Article 55U.K.Intervention agencies and centres for cereals and rice

1.For cereals and rice, Member States shall notify the Commission of:

(a)the approved intervention agencies;

(b)the approved intervention centres;

(c)the approved storage places of the intervention centres; and

(d)the minimum quantity required for buying-in products at a fixed price if different from the quantities specified in Article 8(1).

2.The notifications shall be made in accordance with Article 58.

3.The list of intervention agencies, the list of intervention centres and their storage places and their updates shall be made available to the Member States and to the public by every appropriate means via the information systems put in place by the Commission, including publication on the Internet.

Article 56U.K.Weekly notifications for cereals and rice

1.When intervention is open and until buying-in has been completed, for each cereal listed in Article 10(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and for rice, Member States concerned shall notify the Commission not later than 12.00 (Brussels time) each Wednesday for the previous week of:

(a)the quantities of common wheat offered pursuant to Article 13;

(b)the quantities accepted on tenders pursuant to Article 20(1);

(c)the quantities to which Article 24(5) applies;

(d)the quantities subject to conditional takeover, in accordance with Article 31(1)(a).

2.For each cereal listed in Article 10(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007, and for rice, Member States concerned shall notify the Commission of the stock situation, no later than 12.00 (Brussels time) each Wednesday for the previous week of:

(a)the quantities stored at the beginning of the marketing year;

(b)the cumulative quantities taken over since the beginning of the marketing year;

(c)the cumulative quantities which have left the storage places since the beginning of the marketing year, identified by type of use or destination, and the cumulative quantities lost;

(d)the cumulative quantities earmarked (committed), identified by type of use or destination;

(e)the quantities under offer at the end of the weekly reporting period.

3.For each of the cereals and the cereal qualities considered relevant for the Community market, Member States shall notify the Commission no later than 12.00 (Brussels time) each Wednesday for the previous week, of the representative market prices, expressed in national currency per tonne. Those prices shall be calculated regularly, independently and transparently and shall refer, in particular, to the qualitative properties, the place of quotation of each product and the stage of marketing.

4.For each of the varieties of rice considered relevant for the Community market, Member States shall notify the Commission no later than 12.00 (Brussels time) each Wednesday for the previous week, of the representative market prices, expressed in national currency per tonne. Those prices shall be calculated regularly, independently and transparently and shall refer, in particular, to the processing stage, the place of quotation of each product and the stage of marketing.

5.The notifications shall be made in accordance with Article 58.

Article 57U.K.Monthly notifications

1.The intervention agencies holding intervention stocks shall notify the Commission not later than the 15th of each month for the previous month of the following items:

(a)for cereals, the weighted average results of specific weight, moisture content, percentage of broken grains and protein content recorded for the batches of each cereal taken over, at the regional levels defined in Annex III to Council Regulation (EEC) No 837/90(1);

(b)for butter and skimmed-milk powder:


the quantities for each product in storage at the end of the month concerned and the quantities entering and leaving the storage places during that month;


a breakdown of the quantities of each product leaving the storage places during the month concerned, according to the regulations by which they are covered;


a breakdown by age of the quantities in storage at the end of the month concerned;

(c)for beef:


the quantities for each product in storage at the end of the month concerned and the quantities entering and leaving the storage places during that month;


a breakdown of the quantities of each product leaving the storage places during the month concerned, according to the regulations by which they are covered;


the quantities of each boned product covered by contracts of sale concluded in the month concerned;


the quantities of each boned product covered by withdrawal orders or similar documents issued in the month concerned;


the quantities of each boned product obtained from bone-in beef bought in during the month concerned;


the uncommitted stocks and the physical stocks of each boned product at the end of the month concerned, with details of the length of time the uncommitted stocks have been in storage;

(d)for all products, the opening of a tendering procedure, the quantities awarded and the minimum sale prices fixed in the case of application of Article 50.

2.For the purposes of paragraph 1(b):

(a)‘quantities entering’ means quantities physically placed in storage, whether or not taken over by the intervention agency;

(b)‘quantities leaving’ means quantities which have been removed or, if taken over by the purchaser before removal, quantities taken over.

3.For the purposes of paragraph 1(c):

(a)‘uncommitted stocks’ means stocks not yet covered by a contract of sale;

(b)‘physical stocks’ means uncommitted stocks plus stocks covered by a contract of sale but not yet taken over.

4.For the notifications under this Article, the intervention agencies shall notify nil returns to the Commission.

5.The notifications shall be made in accordance with Article 58.

Article 58U.K.Method applicable to notification obligations

1.When reference is made to this Article, the Member States shall notify the Commission by electronic means using the form made available to them by the Commission.

2.The form and content of the notifications shall be defined on the basis of models or methods made available to the competent authorities by the Commission. Those models and methods shall be adapted and updated after the Committee referred to in Article 195(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 and the competent authorities concerned, as appropriate, have been informed.

3.The notifications shall be carried out under the responsibility of the competent authorities designated by the Member States.