ANNEX IIIU.K.Description of the ICES sub areas and divisions used for the purpose of fishery statistics and regulations in the north-east AtlanticICES statistical area (north-east Atlantic)

ICES statistical subarea VU.K.

The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 68o00′ north, 11o00′ west; then due west to 27o00′ west; then due south to 62o00′ north; then due east to 15o00′ west; then due south to 60o00′ north; then due east to 5o00′ west; then due north to 60o30′ north; then due east to 4o00′ west; then due north to 63o00′ north; then due west to 11o00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.

  • ICES statistical division Va,

    The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 68o00′ north, 11o00′ west; then due west to 27o00′ west; then due south to 62o00′ north; then due east to 15o00′ west; then due north to 63o00′ north; then due east to 11o00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.

    • ICES statistical subdivision Va 1,

      The area inside the rectangle defined by the following coordinates:

      63,0 N24,0 W
      62,0 N24,0 W
      62,0 N27,0 W
      63,0 N27,0 W
      63,0 N24,0 W
    • ICES statistical subdivision Va 2,

      That part of division Va not in subdivision Va 1.

  • ICES statistical division Vb,

    The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 63o00′ north, 4o00′ west; then due west to 15o00′ west; then due south to 60o00′ north; then due east to 5o00′ west; then due north to 60o00′ north; then due east to 4o00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.

    • ICES statistical subdivision Vb 1,

      The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 63o00′ north, 4o00′ west; then due west to 15o00′ west; then due south to 60o00′ north; then due east to 10o00′ west; then due north to 61o30′ north; then due east to 8o00′ west; then along a rhumb-line to a point at 61o15′ north, 7o30′ west; then due south to 60o30′ north; then due west to 8o00′ west; then due south to 60o00′ north; then due east to 5o00′ west; then due north to 60o30′ north; then due east to 4o00′ west; then due north to the point of beginning.

      • ICES statistical subdivision Vb 1a,

        That part of subdivision Vb 1 enclosed by the line joining the following coordinates:

        60,49 N15,0 W
        60,71 N13,99 W
        60,15 N13,29 W
        60,0 N13,5 W
        60,0 N15,0 W
        60,49 N15,0 W
      • ICES statistical subdivision Vb 1b,

        That part of subdivision Vb 1 not within subdivision Vb 1a.

    • ICES statistical subdivision Vb 2,

      The waters bounded by a line beginning at a point at 60o00′ north, 10o00′ west; then due north to 61o30′ north; then due east to 8o00′ west; then along a rhumb-line to a point at 61o15′ north, 7o30′ west; then due south to 60o30′ north; then due west to 8o00′ west; then due south to 60o00′ north; then due west to the point of beginning.