, and on the other hand the rest of the Members, that shall contribute in cash the remaining 50 %. The running costs of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall not exceed 3 % of the overall cash contribution and of the contributions in kind of the Members and Partners referred to in Article 13. If part of the contribution from the Community is not used it may be available for Research Activities referred to in Article 13.
4.All the resources shall be entered into the annual budget.
5.The annual financial contribution of the Community to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be subject to the verification of the activities carried out by the other Members.
6.Should any Member of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, or any participating affiliate, fail to meet its commitments concerning its agreed contributions, the Governing Board shall decide:
in the case of a defaulting Member, whether the remaining Members should repeal the defaulting Member's membership or if any other measures should be taken until its obligation has been met; or
in case of a defaulting participating affiliate, whether the remaining Members should repeal the defaulting affiliate's participation or if any other measures should be taken until its obligation has been met.
7.The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall own all the tangible assets created by it or transferred to it. ITDs and other tangible and intangible outputs of the Clean Sky research and development programme shall be the property of the Members and/or Partners creating them.
1.In order to support the activities to be developed within the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, the other Members of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall provide resources equal to the Community contribution. This includes their contribution to the running cost of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.The Community contribution will be distributed as follows:
(a)An amount of up to EUR 400 million shall be allocated to the ITD leaders and an amount of up to EUR 200 million to Associates(2). ITD leaders and Associates will contribute resources at least matching the Community contribution.
(b)An amount of at least EUR 200 million shall be allocated to Partners selected by way of competitive calls for proposals. Particular attention shall be paid to ensuring adequate participation of SMEs. The Community financial contribution shall comply with the upper funding limits of the total eligible costs, laid down by the Rules of Participation of the Seventh Framework Programme.
To the extent that a call for proposals remains unanswered or unallocated, the Members shall fulfil the corresponding tasks themselves.
In order to be considered eligible for Community funding, costs incurred in the implementation of the research activities shall be exclusive of value added tax.
3.A preliminary distribution of the Community contribution across the various research activities has been set forward as follows(3):
(a)24 % to the Smart Fixed Wing ITD;
(b)11 % to the Green Regional Aircraft ITD;
(c)10 % to the Green Rotorcraft ITD;
(d)27 % to the Sustainable and Green Engines ITD;
(e)19 % to the Systems for Green Operations ITD;
(f)7 % to the Eco-Design ITD;
(g)2 % to the Technology Evaluator.
A detailed breakdown of the resource allocations across the various work packages and Clean Sky Joint Undertaking Members will be established. The detailed breakdown will be adopted by the Governing Board. This process will be supervised by Commission, and will follow the principle of equal treatment between the members.
4.In order to implement the Clean Sky programme, the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking may award grants to its Members, and, in accordance with open criteria agreed by the Governing Board, to partners and other entities for the performance of their research activities.
5.Except for the running costs of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, contributions in kind are possible. They shall be subject to an evaluation of their value and relevance to the carrying-out of the activities of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, and to acceptance by the Governing Board. The procedure for valuing contributions in-kind will be determined in detail and will be adopted by the Governing Board. It will be based on the following principles:
(a)the overall approach shall be based on FP7 principles, where contributions in-kind in projects are assessed at review level;
(b)the financial rules of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall apply;
(c)verification by an independent auditor will take place.
6.The contributions of the other Members shall be registered by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
The financial commitments of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall not exceed the amount of financial resources at its disposal or committed to its budget.
Except when the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is wound up pursuant to Article 25, any excess of revenue over expenditure shall not be paid to the Members of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
The financial year shall correspond to the calendar year.
The Executive Director shall implement the budget of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
1.Every year, the Executive Director shall present to the Governing Board a preliminary draft Annual Budget Plan containing a forecast of annual expenditure for the following two years and including the staff establishment plan. Within this forecast, the estimates of revenue and expenditure for the first of those two years shall be drawn up in such detail as is necessary for the internal budgetary procedure of each Member regarding its financial contributions to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking. The Executive Director shall supply the Governing Board with all supplementary information needed for this purpose.
2.The members of the Governing Board shall communicate to the Executive Director their comments on the preliminary draft Annual Budget Plan and in particular on the estimates of revenues and expenditure for the following year.
3.Taking into account the comments received from the members of the Governing Board, the Executive Director shall prepare the draft Annual Budget Plan for the following year and submit it to the Governing Board for approval.
4.The Annual Budget Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan for a particular year shall be adopted by the Governing Board of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking by the end of the previous year.
5.Within two months of the closure of each financial year, the Annual Accounts and balance sheets for the preceding year shall be submitted by the Executive Director to the Governing Board for approval. The Annual Accounts and balance sheets for the preceding year shall be submitted to the Court of Auditors and the Commission.
