CHAPTER IPersonal property belonging to natural persons transferring their normal place of residence from a third country to the Community

Article 10


Where, owing to occupational commitments, the person concerned leaves the third country where he had his normal place of residence without simultaneously establishing his normal place of residence in the customs territory of the Community, although having the intention of ultimately doing so, the competent authorities may authorise duty-free admission of the personal property which he transfers into the said territory for this purpose.


Duty-free admission of the personal property referred to in paragraph 1 shall be granted in accordance with the conditions laid down in Articles 3 to 8, on the understanding that:


the periods laid down in Article 4(a) and the first paragraph of Article 7 shall be calculated from the date on which the personal property is brought into the customs territory of the Community;


the period referred to in Article 8(1) shall be calculated from the date when the person concerned actually establishes his normal place of residence in the customs territory of the Community.


Duty-free admission shall also be subject to an undertaking from the person concerned that he will actually establish his normal place of residence in the customs territory of the Community within a period laid down by the competent authorities in keeping with the circumstances. The latter may require this undertaking to be accompanied by a security, the form and amount of which they shall determine.