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Article 24U.K.Additional requirements for supervision of environmental verifiers active in a Member State other than that where the accreditation or license was granted

1.An environmental verifier accredited or licensed in one Member State shall, at least four weeks before performing verification and validation activities in another Member State, notify to the Accreditation or Licensing Body of the latter Member State the following information:

(a)its accreditation or licence details, competences, in particular knowledge of legal requirements relating to the environment and official language of the other Member State, and team composition if appropriate;

(b)the time and place of the verification and validation;

(c)the address and contact details of the organisation.

That notification shall be provided before each verification and validation activity.

2.The Accreditation or Licensing Body may request clarification of the verifier's knowledge of the necessary applicable legal requirements relating to the environment.

3.The Accreditation or Licensing Body may require conditions other than those referred to in paragraph 1 only where those other conditions do not prejudice the right of the environmental verifier to provide services in a Member State other than the one where the accreditation or licence was granted.

4.The Accreditation or Licensing Body shall not use the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 to delay the arrival of the environmental verifier. Where the Accreditation or Licensing Body is not able to fulfil its tasks in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 before the time for verification and validation as notified by the verifier in accordance with paragraph 1(b), it shall communicate a reasoned justification to the verifier.

5.No discriminatory fees for notification and supervision shall be charged by the Accreditation or Licensing Bodies.

6.Where the supervising Accreditation or Licensing Body is of the opinion that the quality of the work of the environmental verifier does not meet the requirements of this Regulation, a written supervision report shall be transmitted to the environmental verifier concerned, the Accreditation or Licensing Body which granted the accreditation or licence, and the Competent Body to which the organisation concerned intends to apply for registration or which registered the organisation concerned. In the case of any further dispute the supervision report shall be transmitted to the Forum of Accreditation and Licensing Bodies referred to in Article 30.