Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009Show full title

Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing (Text with EEA relevance)


1. All lairage facilities U.K.

1.1.Ventilation systems shall be designed, constructed and maintained so that the welfare of the animals is constantly ensured, taking into account the expected range of weather conditions.U.K.

1.2.Where mechanical means of ventilation are required, provision shall be made for an alarm and emergency back-up facilities in the event of breakdown.U.K.

1.3.Lairage facilities shall be designed and constructed so as to minimise the risk of injuries to the animals and the occurrence of sudden noises.U.K.

1.4.Lairage facilities shall be designed and constructed so as to facilitate the inspection of the animals. Adequate fixed or portable lighting shall be provided to enable the inspection of animals at any time.U.K.

2. Lairage facilities for animals not delivered in containers U.K.

2.1.Pens, passageways and races shall be designed and constructed to allow:U.K.


the animals to move freely in the required direction using their behavioural characteristics and without distraction;


pigs or sheep to walk side by side, except in the case of races leading to the restraining equipment.

2.2.Ramps and bridges shall be equipped with lateral protection to ensure that animals cannot fall off.U.K.

2.3.The water supply system in pens shall be designed, constructed and maintained so as to allow all animals at all times access to clean water without being injured or limited in their movements.U.K.

2.4.When a waiting pen is used, it shall be constructed with a level floor and solid sides, between the holding pens and the race leading to the point of stunning and designed so that animals cannot be trapped or trampled.U.K.

2.5.Floors shall be built and maintained in such a way as to minimise the risk of animals slipping, falling or injuring their feet.U.K.

2.6.Where slaughterhouses have field lairages without natural shelter or shade, appropriate protection from adverse weather conditions shall be provided. In the absence of such protection, these lairages shall not be used under adverse weather conditions. In the absence of a natural source of water, drinking facilities shall be provided.U.K.

3. Restraining equipment and facilities U.K.

3.1.Restraining equipment and facilities shall be designed, built and maintained to:U.K.


optimise the application of the stunning or killing method;


prevent injury or contusions to the animals;


minimise struggle and vocalisation when animals are restrained;


minimise the time of restraint.

3.2.For animals of bovine species, restraining boxes used in conjunction with a pneumatic captive bolt shall be fitted with a device that restricts both the lateral and vertical movement of the head of the animal.U.K.

4. Electrical stunning equipment (except waterbath stunning equipment) U.K.

4.1.Electrical stunning equipment shall be fitted with a device which displays and records the details of the electrical key parameters for each animal stunned. The device shall be placed so as to be clearly visible to the personnel and shall give a clearly visible and audible warning if the duration of exposure falls below the required level. These records shall be kept for at least one year.U.K.

4.2.Automatic electrical stunning equipment associated to a restrainer shall deliver a constant current.U.K.

5. Waterbath stunning equipment U.K.

5.1.Shackle lines shall be designed and positioned in such a way that birds suspended on them are clear of any obstruction and that disturbance to the animals is reduced to a minimum.U.K.

5.2.Shackle lines shall be designed in such a way that birds suspended on them will not remain hung conscious longer than one minute. However ducks, geese and turkeys shall not remain hung conscious longer than two minutes.U.K.

5.3.The whole length of the shackle line up to the point of entry into the scald tank shall be easily accessible in case animals have to be removed from the slaughter line.U.K.

5.4.The size and shape of the metal shackles shall be appropriate to the size of the legs of poultry to be slaughtered so that electrical contact can be secured without causing pain.U.K.

5.5.Waterbath stunning equipment shall be equipped with an electrically insulated entry ramp and designed and maintained so as to prevent overflow of water at the entrance.U.K.

5.6.The waterbath shall be designed in such a way that the level of immersion of the birds can be easily adapted.U.K.

5.7.The electrodes in waterbath stunning equipment shall extend the full length of the waterbath. The waterbath shall be designed and maintained in such a way that when the shackles pass over the water they are in continuous contact with the earthed rubbing bar.U.K.

5.8.A system in contact with the breast of the birds shall be built from the point of shackling until the birds enter the waterbath stunner in order to calm them down.U.K.

5.9.Access to the waterbath stunning equipment shall be available to allow the bleeding of birds that have been stunned and remain in the waterbath as a result of a breakdown or delay in the line.U.K.

5.10.Waterbath stunning equipment shall be fitted with a device which displays and records the details of the electrical key parameters used. These records shall be kept for at least one year.U.K.

6. Gas stunning equipment for pigs and poultry U.K.

6.1.Gas stunners, including conveyor belts, shall be designed and built to:U.K.


optimise the application of stunning by gas;


prevent injury or contusions to the animals;


minimise struggle and vocalisation when animals are restrained.

6.2.The gas stunner shall be equipped to measure continuously, display and record the gas concentration and the time of exposure, and to give a clearly visible and audible warning if the concentration of gas falls below the required level. The device shall be placed so as to be clearly visible to the personnel. These records shall be kept for at least one year.U.K.

6.3.The gas stunner shall be designed in a manner that, even at the maximum permitted throughput, the animals are able to lie down without being stacked on each other.U.K.

[F17. Low atmospheric pressure stunning U.K.

7.1. Low atmospheric pressure stunning equipment shall be designed and built to ensure a vacuum of the chamber enabling slow gradual decompression with reduction in available oxygen and holding at minimal pressure. U.K.

7.2. The system shall be equipped to measure continuously, display and record the absolute vacuum pressure, the time of exposure, the temperature, the humidity and to give a clearly visible and audible warning if the pressure deviates from the required levels. The device shall be clearly visible to the personnel.] U.K.