Article 2Objectives of the Joint Undertaking
The Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall contribute to the implementation of the Seventh Framework Programme and in particular Theme 7, Transport (including Aeronautics) of the Specific Programme Cooperation.
The objectives of the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking shall be the following:
accelerating in the EU the development, validation and demonstration of clean Air Transport technologies for earliest possible deployment;
ensuring coherent implementation of European research efforts aiming at environmental improvements in the field of Air Transport;
creating a radically innovative Air Transport System based on the integration of advanced technologies and full scale demonstrators, with the target of reducing the environmental impact of air transport through significant reduction of noise and gaseous emissions, and improvement of the fuel economy of aircrafts;
accelerating the generation of new knowledge, innovation and the uptake of research proving the relevant technologies and fully integrated system of systems, in the appropriate operational environment, leading to strengthened industrial competitiveness.