CHAPTER VICommon provisions

Article 23Late submission

1.Except in cases of force majeure and exceptional circumstances as referred to in Article 75, the submission of an aid application pursuant to this Regulation after the relevant time limit shall lead to a 1 % reduction per working day in the amounts to which the farmer would have been entitled if the application had been submitted within the time limit.

Without prejudice to any particular measures to be taken by the Member States with regard to the need for the submission of any supporting documents in due time to allow effective controls to be scheduled and carried out, the first subparagraph shall also apply with regard to documents, contracts or declarations to be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with Articles 12 and 13 where such documents, contracts or declarations are constitutive for the eligibility for the aid in question. In that case, the reduction shall be applied on the amount payable for the aid concerned.

If the delay amounts to more than 25 calendar days the application shall be considered inadmissible.

2.Except in cases of force majeure and exceptional circumstances as referred to in Article 75, the submission of an amendment to a single application after the latest date as provided for in Article 14(2) shall lead to a 1 % reduction per working day in the amounts relating to the actual use of the agricultural parcels concerned.

Amendments to a single application shall only be admissible until the latest date for a late submission of a single application as specified in the third subparagraph of paragraph 1. However, where that date is earlier than, or the same as, the latest date provided for in Article 14(2), amendments to a single application shall be considered inadmissible after the date provided for in Article 14(2).