PART IEligibility criteria for paddy rice

The requirements referred to in Article 7(1) as regards rice shall be, in particular, the following:

  1. (a)

    the paddy rice is free of odour and does not contain live insects;

  2. (b)

    the moisture content does not exceed 14,5 %;

  3. (c)

    the milling yield is not more than five points below the basic yields listed in Part III to this Annex;

  4. (d)

    the percentage of miscellaneous impurities, the percentage of rice grains of other varieties and the percentage of grains which do not comply with the standard quality as defined in Annex IV to Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, do not exceed the maximum percentages set out in Part IV of this Annex, by type of rice;

  5. (e)

    the level of radioactivity does not exceed the maximum levels permitted by Community legislation.

For the purposes of this Annex, ‘miscellaneous impurities’ means foreign matter other than rice.

PART IIPrices increases and reductions

1.The price increases and reductions provided for in Article 38 shall be expressed in euro per tonne and apply to the intervention price for paddy rice offered for intervention by multiplying it by the sum of the established percentage increases or reductions, as follows:

  1. (a)

    where the moisture content of the paddy rice exceeds 13 %, the percentage reduction in its intervention price shall be equal to the difference between the percentage moisture content of the paddy rice offered for intervention, measured to one decimal place, and 13 %;

  2. (b)

    where the milling yield of the rice differs from the basic milling yield for the variety concerned as set out in Part III(1) of this Annex, the price increases and reductions to be applied to each rice variety shall be as shown in Part III(2) of this Annex;

  3. (c)

    where the defects in the grains of paddy rice exceed the permitted tolerances for the standard quality of paddy rice, the percentage reduction to be applied to the intervention price shall be as set out in Part V to this Annex, by type of rice;

  4. (d)

    where the percentage of miscellaneous impurities in the paddy rice exceeds 0,1 %, it shall be bought in with a reduction in the intervention price of 0,02 % for each additional 0,01 % difference;

  5. (e)

    where a lot of paddy rice is offered for intervention for a particular variety but includes grains of other varieties exceeding 3 %, the lot shall be bought in with a 0,1 % reduction in the intervention price for each additional 0,1 % difference.


The price increases and reductions referred to in point 1 shall apply on the basis of the weighted average of the test results on the representative samples as defined in Part VI of this Annex.

PART IIICriteria for milling yield

1.Basic milling yield

Description of variety

Whole-grain yield(%)

Overall yield(%)

Argo, Selenio, Couachi



Alpe, Arco, Balilla, Balilla Sollana, Bomba, Elio, Flipper, Lido, Sara, Thainato, Thaiperla, Veta, Guadiamar



Ispaniki A, Makedonia



Bravo, Europa, Loto, Riva, Rosa Marchetti, Savio, Veneria



Ariete, Bahia, Carola, Cigalon, Cripto, Drago, Eolo, Gladio, Graldo, Koral, Mercurio, Niva, Onda, Padano, Panda, Ribe, S. Andrea, Saturno, Senia, Smeraldo, Dion, Zeus






Baldo, Redi, Roma, Tebre, Volano



Thaibonnet, Puntal






Arborio, Rea



Carnaroli, Elba, Vialone Nano









Unnamed varieties



2.Price increases and reductions relating to milling yield

Yield of whole-grain milled paddy rice

Price increases and reductions per yield point

Above the basic yield

0,75 % increase

Below the basic yield

1 % reduction

Overall yield of milled paddy rice

Price increases and reductions per yield point

Above the basic yield

0,6 % increase

Below the basic yield

0,8 % reduction

PART IVMaximum percentages

Grain defects

Round-grain riceCN code 1006 10 92

Medium and long-grain ACN codes 1006 10 94 and 1006 10 96

Long-grain BCN code 1006 10 98

Chalky grains




Grains striated with red




Spotted and stained grains




Amber grains




Yellow grains




Miscellaneous impurities




Rice grains of other varieties




PART VPrice reductions for defective grains

Percentage of defective grains resulting in a reduction in the intervention price

Percentage reduction33 applicable to the additional discrepancy beyond the lower limit

Grain defects

Round-grain riceCN code 1006 10 92

Medium and long-grain ACN codes 1006 10 94 and 1006 10 96

Long-grain BCN code 1006 10 98

Chalky grains

from 2 % to 6 %

from 2 % to 4 %

from 1,5 % to 4 %

1 % for each additional 0,5 % discrepancy

Grains striated with red

from 1 % to 10 %

from 1 % to 5 %

from 1 % to 5 %

1 % for each additional 1 % discrepancy

Spotted and stained grains

from 0,5 % to 4 %

from 0,5 % to 2,75 %

from 0,5 % to 2,75 %

0,8 % for each additional 0,25 % discrepancy

Amber grains

from 0,05 % to 1 %

from 0,05 % to 0,5 %

from 0,05 % to 0,5 %

1,25 % for each additional 0,25 % discrepancy

Yellow grains

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

6 % for each additional 0,125 % discrepancy

Each discrepancy is calculated from the percentage of defective grains, to the second decimal place.

PART VIMethodology of sampling and analyses for paddy rice

1.With a view to verifying the quality requirements as laid down in Part I of this Annex, samples shall be taken by the intervention agency in the presence of the offerer or tenderer or his/her duly authorised agent.

Three representative samples, each weighing a minimum of one kilogram, shall be collected. One each shall go to:

  1. (a)

    the offerer or tenderer;

  2. (b)

    the storage place where takeover is to take place;

  3. (c)

    the intervention agency.

To make up the representative samples, the number of individual samples to be taken shall be obtained by dividing the quantity of the lot on offer by 10 tonnes. Each individual sample shall weigh the same. The representative samples shall be made up of the sum of the individual samples, divided by three.

The quality requirements shall be verified using the representative sample intended for the store where takeover is to take place.

2.Representative samples shall be taken of each part-delivery (by lorry, barge, railway wagon) under the conditions laid down in point 1.

Before its entry into the intervention store the examination of each part delivery can be restricted to a check of the moisture content and impurity level and verification that no live insects are present. However, if it later becomes apparent when the check is finalised that a part-delivery does not satisfy the minimum quality requirements, the concerned quantity shall be refused for takeover. If the intervention agency in a Member State is able to check all the minimum quality requirements for each part-delivery before it enters the store, it shall refuse takeover of any part-delivery that fails to satisfy these requirements.


The control of the radioactivity level is performed only if the situation so requires and for a limited period.


The results of the analyses are communicated to the offerer or tenderer by means of the takeover record referred to in Article 34.


In cases of dispute, the intervention agency shall have the necessary tests on the cereals in question carried out again, the cost being met by the losing party.

A new analysis is performed by a laboratory recognised by the intervention agency on the basis of a new representative sample made up, in equal parts, by samples preserved by the offerer or tenderer and by the intervention agency. In cases where there were part deliveries of the lot offered, the result is given by the weighted average of the results of analyses of new representative samples taken for each of the partial deliveries.