PART VPrice reductions for defective grains

Percentage of defective grains resulting in a reduction in the intervention price

Percentage reduction33 applicable to the additional discrepancy beyond the lower limit

Grain defects

Round-grain riceCN code 1006 10 92

Medium and long-grain ACN codes 1006 10 94 and 1006 10 96

Long-grain BCN code 1006 10 98

Chalky grains

from 2 % to 6 %

from 2 % to 4 %

from 1,5 % to 4 %

1 % for each additional 0,5 % discrepancy

Grains striated with red

from 1 % to 10 %

from 1 % to 5 %

from 1 % to 5 %

1 % for each additional 1 % discrepancy

Spotted and stained grains

from 0,5 % to 4 %

from 0,5 % to 2,75 %

from 0,5 % to 2,75 %

0,8 % for each additional 0,25 % discrepancy

Amber grains

from 0,05 % to 1 %

from 0,05 % to 0,5 %

from 0,05 % to 0,5 %

1,25 % for each additional 0,25 % discrepancy

Yellow grains

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

from 0,02 % to 0,175 %

6 % for each additional 0,125 % discrepancy

Each discrepancy is calculated from the percentage of defective grains, to the second decimal place.