Commission Regulation (EC) No 994/2008 (repealed)Show full title

Commission Regulation (EC) No 994/2008 of 8 October 2008 for a standardised and secured system of registries pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Decision No 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance) (repealed)


1.The Central Administrator shall display and update the information in paragraphs 2 to 5 in respect of the registry system on the public area of the CITL’s website, in accordance with the specified timing, and each registry administrator shall display and update this information in respect of its registry on the public area of that registry’s website, in accordance with the specified timing.U.K.

2.The following information for each account shall be displayed in the week after the account has been created in a registry, and shall be updated on a weekly basis:U.K.


account holder name: the holder of the account (person, operator, Commission, Member State); in the case of operator holding accounts, the account holder name should be identical to name of the natural or legal person that is the holder of the relevant greenhouse gas permit;


alphanumeric identifier: the identifier specified by the account holder assigned to each account;


name, address, city, postcode, country, telephone number, facsimile number and email address of the primary, secondary and additional authorised representatives of the account specified by the account holder for that account, unless the registry administrator allows account holders to request keeping all or some of this information confidential and the account holder requested the registry administrator in writing not to display all or some of this information.

3.The following additional information for each operator holding account shall be displayed in the week after the account has been created in the registry, and shall be updated on a weekly basis:U.K.


points 1 to 3.1, 3.4 to 4.5 and point 6 of the information identifying the installation as listed in section 14.1 of Annex I to Decision 2007/589/EC;


permit identification code: the code assigned to the installation related to the operator holding account;


installation identification code: the code assigned to the installation related to the operator holding account;


allowances allocated and issued to the installation related to the operator holding account, which is part of the national allocation plan table under Article 11 of Directive 2003/87/EC and any corrections to such allocations;


the date of the greenhouse gas permit’s entry into force and the date of the creation of the account.

4.The following additional information for each operator holding account for the years 2005 onwards shall be displayed in accordance with the following specified dates:U.K.


verified emissions figure, along with its corrections for the installation related to the operator holding account for year X shall be displayed from 15 May onwards of year (X+1);


allowances and ERUs/CERs surrendered, by unit identification code, for year X shall be displayed from 15 May onwards of year (X+1);


a symbol identifying whether the installation related to the operator holding account did or did not surrender the necessary number of allowances for year X by 30 April of year (X+1) in accordance with point (e) of Article 6(2) of Directive 2003/87/EC and any subsequent changes to that status pursuant to corrections to verified emissions in accordance with Article 51(4) of this Regulation shall be displayed from 15 May onwards of year (X+1). Depending on the installation’s compliance status figure and the registry’s operational status, the following symbols shall be displayed together with the following statements:

Table IV-1:
Compliance statements
Compliance status for year X on 30 April of year(X+1)SymbolStatement
to be displayed on CITL and registries
Total allowances and ERUs/CERs surrendered for the period ≥ verified emissions in period until current yearA‘The number of allowances and ERUs/CERs surrendered by 30 April is greater than or equal to verified emissions’
Total allowances and ERUs/CERs surrendered for the period < verified emissions in period until current yearB‘The number of allowances and ERUs/CERs surrendered by 30 April is lower than verified emissions’
C‘Verified emissions were not entered until 30 April’
Verified emissions in period until current year were corrected by competent authorityD‘Verified emissions were corrected by competent authority after 30 April of year X. The competent authority of the Member State decided that the installation is not in compliance for year X’
Verified emissions in period until current year were corrected by competent authorityE‘Verified emissions were corrected by competent authority after 30 April of year X. The competent authority of the Member State decided that the installation is in compliance for year X’
X‘Entering verified emissions and/or surrendering was impossible until 30 April due to the allowance surrender process and/or verified emissions update process being suspended for the Member State’s registry’;

a symbol indicating if the installation’s account is blocked be displayed from 31 March onwards of year (X+1).

5.The following general information shall be displayed and updated within a week of any changes thereto:U.K.


the national allocation plan table of each Member State, indicating the allocations to installations and the quantity of allowances reserved for later allocation or sale shall be displayed and updated whenever there is a correction to the national allocation plan table, clearly indicating where corrections were made;


the fees charged for the creation and annual maintenance of holding accounts in each registry shall be displayed on a continuous basis. Updates to this information shall be notified to the Central Administrator by the registry administrator within 15 working days of any change in fees;


the type of Kyoto units that may be held by operator and person holding accounts in registries.