Article 21


Where products are to be dispatched in the unaltered state for processing followed by exportation, the T5 control copy shall be issued by the selling intervention agency and boxes 103, 104, 106 and 107 of the part headed ‘Additional information’ shall be completed.

Boxes 104 and 106 shall carry the endorsements specified in the relevant regulation.

Box 106 shall also show:


the number of the contract of sale with the intervention agency;


where appropriate, the number of the removal order; and


the endorsement ‘Products from intervention to be placed on exportation under the external Community transit procedure’.

Box 107 shall show the number of the relevant regulation.


Where products are to be dispatched after processing in the Member State in which the removal from intervention stock took place, for further processing followed by exportation, the T5 control copy shall be issued by the authority verifying the processing.

In that part of the T5 control copy headed ‘Additional information’, boxes 103, 104, 106 and 107 shall be completed.

Boxes 104 and 106 shall carry the endorsements specified in the relevant regulation.

Box 106 shall also show:


the number of the contract of sale with the intervention agency; and


the endorsement ‘Products from intervention to be placed on exportation under the external Community transit procedure’.

Box 107 shall show the number of the relevant regulation.


Where products are to be exported after processing and are to cross the territory of one or more other Member State(s), the T5 control copy shall be issued by the customs office of departure on production of a document issued by the authority verifying the processing. That document shall be kept by the customs office of departure.

However, production of the document shall not be required in cases where the customs office of departure has verified the relevant processing.

In that part of the T5 control copy headed ‘Additional information’, boxes 103, 104, 106 and 107 and, where appropriate, 105 shall be completed.

Boxes 104 and 106 shall carry the endorsements specified in the relevant regulation.

Box 106 shall also show:


the number of the contract of sale with the intervention agency; and


where appropriate, the number of the document referred to in the first subparagraph.

Box 107 shall show the number of the relevant regulation.


Where the T5 control copy proving exportation of the goods is requested for release of the security referred to in Article 5 and for payment of the refund, the competent authority holding the security shall immediately send a copy of the T5 control copy, certified as a true copy, directly to the authority competent for payment of the refund.

In that case, the person concerned shall make the following entry in box 106 of the T5 control copy:

Refund to be paid by … (indicating the Member State and the full name and address of the authority competent for the payment of the refund).