SECTION 1General provisions

Article 15Scope


Articles 16 to 26 shall apply to products covered by Community harmonisation legislation.


Each of the provisions of Articles 16 to 26 shall apply in so far as there are no specific provisions with the same objective in Community harmonisation legislation.


The application of this Regulation shall not prevent market surveillance authorities from taking more specific measures as provided for in Directive 2001/95/EC.


For the purposes of Articles 16 to 26, a ‘product’ shall mean a substance, preparation or good produced through a manufacturing process other than food, feed, living plants and animals, products of human origin and products of plants and animals relating directly to their future reproduction.


Articles 27, 28 and 29 shall apply to all products covered by Community legislation in so far as other Community legislation does not contain specific provisions relating to the organisation of border controls.

Article 16General requirements


Member States shall organise and carry out market surveillance as provided for in this Chapter.


Market surveillance shall ensure that products covered by Community harmonisation legislation which, when used in accordance with their intended purpose or under conditions which can be reasonably foreseen and when properly installed and maintained, are liable to compromise the health or safety of users, or which otherwise do not conform to applicable requirements set out in Community harmonisation legislation are withdrawn or their being made available on the market is prohibited or restricted and that the public, the Commission and the other Member States are informed accordingly.


National market surveillance infrastructures and programmes shall ensure that effective measures can be taken in relation to any product category subject to Community harmonisation legislation.


Market surveillance shall cover products assembled or manufactured for the manufacturer's own use where Community harmonisation legislation provides that its provisions shall apply to such products.

SECTION 2Community market surveillance framework

Article 17Information obligations


Member States shall inform the Commission of their market surveillance authorities and their areas of competence. The Commission shall transmit that information to the other Member States.


Member States shall ensure that the public is aware of the existence, responsibilities and identity of national market surveillance authorities, and of how those authorities may be contacted.

Article 18Obligations of the Member States as regards organisation


Member States shall establish appropriate communication and coordination mechanisms between their market surveillance authorities.


Member States shall establish adequate procedures in order to:


follow up complaints or reports on issues relating to risks arising in connection with products subject to Community harmonisation legislation;


monitor accidents and harm to health which are suspected to have been caused by those products;


verify that corrective action has been taken; and


follow up scientific and technical knowledge concerning safety issues.


Member States shall entrust market surveillance authorities with the powers, resources and knowledge necessary for the proper performance of their tasks.


Member States shall ensure that market surveillance authorities exercise their powers in accordance with the principle of proportionality.


Member States shall establish, implement and periodically update their market surveillance programmes. Member States shall draw up either a general market surveillance programme or sector specific programmes, covering the sectors in which they conduct market surveillance, communicate those programmes to the other Member States and the Commission and make them available to the public, by way of electronic communication and, where appropriate, by other means. The first such communication shall be effected by 1 January 2010. Subsequent updates of the programmes shall be made public in the same manner. Member States may cooperate with all relevant stakeholders to those ends.


Member States shall periodically review and assess the functioning of their surveillance activities. Such reviews and assessments shall be carried out at least every fourth year and the results thereof shall be communicated to the other Member States and the Commission and be made available to the public, by way of electronic communication and, where appropriate, by other means.

Article 19Market surveillance measures


Market surveillance authorities shall perform appropriate checks on the characteristics of products on an adequate scale, by means of documentary checks and, where appropriate, physical and laboratory checks on the basis of adequate samples. When doing so they shall take account of established principles of risk assessment, complaints and other information.

Market surveillance authorities may require economic operators to make such documentation and information available as appear to them to be necessary for the purpose of carrying out their activities, and, where it is necessary and justified, enter the premises of economic operators and take the necessary samples of products. They may destroy or otherwise render inoperable products presenting a serious risk where they deem it necessary.

Where economic operators present test reports or certificates attesting conformity issued by an accredited conformity assessment body, market surveillance authorities shall take due account of such reports or certificates.


Market surveillance authorities shall take appropriate measures to alert users within their territories within an adequate timeframe of hazards they have identified relating to any product so as to reduce the risk of injury or other damage.

They shall cooperate with economic operators regarding actions which could prevent or reduce risks caused by products made available by those operators.


Where the market surveillance authorities of one Member State decide to withdraw a product manufactured in another Member State, they shall inform the economic operator concerned at the address indicated on the product in question or in the documentation accompanying that product.


