An operator shall ensure that recurrent training is conducted by suitably qualified persons.
An operator shall ensure that every 12 calendar months the programme of practical training includes the following:
Emergency procedures including pilot incapacitation;
Evacuation procedures including crowd control techniques;
Touch-drills by each cabin crew member for opening normal and emergency exits for passenger evacuation;
The location and handling of emergency equipment, including oxygen systems, and the donning by each cabin crew member of lifejackets, portable oxygen and protective breathing equipment (PBE);
First aid and the contents of the first-aid kits;
Stowage of articles in the cabin;
Security procedures;
Incident and accident review; and
Crew resource management. An operator shall ensure that CRM training satisfies the following:
The training elements in Appendix 2 to OPS 1.1005/1.1010/1/1.1015 Table 1, Column (a) shall be covered within a three year cycle to the level required by Column (e), Annual Recurrent CRM Training.
The definition and implementation of this syllabus shall be managed by a cabin crew CRM instructor.
When CRM training is provided by stand-alone modules, it shall be conducted by at least one cabin crew CRM instructor.
An operator shall ensure that, at intervals not exceeding 3 years, recurrent training also includes:
Each cabin crew member operating and actually opening each type or variant of normal and emergency exit in the normal and emergency modes, including failure of power assist systems where fitted. This is to include the action and forces required to operate and deploy evacuation slides. This training shall be conducted in an aeroplane or representative training device;
demonstration of the operation of all other exits;
realistic and practical training in the use of all fire-fighting equipment, including protective clothing, representative of that carried in the aircraft.
This training must include:
extinguishing a fire characteristic of an aeroplane interior fire except that, in the case of Halon extinguishers, an alternative extinguishing agent may be used; and
the donning and use of protective breathing equipment by each cabin crew member in an enclosed, simulated smoke-filled environment.
use of pyrotechnics (actual or representative devices); and
demonstration of the use of the life-raft, or slide-raft, where fitted.
An operator shall ensure that, unless the minimum flight crew is more than two, each cabin crew member is trained in the procedure for flight crew member incapacitation and shall operate the seat and harness mechanisms. Training in the use of flight crew members' oxygen system and use of the flight crew members' check lists, where required by the operator's SOP's, shall be conducted by a practical demonstration
An operator shall ensure that all appropriate requirements of Annex III, OPS 1 are included in the training of cabin crew members.”