OPS Part 1 prescribes requirements applicable to the operation of any civil aeroplane for the purpose of commercial air transportation by any operator whose principal place of business and, if any, registered office is in a Member State, hereafter called operator. OPS 1 does not apply:
to aeroplanes when used in military, customs and police services; nor
to parachute dropping and fire-fighting flights, and to associated positioning and return flights in which the persons carried are those who would normally be carried on parachute dropping or fire-fighting; nor
to flights immediately before, during, or immediately after an aerial work activity provided these flights are connected with that aerial work activity and in which, excluding crew members, no more than 6 persons indispensable to the aerial work activity are carried.
For the purpose of this Annex:
‘Accepted/Acceptable’ means not objected to by the Authority as suitable for the purpose intended.
‘Approved (by the Authority)’ means documented (by the Authority) as suitable for the purpose intended.
‘Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL)’ means a master list (including a preamble) appropriate to an aircraft type which determines those instruments, items of equipment or functions that, while maintaining the level of safety intended in the applicable airworthiness certification specifications, may temporarily be inoperative either due to the inherent redundancy of the design, and/or due to specified operational and maintenance procedures, conditions and limitations, and in accordance with the applicable procedures for Continued Airworthiness.
‘Minimum Equipment List (MEL)’ means a list (including a preamble) which provides for the operation of aircraft, under specified conditions, with particular instruments, items of equipment or functions inoperative at the commencement of flight. This list is prepared by the operator for his own particular aircraft taking account of their aircraft definition and the relevant operational and maintenance conditions in accordance with a procedure approved by the Authority.
Part M and Part 145 as referred to in this Annex are those of Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 of 20 November 2003(1).”