1.An Annual Report shall present the progress made by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking every calendar year, in particular in relation to the Annual Implementation Plan for that year. The Annual Report shall be presented by the Executive Director together with the annual accounts and balance sheets. This Annual Report shall include the participation of SMEs in the R & D activities of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.The Annual Implementation Plan shall specify the plan for the execution of all the activities of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking for a particular year, including planned calls for proposals and actions which should be implemented through calls for tenders. The Annual Implementation Plan shall be presented by the Executive Director to the Governing Board together with the Annual Budget Plan. Once approved by the Governing Board, a publishable version of the Annual Implementation Plan shall be made publicly available.
3.The Annual Work Programme shall describe the scope and the budget of calls for proposals needed to implement the research agenda for a particular year.
The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall set up all the appropriate procedures and mechanisms for the implementation, supervision and control of service and supply contracts concluded where necessary for the operations of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
1.The Members shall have no liability for the debts of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall take out and maintain appropriate insurance.
The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall avoid any conflict of interest in the implementation of its activities.
Members involved in defining work that is subject to a call for proposals or a call for tender, cannot take part in carrying out that work.
1.The intellectual property (IP) policy of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be incorporated in the grant agreements concluded by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
2.Its objective is to promote knowledge creation and its exploitation, to achieve fair allocation of rights, to reward innovation, and to achieve a broad participation of private and public entities responding to calls for proposals, subject to signature of a grant agreement with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
3.The IP policy shall be governed by the principles, that each legal entity having concluded a grant agreement with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall remain the owner of:
(a)information which is held by participants prior to their accession to the grant agreement, as well as copyrights or other intellectual property rights pertaining to such information, the application for which has been filed before their accession to the grant agreement, and which is needed for carrying out the project or for using the Foreground of the project (hereafter called Background);
(b)the results, including information, whether or not they can be protected, which are generated by the project concerned; such results include rights related to copyright, design rights, patent rights or similar forms of protection (hereafter called ‘Foreground). Jointly developed Foreground shall belong to all participants developing it if their respective contributions cannot be ascertained. Unless otherwise agreed each joint owner shall be entitled to use such jointly developed Foreground free of charge in its own business and for future research.
Creators of Foreground shall take reasonable steps to protect it, in particular by filing patents. Where such steps are not taken by the creator or by other participants in the ITD with the creator's consent the Joint Undertaking itself, acting through the relevant ITD Steering Committee, may apply for protection.
4.The terms and conditions of access rights and licenses between legal entities having concluded a grant agreement with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be defined in the grant agreement with regards to Background and Foreground for the purposes of completing the projects, Foreground for research use, and Background necessary to use Foreground for research use.
5.Subject to appropriate undertakings of confidentiality, the legal entities having concluded a grant agreement with the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall disclose information relating to Foreground and disseminate Foreground under terms and conditions defined in the grant agreement.
1.Any Member of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking may take an initiative to the Governing Board for the amendment of these Statutes.
2.The initiatives referred to in paragraph 1 as approved by the Governing Board shall be submitted as draft amendments to the Commission who shall adopt them, as appropriate.
3.However, any amendment affecting the essential elements of these Statutes and in particular amendments to Articles 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 21, 24, and 25, shall be adopted in accordance with Article 172 of the Treaty.
1.At the end of the period provided for in Article 1(1) of this Regulation, or following an amendment of this Regulation pursuant to Article 11(2) of this Regulation, the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be wound up.
2.For the purpose of conducting the proceedings in winding up of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking, the Governing Board shall appoint one or more liquidators, who shall comply with the decisions of the Governing Board.
3.When the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking is being wound up, it shall return to the host state any physical support item made available by the host state in accordance with the host agreement.
4.When any physical support item has been dealt with as provided in paragraph 3, any further assets shall be used to cover the liabilities of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and the expenditures relating to its winding up. Any surplus shall be distributed among the Members existing at the time of the winding up in proportion of their actual contribution to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking. Any surplus distributed to the Community shall be returned to the Commission budget.
5.Remaining assets shall be distributed to the Members existing at the time of the winding up in proportion to their actual contribution to the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
6.An ad hoc procedure shall be set up to ensure the appropriate management of any grant agreement and service and supply contract with duration longer than the duration of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking.
This breakdown of cost distribution is in line with normal practice in aeronautical R & D projects, where the biggest share of the work and investment risk is taken on board by the major integrators.
This distribution was obtained using a bottom-up approach, where the budgetary requirements of individual ITDs and the Technology Evaluator were mapped against their technical objectives.