Market surveillance authorities shall carry out their duties independently, impartially and without bias.


Market surveillance authorities shall observe confidentiality where necessary in order to protect commercial secrets or to preserve personal data pursuant to national legislation, subject to the requirement that information be made public under this Regulation to the fullest extent necessary in order to protect the interests of users in the Community.

Article 20Products presenting a serious risk


Member States shall ensure that products which present a serious risk requiring rapid intervention, including a serious risk the effects of which are not immediate, are recalled, withdrawn or that their being made available on their market is prohibited, and that the Commission is informed without delay thereof, in accordance with Article 22.


The decision whether or not a product represents a serious risk shall be based on an appropriate risk assessment which takes account of the nature of the hazard and the likelihood of its occurrence. The feasibility of obtaining higher levels of safety or the availability of other products presenting a lesser degree of risk shall not constitute grounds for considering that a product presents a serious risk.

Article 21Restrictive measures


Member States shall ensure that any measure taken, pursuant to the relevant Community harmonisation legislation, to prohibit or restrict the product's being made available on the market, to withdraw it from the market or to recall it, is proportionate and states the exact grounds on which it is based.


Such measures shall be communicated without delay to the relevant economic operator, which shall at the same time be informed of the remedies available under the law of the Member State concerned and of the time limits to which such remedies are subject.


Prior to the adoption of a measure referred to in paragraph 1, the economic operator concerned shall be given the opportunity to be heard within an appropriate period of not less than 10 days, unless such consultation is not possible because of the urgency of the measure to be taken, as justified by health or safety requirements or other grounds relating to the public interests covered by the relevant Community harmonisation legislation. If action has been taken without the operator's being heard, the operator shall be given the opportunity to be heard as soon as possible and the action taken shall be reviewed promptly thereafter.


Any measure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be promptly withdrawn or amended upon the economic operator's demonstrating that he has taken effective action.

Article 22Exchange of information — Community Rapid Information System


Where a Member State takes or intends to take a measure in accordance with Article 20 and considers that the reasons which prompted the measure or the effects of the measure go beyond its territory, it shall immediately notify the Commission of that measure, in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Article. It shall also inform the Commission without delay of the modification or withdrawal of any such measure.


If a product presenting a serious risk has been made available on the market, Member States shall notify the Commission of any voluntary measures taken and communicated by an economic operator.


The information provided in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 shall include all available details, in particular the data necessary for the identification of the product, the origin and the supply chain of the product, the related risk, the nature and the duration of the national measure taken and any voluntary measures taken by economic operators.


For the purposes of paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, the market surveillance and information exchange system provided for in Article 12 of Directive 2001/95/EC shall be used. Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 12 of that Directive shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 23General information support system


The Commission shall develop and maintain a general archiving and exchange of information system, using electronic means, on issues relating to market surveillance activities, programmes and related information on non-compliance with Community harmonisation legislation. The system shall appropriately reflect notifications and information provided under Article 22.


For the purposes of paragraph 1, Member States shall provide the Commission with information at their disposal and not already provided under Article 22 on products presenting a risk regarding, in particular, identification of risks, results of testing carried out, provisional restrictive measures taken, contacts with the economic operators concerned and justification for action or inaction.


Without prejudice to Article 19(5) or to national legislation in the area of confidentiality, the safeguarding of confidentiality with regard to the information content shall be ensured. The protection of confidentiality shall not prevent the dissemination to market surveillance authorities of information relevant to ensuring the effectiveness of market surveillance activities.

Article 24Principles of cooperation between the Member States and the Commission


Member States shall ensure efficient cooperation and exchange of information between their market surveillance authorities and those of the other Member States and between their own authorities and the Commission and the relevant Community agencies regarding their market surveillance programmes and all issues relating to products presenting risks.


For the purposes of paragraph 1, the market surveillance authorities of one Member State shall give the market surveillance authorities of other Member States assistance on an adequate scale by supplying information or documentation, by carrying out appropriate investigations or any other appropriate measure and by participating in investigations initiated in other Member States.


The Commission shall collect and organise such data on national market surveillance measures as will enable it to fulfil its obligations.


Any information provided by an economic operator under Article 21(3) or otherwise shall be included when the reporting Member State notifies other Member States and the Commission of its findings and actions. Any subsequent information shall be clearly identified as relating to the information already provided.

