Article 3
For the purposes of applying Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1460/96, the following methods and/or procedures shall be used:
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 0403 10 51 to 0403 10 59, 0403 10 91 to 0403 10 99, 0403 90 71 to 0403 90 79 and 0403 90 91 to 0403 90 99, the milk fat content by weight shall be determined by the method referred to in point 3 of Article 2 of this Regulation;
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 1704 10 11 to 1704 10 99 and 1905 20 10 to 1905 20 90, the sucrose content, including invert sugar expressed as sucrose, shall be determined by HPLC; (invert sugar expressed as sucrose means the sum of equal amounts of glucose and fructose multiplied by 0,95);
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 1806 10 10 to 1806 10 90, the sucrose/invert sugar/isoglucose content shall be determined in accordance with the formulae, method and procedures set out in point 2 of Article 2 of this Regulation;
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 3505 20 10 to 3505 20 90, the starch, dextrin or other modified starch content shall be determined by the method set out in Annex II to this Regulation;
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 3809 10 10 to 3809 10 90, the amylaceous substances shall be determined by the method set out in Annex II to this Regulation;
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within either CN code 1901 90 11 or CN code 1901 90 19, the distinction shall be drawn on the basis of the dry extract determined by drying at a temperature of 103 ± 2 °C to constant weight;
For the purposes of classifying goods falling within CN codes 1902 19 10 and 1902 19 90, the method set out in Annex III to this Regulation shall be used to test for the presence of common wheat flours and semolinas in pasta;
The content of mannitol and D-glucitol (sorbitol) of the goods falling within CN codes 2905 44 11 to 2905 44 99 and 3824 60 11 to 3824 60 99 shall be determined by HPLC.