CHAPTER VIConsignments sent by one private individual to another

Article 27

The relief referred to in Article 25(1) shall be limited, per consignment, to the quantities given against each of the goods listed below:

  1. (a)

    tobacco products:

    • 50 cigarettes,

    • 25 cigarillos (cigars of a maximum weight of three grams each),

    • 10 cigars,

    • 50 grams of smoking tobacco, or

    • a proportional assortment of these different products;

  2. (b)

    alcohols and alcoholic beverages:

    • distilled beverages and spirits of an alcoholic strength by volume exceeding 22 % volume; non-denatured ethyl alcohol of 80 % volume and over: one litre, or

    • distilled beverages and spirits, and aperitifs with a wine or alcoholic base, tafia, saké or similar beverages, of an alcoholic strength by volume not exceeding 22 % volume; sparkling wines, liqueur wines: one litre, or a proportional assortment of these different products, and

    • still wines: two litres;

  3. (c)
    • perfumes: 50 grams, or

    • toilet waters: 0,25 litre.