2.A credit rating agency shall be organised in a way that ensures that its business interest does not impair the independence or accuracy of the credit rating activities.U.K.
The senior management of a credit rating agency shall be of good repute and sufficiently skilled and experienced, and shall ensure the sound and prudent management of the credit rating agency.
At least one third, but no less than two, of the members of the administrative or supervisory board of a credit rating agency shall be independent members who are not involved in credit rating activities.
The compensation of the independent members of the administrative or supervisory board shall not be linked to the business performance of the credit rating agency and shall be arranged so as to ensure the independence of their judgement. The term of office of the independent members of the administrative or supervisory board shall be for a pre-agreed fixed period not exceeding five years and shall not be renewable. The dismissal of independent members of the administrative or supervisory board shall take place only in case of misconduct or professional underperformance.
The majority of members of the administrative or supervisory board, including its independent members, shall have sufficient expertise in financial services. Provided that the credit rating agency issues credit ratings of [securitisation instruments, at least one independent member and one other member of the board shall have in-depth knowledge and experience at a senior level of the markets in securitisation instruments].
In addition to the overall responsibility of the board, the independent members of the administrative or supervisory board shall have the specific task of monitoring:
the development of the credit rating policy and of the methodologies used by the credit rating agency in its credit rating activities;
the effectiveness of the internal quality control system of the credit rating agency in relation to credit rating activities;
the effectiveness of measures and procedures instituted to ensure that any conflicts of interest are identified, eliminated or managed and disclosed; and
the compliance and governance processes, including the efficiency of the review function referred to in point 9 of this Section.
[Opinions of the independent members of administrative or supervisory board issued on the matters referred to in points (a) to (d) shall be presented to the board periodically and shall be made available to [the FCA] on request.]