Article 25Sharing of resources


Market surveillance initiatives designed to share resources and expertise between the competent authorities of the Member States may be set up by the Commission or the Member States concerned. Such initiatives shall be coordinated by the Commission.


For the purposes of paragraph 1, the Commission shall, in cooperation with the Member States:


develop and organise training programmes and exchanges of national officials;


develop, organise and set up programmes for the exchange of experience, information and best practice, programmes and actions for common projects, information campaigns, joint visit programmes and the consequent sharing of resources.


Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities participate fully in the activities referred to in paragraph 2, where appropriate.

Article 26Cooperation with the competent authorities of third countries


Market surveillance authorities may cooperate with the competent authorities of third countries with a view to exchanging information and technical support, promoting and facilitating access to European systems and promoting activities relating to conformity assessment, market surveillance and accreditation.

The Commission shall, in cooperation with Member States, develop appropriate programmes for that purpose.


Cooperation with the competent authorities of third countries shall take the form of, inter alia, the activities referred to in Article 25(2). Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities participate fully in those activities.

SECTION 3Controls of products entering the Community market

Article 27Controls of products entering the Community market


The authorities of the Member States in charge of the control of products entering the Community market shall have the powers and resources necessary for the proper performance of their tasks. They shall carry out appropriate checks on the characteristics of products on an adequate scale, in accordance with the principles set out in Article 19(1), before those products are released for free circulation.


Where in a Member State more than one authority is responsible for market surveillance or external border controls, those authorities shall cooperate with each other, by sharing information relevant to their functions and otherwise as appropriate.


The authorities in charge of external border controls shall suspend release of a product for free circulation on the Community market when any of the following findings are made in the course of the checks referred to in paragraph 1:


the product displays characteristics which give cause to believe that the product, when properly installed, maintained and used, presents a serious risk to health, safety, the environment or any other public interest referred to in Article 1;


the product is not accompanied by the written or electronic documentation required by the relevant Community harmonisation legislation or is not marked in accordance with that legislation;


the CE marking has been affixed to the product in a false or misleading manner.

The authorities in charge of external border controls shall immediately notify the market surveillance authorities of any such suspension.


In the case of perishable products, the authorities in charge of external border controls shall, as far as possible, seek to ensure that any requirements they may impose with regard to the storage of products or the parking of vehicles used for transport are not incompatible with the preservation of those products.


For the purposes of this Section, Article 24 shall apply in respect of authorities in charge of external border controls, without prejudice to the application of Community law providing for more specific systems of cooperation between those authorities.

Article 28Release of products


A product the release of which has been suspended by the authorities in charge of external border controls pursuant to Article 27 shall be released if, within three working days of the suspension of release, those authorities have not been notified of any action taken by the market surveillance authorities, and provided that all the other requirements and formalities pertaining to such release have been fulfilled.


Where the market surveillance authorities find that the product in question does not present a serious risk to health and safety or cannot be regarded as being in breach of Community harmonisation legislation, that product shall be released, provided that all the other requirements and formalities pertaining to such release have been fulfilled.

Article 29National measures


Where the market surveillance authorities find that a product presents a serious risk, they shall take measures to prohibit that product from being placed on the market and shall require the authorities in charge of external border controls to include the following endorsement on the commercial invoice accompanying the product and on any other relevant accompanying document or, where data processing is carried out electronically, in the data-processing system itself:

Dangerous product — release for free circulation not authorised — Regulation (EC) No 765/2008


Where the market surveillance authorities find that a product does not comply with Community harmonisation legislation, they shall take appropriate action, which may, if necessary, include prohibiting the product's being placed on the market.

Where placing on the market is prohibited pursuant to the first subparagraph, the market surveillance authorities shall require the authorities in charge of external border controls not to release the product for free circulation and to include the following endorsement on the commercial invoice accompanying the product and on any other relevant accompanying document or, where data processing is carried out electronically, in the data-processing system itself:

Product not in conformity — release for free circulation not authorised — Regulation (EC) No 765/2008


Where that product is subsequently declared for a customs procedure other than release for free circulation and provided that the market surveillance authorities do not object, the endorsements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also be included, under the same conditions, on the documents used in connection with that procedure.


Member States' authorities may destroy or otherwise render inoperable products presenting a serious risk where they deem it necessary and proportionate.


Market surveillance authorities shall provide authorities in charge of external border controls with information on product categories in which a serious risk or non-compliance within the meaning of paragraphs 1 and 2 has been identified.