Mass and balance documentation
The mass and balance documentation must contain the following information:
The aeroplane registration and type;
The flight identification number and date;
The identity of the Commander;
The identity of the person who prepared the document;
The dry operating mass and the corresponding CG of the aeroplane;
The mass of the fuel at take-off and the mass of trip fuel;
The mass of consumables other than fuel;
The components of the load including passengers, baggage, freight and ballast;
The Take-off Mass, Landing Mass and Zero Fuel Mass;
The load distribution;
The applicable aeroplane CG positions; and
The limiting mass and CG values.
Subject to the approval of the Authority, an operator may omit some of this Data from the mass and balance documentation.
Last Minute Change. If any last minute change occurs after the completion of the mass and balance documentation, this must be brought to the attention of the commander and the last minute change must be entered on the mass and balance documentation. The maximum allowed change in the number of passengers or hold load acceptable as a last minute change must be specified in the Operations Manual. If this number is exceeded, new mass and balance documentation must be prepared.
Computerised systems. Where mass and balance documentation is generated by a computerised mass and balance system, the operator must verify the integrity of the output data. He must establish a system to check that amendments of his input data are incorporated properly in the system and that the system is operating correctly on a continuous basis by verifying the output data at intervals not exceeding 6 months.
Onboard mass and balance systems. An operator must obtain the approval of the Authority if he wishes to use an onboard mass and balance computer system as a primary source for despatch.
Datalink. When mass and balance documentation is sent to aeroplanes via datalink, a copy of the final mass and balance documentation as accepted by the commander must be available on the ground.”