Article 11
In order to prevent or counteract adverse effects on the Community market which may result from imports of certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, listed in Annex III, the importation at the rate of duty provided for in the Common Customs Tariff of one or more of such goods shall be subject to the payment of an additional import duty if the conditions set out in Article 5 of the Agreement on Agriculture have been fulfilled unless the imports are unlikely to disturb the Community market, or where the effects would be disproportionate to the intended objective.
The trigger prices below which an additional import duty may be imposed shall be those forwarded to the World Trade Organisation by the Community.
The trigger quantities which must be exceeded in order for an additional import duty to be imposed shall be determined, inter alia, on the basis of imports into the Community in the three years preceding that in which the adverse effects referred to in paragraph 1 arise or seem likely to arise.
The import prices to be taken into consideration when imposing an additional import duty shall be determined on the basis of the cif import prices of the consignment concerned.
The detailed implementing rules for this Article shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16(2).
Those rules shall cover in particular:
the goods to which additional import duties are applied under Article 5 of the Agreement on Agriculture;
the other criteria necessary for application of paragraph 1 in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement on Agriculture.